Back To School: CampusBook Rentals

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, but my love for the brand is true!

Last week, I was talking with a rising senior about preparing now for college. He was asking about saving money, what he needs to take with him, and how to organize life so that he can go ahead and start preparing now. Thinking that far ahead, I wasn't sure there was much advice I could give him. However, there was one thing that popped in my head that I was dying to tell him about, I wish it had existed when I was in college.

When I was in college, there was no Amazon, all textbooks had to come from the campus bookstore. That was painful. It was nothing to drop $500 on books for just one semester. Imagine paying just a fraction of that to be able to get through your classes. That's where Campus Book Rentals comes in.

There were only a couple of books I was interested in keeping from my college days, which were reference books that are still coming in handy today. Since you are very unlikely to keep those books, why buy them, when you can rent them?

Not convinced yet? When you rent books from Campus Book Rentals, you save 40-90% off the cover price of the book. You get free shipping both ways, feel free to highlight in the books, and there are flexible renting periods. They even offer 21-day risk-free returns.

Want to make some extra money, maybe to cover the cost of renting books? You can rent out your books. Make money off of them and retain ownership of your book.

How It Works:

What makes Campus Book Rentals even better? For every textbook they rent, they donate to Operation Smile. Operation Smile is an organization that helps cover the cost of the cleft lip and cleft palate surgery for children all over the world. Imagine saving money and giving back to a good cause.

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