2023 Educational Christmas Gift Guide

I love Christmas shopping for my kids. Because we don't watch TV and they don't have the influence of kids constantly around them, they actually have pretty short Christmas lists and they tend to be items they really want and are really aligned with their interests. Many times they ask for educational items and my husband and I always include books and other educational items. We got him a microscope about 7 years ago and I think it is still his favorite gift. 

This year I am sharing tried and true items that my kids love, as well as some things that are on our radar to purchase for Christmas or soon. 

1. Dig kits- There are so many available at every price range. These make the perfect gift for any kid because they can dig up anything from genuine fossils/ shark teeth, figurines, gemstones, pirate treasures, and Egyptian artifacts. My son has been digging Dinos with this for years now and this year he is getting a gemstone one. My daughter got her first one last year and this year is getting one to dig up shark teeth. They always take them camping because there isn't always somewhere to dig for diamonds and dinosaur bones. I do suggest starting them with a kit that comes with durable tools because they can be used to dig in the yard and in future kits because some come with tools that are not so good. Try this one that we bought our daughter. 

2. National Geographic Kids Ultimate Ocean-pedia- I am a huge fan of anything National Geographic. My daughter is getting this because she is obsessed with the ocean and wants to be a marine biologist. She's never seen the ocean, but I think it's in her blood- I was born on an island and always feel a call to the sea. 

3. National Geographic Kids 2023 Almanac- My son gets one every year and all year long he has it near him. He takes it everywhere and usually starts our day with some cool fact he learned that morning while he was reading. If he got nothing else for Christmas, he would be happy with this. 

4. Under-Water Scope- I have seen 2 versions of this: a Nancy B Science one and an Educational Insights one. I love that there is a light and the kids can explore the ecosystem of the creeks and rivers all year long. There are also versions that are much simpler, like this that do not have lights. 

5. Metal Detector- We have 2. One is a really good one and one is still a good one but it is for our son to use. He bought it with his own money and is his favorite purchase. It folds and fits in his backpack, which makes him really happy to be able to take it anywhere with him. There are even toy versions and underwater versions. Shop around and find the right one for your family. Here is the one my son bought

6. Cooking Set- My kids are getting one of these for Christmas this year. They love to help in the kitchen and this will allow them to help even more and start learning real safety without mom panicking. I'm very excited to let them do more than stir and the basics. They are going to love it. I might break down and give it to them early to help with Thanksgiving (I'm guilty of early gift-giving a lot). This is the one I have my eye on for them, but I may add in another cutting board and peeler... We'll just see. 

7. National Geographic Kids Dinosaur Atlas- My son has this. He's a tad bit obsessed with dinosaurs and wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. (As much as he digs, I think he's already one). He loves this book and tells us where dinosaurs are from and if one is mentioned, he'll go look it up and tell us where it was found. 

8. 5000 Awesome Facts (About Animals)- My daughter has this book and loves it. She's a struggling reader, so the short facts are easier for her to digest, but they are interesting enough to keep her attention and even my son enjoys hearing the facts. This is her morning read each day and she's learned so much. 

9. Telescope- This is next on our homeschool list. We want to make sure we get a good one (not professional) so that the kids can really experience it, but also so they can use it for the rest of their school years. We cannot wait to take it camping and hope we are able to add it in to this year's Christmas morning surprise. 

10. (Not Pictured) Nature- Access to nature continuously is the best gift we have been blessed to give our children. We love to explore more than our property as well. This is something that costs nothing and everyone has access to. We have bought explorer tools like phone microscopes and sifters, but we often use things we have recycled like spice jars. We actually kept a large cheese puff container to put critters in to watch. Isn't it wonderful that the best gift is free and they learn about science and God!  

Banking With Conscience

 Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

As a Christian parent, I try my best to lead by example. We pray for Christ and Christian values to permeate our lives- in every action, every word, and every moment with our children. We let them see us reading our bibles, having discussions about the bible, watching sermons, discussing decisions we must make, and enjoy our nightly family prayers. 

One of the things my husband and I try to pay attention to is the companies that we spend our money with. We don't want our money to support causes that we do not agree with. That is not always easy to do, but AdelFi Bank has us covered. 

Finding companies to work with is hard enough, but finding a bank with Christian values we thought would be impossible. We did finally find a Christian bank and were ecstatic! AldelFi Bank is a top Christian credit union and we are happy to have finally found them. 

Do you know where your bank gives and invests its money? Does it align with your values? By placing your financial resources with AdelFi, you’re uniting your finances with other believers to advance Christian values with empathy and compassion. AdelFi supports thousands of Christian organizations worldwide that spread the Gospel with AdelFi’s commitment to giving back 10% of its profits every year to support Christian. Whether you’re starting a family, running a business, or serving a non-profit or ministry, AdelFi has products and services that align with your financial goals and Christian values. Partner with like-minded people and still access the technology and services that makes day-to-day finance transactions easy.

When I hear of a store or organization that I support spending money to support causes that I do not align with, it really breaks my heart. I feel like I've done that horrible thing and it really effects me. I know I innocently supported, but I'd rather know where my money is going and that my money is supporting causes with Christian values. 

Recycling Christian Dollars – In a recent study by AdelFi, it found that young Christian consumers gave nearly 3x more than non-Christians. However, when supporting business that aligned with what they aligned with their beliefs/causes, they were no different than non-Christians.  And in some instances, non-Christians cared more than Christians about doing business with organizations that aligned with their non-Christian beliefs.  This was mainly due to the fact that there aren’t many Christian businesses marketing its values.  At AdelFi, we believe that as stewards of God’s money, we support fellow Christian businesses and understand the need to promote the intersection of faith and finances.  Daily purchase interactions should have a form of tithing daily.  Where you bank has a ripple effect on how resources get used or recycled within the Christian community.  Banking with AdelFi means more support to fellow Christian consumers, businesses, churches, non-profits, and causes. In fact, AdelFi is a not-for-profit credit union, where the money doesn’t go to wall street, but to God’s streets – where the Gospel is spread domestically and internationally. 

When my Mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer and we were looking for help to pay for her treatments because she didn't have insurance, we realized how many organizations do not actually "put money where their mouth is." There are many organizations that only 1% of their donations go to the actual study and treatment of breast cancer. Finding this out blew my mind and I started researching more. I started looking for more businesses and organizations that align with my values. Christ centered banking is something I never thought I would find. Thank you AldelFi for giving me confidence in where my money is going. 

Be sure to find AldelFi Bank on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with @AdelFiBanking




Book Review: If Mama Ain't Happy

 Disclaimer: I received this book for free to review. All opinions are my own. 

I love my family with my whole entire heart. When I first became a mom, people would tell me to take time for myself, keep myself healthy, and to set some boundaries. I thought they were foo-foo weaklings. I thought that I could do it all and they just couldn't. I thought I had been doing it all in my 20s. Boy was I wrong. Doing it all as a single lady with no kids is nothing like doing it all when you are 30+ with a husband and kids (let's include homeschooling those kids, running a business, and having one child with special needs). I got to where I was not happy. I was snapping at my kids and husband and even resented certain roles I took on. 

Over the years, I've learned more of what works for me, including having a certain size paper I can write a to-do list on- or I feel overwhelmed. This book has helped me even more. 

I used to be a mom who spent my days weary, anxious, and guilt-laden. I had five kids in five years, lived on three different continents, and then was blindsided by a devastating health diagnosis.

Neglecting my own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long—in an effort to be a selfless mother—had left me utterly depleted. And physically unwell.

Then I began asking a question I’d never considered before…

Could it be that taking good care of yourself is not actually selfish, but maybe, just maybe, something a responsible adult does?

Join me as we dive into the main areas of life causing moms to lose it… and how to get your peace back.


Why You Don't See Me: The Truth

This is a strange post for me to write, but I feel that I owe not only my readers an explanation, but also those bloggers that I love interacting with. 

If you haven't noticed, the only photos of me are from 9 plus years ago. Everything else, I'm behind the camera. There is a reason. No, I do not lack confidence, but I am aware that people on the internet are cruel and I don't want to open a can of worms to cause me to look at myself in a bad light- this is my form of protection. I hide behind the camera. 

These are some of the last photos I posted of me: 

The first picture is from about 11 years ago. I had started working on a paranormal podcast. The second picture is from about 8 years ago. I had started losing my teeth. The front ones were messed up, so I would still do pictures but close smile. I was no longer doing videos. Since then, all of my teeth have broken off. My pregnancy with my daughter caused my teeth to rot from the inside out and they look horrible. I no longer do pictures because my jawline looks different. Because of different things going on, I haven't been able to have my teeth cut out and dentures haven't happened but will. 

I know that the internet trolls will have fun if I did and I don't want to open myself to that. I love my followers and fellow bloggers. I love my life and love sharing my kids, creations, and ideas. 

If you have wondered why I'm always behind the camera when we should be in front- that is why!

Note: My kids will have pictures of us together. My in-laws and husband often sneak pictures of me doing things with the kids. 

5 Ways To Make The Homeschool Day Go More Smoothly

We are going into our 4th week of school and I'm tired. Well, tired and refreshed at the same time. Tired because getting back into the groove. Refreshed because I have discovered ways to make our homeschool day go more smoothly. 

We do school in different locations, so laying out everything on the table does not work. Maybe things that are helping us this year will help you as well. 

1. Pack lunches the night before. I use sandwich bowls and make bento lunches the night before. Then, the kids can get their lunches when they are ready for them and I don't have to stop teaching to fix something. I often use dinner leftovers. 

2. On Friday afternoon, I make sure my records from that week are up to date and gather for the next week. I have a folder for each day of the week and I gather all the supplies I can. I make sure to do this Friday evening because I can then devote my entire weekend to family time. 

3. Prepare like you would for a "public school" kid. Double-check that all materials are gathered, videos found, clothes laid out, room clean, and all that good stuff. Even though we don't have to rush out of the house in the morning, this will make the morning smoother. 

4.  Get excited about learning. I've always tried to show the kids that I love to learn and strive to learn something new each day. I realized something though. I was looking at homeschool like a job and not showing them excitement DURING school. When I get excited about what they are learning, they get excited. Act like a kid, enjoy the moment, have fun with your kids. 

5. Remember that we are all the ringmasters of our own circus. Everyone struggles with something, even those Instagram-perfect homeschool moms. No day is perfect and not every day will go as planned. Go with the flow. This type-A personality has had to let go and laugh at myself, my mess, and my circus. Because of that, this school year is going much more smoothly. But, I'm still a work in progress. 

I hope the things I've realized this year will help you or someone you know. 

Book Review: God's Great Embrace

 Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own. 

God's Great Embrace, by Adrian Best, is the best book that could have come out in this time. 

Excerpt taken from Adrian Best, God’s Great Embrace: Discovering Deeper Intimacy with Jesus (Port Orchard, Washington: Ark House, 2022). 

“This book seeks to explore the wonder and mystery of the gospel, the key to all Christian life and practice: the believer’s union with Christ.

What is this union? Why is it so important? There are few questions greater than these.

A dear friend and mentor once reminded me that we can’t take others where we haven’t been ourselves. I want to help you grasp something of your union with Christ by taking you on my own journey. Along the way, we’ll encounter some of life’s most burning questions. These deep mysteries of life and spirituality are not accessible by science, psychology, or philosophy, but are unveiled in the Trinitarian love and grace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit poured out for us in Jesus Christ.

I offer my thoughts on union with Christ as a fellow pilgrim to whom God has spoken about this glorious biblical truth through the ups and downs of my life, a good dose of seminary education, and my years of church life, Christian experience and prayer. I’ve experienced firsthand the truths and the treasures, the pitfalls and the mistakes described in the pages ahead. But this book isn’t about me. It’s about all believers. It’s about the Holy Spirit deepening our journey with Jesus into the Father’s heart.

What you’ll find here is down-to-earth and pastoral, while also rooted in biblical theology. Starting with foundational truths about this union in the first four chapters, the rest of the book gives rise to an abundance of practical applications, with the potential to transform your life.”

I have recently really been craving a closer relationship with Christ and really wanting to model for my kids to grow with Christ and dive into his word each day. The kids and I have been having many deep conversations with my kids and feel like this book has given me the push to really encourage my kids. 

You can purchase this wonderful book here

Guess what?! You can even win your own copy if you head on over to Blessed Freebies!

You can learn more about God's Great Embrace on social media by following these hashtags #GodsGreatEmbrace #ChristianBookReview #GodLovesYou #GraceUponGrace

Free Printable: Kids' Thank You Notes

 I have something fun to share with you this holiday weekend. I created this quick little thank you note template for my kids and thought I would share it. This could be used as a gift thank you, thank you for an act of service, or "thanks for being my friend." It is cute and fun- I hope you enjoy it!

The printable has 4 to a page

Why I Started This Blog


My first blog post here was April 18, 2012. It was named The Palmetto Queen then. My little Tbomb was about a year and a half old and Miss Snapper wouldn't make her appearance for more than a year later. That post was simply an introduction to me and my family. 

This blog has been through a lot of changes, including design and name changes. I have covered many different subjects and I have done sponsored posts, educational posts, and even ranting posts. 

Sometimes I have to go back and think about why I started here and what my mission was, especially when I can't seem to find inspiration to write a post. 

I was 27, had a toddler, and had adjusted to my role as a mother. However, I often found myself with nothing to do when all the chores were done and the Tbomb was sleeping. If you know me, you know that my biggest annoyance is being bored. I feel like I need to do something all the time. It wasn't until I was in my 30s that I learned to watch TV without doing something else at the same time. 

My mother-in-law understood my problem and introduced me to graphic design and also suggested that I find some "mom blogs" to read to give me ideas for things to do with Tbomb and ways to make life easier. What a wonderful idea. 

I actually didn't think I could do graphic design, but I like a challenge, so I tried. I actually succeeded at it and really enjoy making logos (I've always been interested in branding, so it was really fun.)

In reading the "mom blogs," I realized that there were things I could share with the world as well and asked her how I could do the same. She had been creating websites for years and blogging, so she was happy to help. Her blog is currently here

I finally had something productive to do with my time and I enjoyed employing my new graphic design skills as I grew here. It has been a journey I've really enjoyed and this year I aim to share more helpful things than ever!

Book Review: Hope In 60 Seconds

 I received a book to review. All opinions are my own. 

I was recently given the opportunity to read Hope In 60 Seconds: Encountering the GOD of the Impossible by Christina Baker. I truly enjoyed the book- it really is a book that everyone can get something out of. 


Has life stolen your hope? Have your prayers gone unanswered? 

After years of darkness- full of abuse, rejection, homessness, addiction, illness, loss, and injustice- Christina Baker couldn't believe in a good God. A God who cared. 

But in her dark night of the soul- high on drugs and facing jail time- Jesus came knocking at the door of her heart. She encountered the love of a God who creates beauty from ashes, binds up the brokenhearted, and heals even the most harrowing diagnosis. Now able to see the ways in which God loved and protected her even when she was unaware, Christina carries hope for anyone too weary, too broken, too hungry to carry it in themselves.

  • In Hope in 60 Seconds, Christina shares that hope and offers powerful wisdom to encounter, receive, and follow Jesus in the form of:
  • Twenty short prayers that point you to a God who will stop at nothing to fight for you.
  • Ten personal stories of the miraculous transformation made possible ty the Hero of Hope.

Biblical teachings that will introduce you to the God who has always sheltered the suffering.

Now more than ever, we need hope. Christina's dramatic story reminds us that the hope we hunger for is not a strategy or state of mind but deep, abiding faith in Jesus.  

 (from the back cover)

Christina Baker, a proud athiest, was hooked on drugs and living a life that would only lead to regrets. Instead of spending evenings with her son, she was partying and buying drugs. One night everything changed. She got pulled over and the drugs were found. She was sent to jail. She was angry at God. She realized that even though she didn't think she believed in God, she must becuase she was quick to blame him. A crack formed in her hard heart and God found a way in. She still had quite the journey to go on, but all God needed was a crack to get started. 

Hope in 60 Seconds is truly an amazing book. Broken into small segments, you can read a section in just a minute if you can't sit down and read loger- but I get pulled in and have truly enjoyed reading Christina's words. She is an amazing story teller and has a way of retelling Bible stories in a modern way that makes making connections come naturally. 

You can purchase Hope In 60 seconds here.  

Be sure to follow her on social media: 

Instagram: @iamchristinabaker

TikTok: Christina.Baker

Facebook: @Christina.Baker.543


Join GO MVMT and Help Spread The Gospel

 GO MVMT (Go Movement) is a campaign that inspires us to spread the Gospel and get others encouraged to pray and spread the Gospel. They offer a FREE action kit full of resources, encouragement, reminders, and prayers. The pray for 5 a day card is really wonderful. I taped mine inside my Bible cover for a daily reminder. 

GO MVMT is offering this wonderful toolkit for free. You can get it here https://bit.ly/3NlHaPP

The included resources are wonderful and I really like the prayers. Sometimes it isn't so easy to know what to pray but this helps. 

Remember, this action kit is free- go now and download it (https://bit.ly/3NlHaPP) and get to spreading the Gospel and praying for a fellow man. The world could use more prayers right now. 

Review: Kids Faith Krate

I received this product to review. All opinions are my own. 

I want to introduce to you a wonderful subscription service for your kids, just in time for summer fun!

The Kids Faith Krate is a wonderful program that sends a box full of activities to help your child grow in their faith. There are 4 crafts- one per week and you can get boxes for up to 3 kids. The boxes are designed for kids between the ages of 4 and 10, but even some older kids can really enjoy the activities. 

The boxes are delivered straight to your door for a month of fun and family discipleship. Kids Faith Krate aims to give parents direction and accountability in teaching their kids about their faith. They make it fun, convenient, and rewarding for the whole family. Each week not only features a craft but also a bible lesson to go along with the craft. You'll get the box at the beginning of each month to get the most out of each month's theme. June is Camp Compassion, and so very fun!

It is very reminiscent of the years I spent going to camp each summer and helping out with Vacation Bible School. We did some similar crafts each year, so sharing this with my kids has been a lot of fun. 

Summer Camp is so much fun! Whether it's a VBS or an overnight church camp, it's so good to step away from our regular schedule to focus on God. This month, we would love to invite your family to Camp Compassion! This will be a camp intentionally focused on the needs of others. All around us, people are going through hard things, even suffering, and we know that our God has compassion for them. We want to become more and more like God, showing kindness to those in need and helping to ease their burdens. We pray that your family has many intentional moments this month as you interact compassionately with each other and those around you. 

What a wonderful letter to parents to start the month out with. I really like that 1 Peter 3:8 "Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble." is the verse for the month. Each week, we are encouraged to do the craft together, memorize the scripture, read in different Bibles together, talk together, and pray together as a family. 

The very first craft is one I feel was needed for our family. My husband's grandfather passed in September, leaving behind a wife, who now is suffering from dementia. We are right next door, so we do spend a lot of time with her and are able to keep an eye on her as well. They had been married for a very long time and she is really struggling with the loss of her husband, as any of us would. The first craft directs us to make a bread napkin, bake bread, and deliver it to a widow. This made Nanny so very happy. Her whole face lit up. It also made the kids happy that they were able to do something to make her happy. They are always looking for ways to help her and they saw that something they think of as a little thing is a big thing to someone else. 

The very first activity blessed our family so much that I cannot wait to see what we bring from the other activities. I'm sure that your family will have a wonderful experience full of blessings as well. 

You can purchase the crates on their website and even get $10 off by using code: campinabox


My Recipe Was Featured: KFC Copycat Gravy on With Sweet Tea!

 My family loves to cook and we love homemade food. We also love to take recipes and tweak them so that they suit our family's tastes. One of those recipes is my KFC gravy copycat recipe. I tried several and they just weren't right, so I came up with my own. 

My mother-in-law and author of With Sweet Tea featured my recipe on her blog this week and it just make my whole week. Thank you, Melissa!

You can see the whole recipe here

My Top 5 Indulgences

Sounds swanky, doesn't it? Well, it's not really but in the almost 12 years I've been a mom, I have learned some things and one of those things is that we have to surround ourselves with things that make us smile. Our money goes to our kids, bills, pets, and husbands. We often feel guilty for spending "frivolous" money on ourselves. Just because it isn't an absolute need, doesn't mean that it is frivolous.

There are things I've started spending money on for myself in the last few years. Things are not important, but isn't it fun to write with a pretty pen. Here are the things that I spend a little more money on because I want to. 

1. Pretty Pens
I am very particular about the pens I write with. I write all day long and need a comfortable pen. Whats more is that I need a pen that is pretty to look at. Why not? I use it all day- let's make it pretty!


2. My Planner
I use 2 planners (as well as utilize Google Calendar). I am stuck with a paper planner and just cannot get used to anything else. I love writing things out and my life is in my planner. I have my planner and my school planner and I will spend more money to make them not only organized perfectly, but also pretty. My husband doesn't get it, but doesn't care if I do it either (he's pretty good about that).

 3. Costume Jewelry

I'm a lover of big bold jewelry and always have been. I love the classic look in a bold way so I wear a lot of pave jewelry that is chunky. The pave is classic and blends it together, but the big pieces and different designs give it a bold look. I come across costume jewelry (even if its fake) and wear it a while. Makes me happy. 

I also love the way I've pierced my ears over the years and the different and bold look they give me. I have a nose ring and 10 ear piercings and another piercing. I will get 3 more in my ears and my lip done after we go camping this year (no lake water in fresh piercings)

4. Fun Accessories

Whether it is a glitter wallet, a colorful leopard phone case, or a gold crossbody purse. I love shiny and bold accessories. My husband jokes that if he messes up, he just haves to give me something shiny and I'll forget about it. I wear black shirts and jeans almost all the time, but love to add character with shoes, jewelry, and accessories.

5. My Coffee Cup

My coffee cup is like a growth. I have it with me always and it has to keep coffee cold or hot and has to be my favorite color (can you guess what that is). I love to add in my colorful leopard straw and a cool sticker. The current one is "If you see my kids outside, mind your own business. We're having a fire drill. #HomeschoolMom" and the other says "Heifer Please" My daughter has a communication problem and cannot make hard consonant sounds, so she can't say T or S sounds. She calls Trevor Heffer, so its a fun joke at home and he loves it. 


10 Favorite Devotions For Kids

 Over the years, we have amassed quite the collection of children's devotionals. Some have been flops and some have been beyond wonderful. I'll share our favorites today. 


1. Jesus Always: 365 Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young

2. 365 Bible Answers for Curious Kids by Kathryn Slattery

3. Angels In The Bible for Little Ones by Allia Zobel Nolan

4. I Am: 40 Reasons To Trust God by Diane M. Stortz

5. 3-Minute Devotions For Girls: 180 Inspirational Readings for Young Hearts by Janice Thompson

6. 3-Minute Devotions For Boys: 90 Exciting Readings For Men Under Construction by Glenn Hascall

7. Louie Giglio Books

8. Minno Laugh and Grow Bible For Kids: The Gospel in 52 5-Minute Bible Stories by Phil Vischer

9. BibleForce Devotional: The First Heroes Devotional by Tama Fortner

10. I Can Learn The Bible: The Joshua Code For Kids: 52 Devotions and Scriptures for Kids by Holly Hawkins Shivers

Minno Bible & Streaming Service

Disclaimer: I received products to review. All opinions are my own. 

I have shared before about why my kids don't watch regular television. They watch a DVD each night and they sometimes watch Amazon Prime, but only things my husband and I watch beforehand and approve. If we do not send our kids to public school, why would we want them to have the influence of the television that other kids watch as well? The problem with regular streaming services is that we still have to watch everything and pre-approve it and sometimes that can be a pain. With the Minno Streaming Service, we do not have to do that. We can trust what our kids are watching is wholesome. 

Minno Kids is a streaming platform with endless hours of faith-filled kids shows and devotionals. We create and curate shows kids love and parents feel great about. Each episode on our platform is rigorously reviewed to ensure our content is entertaining, educational and theologically accurate.

Top shows on our platform include VeggieTales, Bibleman, Owlegories, Minno 5 Minute Family Devotionals, and Minno Church at Home.

We currently have an entire playlist of Easter episodes from popular shows like VeggieTales. Plus, we’ve created a brand new series called Hopeful Easter with episodes on Good Friday, Palm Sunday and Easter.

Right now, Minno Kids is offering a super-special offer. When you purchase the ADORABLE Minno Laugh and Grow Bible for kids, you will receive a coupon for 2 months free of Minno Kids streaming service. Buy the Bible here. (Offer ends April 30, 2022)

My kids love this bible. There are 365 stories that are written with kids in mind. Each story also has a prayer and a "thinking point" to get kids really thinking. One thing my kids really love is that the details shared in these stories are more in-depth and often different than in other kids' Bible storybooks. For instance, the Easter story, speaks of Joseph, the rich man, giving his tomb to Jesus and preparing his body. This is something not often discussed in other story books. 

 We have really been enjoying the Minno Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids and the Minno Kids Streaming Service. I hope you get a copy for your kids today!

Tips & Trips For Using Leftovers

 I don't know about you, but my grocery bill is getting out of hand. With growing kids that are 11, 8, and very active, I am being eaten out of house and home. It seems like no matter how hard I try, we have leftovers. I don't mind eating leftovers, but sometimes it isn't quite enough. We have found ways to reuse leftovers and we make our groceries go further and are able to cut that bill down. 

1. Macaroni & Cheese. We keep boxes of macaroni and cheese (the brand is your choice) on hand. If we have tacos, we stir the leftovers in and we have taco macaroni. We also have added leftover hotdog chili, vegetables, and other things. You would be surprised at what you can stir into macaroni and cheese to make another whole meal. 

2. Rice. We keep rice to make beef & rice or chicken & rice. This is perfect if you have a leftover roast or baked chicken. You can even serve leftover veggies on the side or stir them in as well. 

3. Do you struggle with lunch ideas like I do? Use leftovers to make lunch- smaller portions, so you don't need as much food. 

4. We love to make chicken salad with leftover chicken and barbeque if we have leftover pork. 

5. One of my favorite ways to use leftovers- because it is the easiest and my kids are pretty good about eating leftovers. I like to add in another vegetable and give the kids a few tortilla chips. It makes what is left go further and the kids love the chips. 

How do you make leftovers go further? 

Movie Review: Farm To Fork To Love

Tonight I'm bringing you the opportunity to watch a wholesome movie that will leave you happy and fulfilled after watching. Farm To Fork To Love is a movie you will want to keep on your watchlist and watch whenever you need a feel-good movie. 

Alice, a young and talented sous chef at NY's top restaurant, receives an invitation to judge a food competition for a prestigious annual fundraiser. Despite the dismay of Bret, her boss who is also her boyfriend, she accepts the invitation. Once she arrives in Kansas City, Alice is surprised to find her former boyfriend in college, Christian is among the judges. The cooking show and her reconnection with Christian will make Alice reconsider her dream.

You can watch the trailer here and even watch the movie on several different platforms: Netflix, Prime, Pureflix, and Tubi. Find all the options here. 

I love the storyline and that it is a wholesome movie without all the unnecessary language, sexual content, and other things that we may not want in our lives. I don't have to worry if the kids come in to cuddle up. I can keep watching without worrying about what they may see or hear. 

I refuse to ruin it for you because I am a movie fan and I love the surprise and twists they bring. You must watch this fantastic movie. 

If you watch it, please tag the actors @bossmeggan and @africanscot. You can also use the hashtags #farmtoforktolove #romcom and #moviereview

5 Reasons Our Kids Don't Watch TV

The Mr and I have gone through a journey with our kids and figuring out what works as far as what we allow in our home to influence our children. We are not screen free by any means, which will be another post in itself. We do have televisions, but we have very strict rules about what the kids watch. 

We homeschool our kids because we want our influence to be what they have in their younger years, instead of someone we do not even know having our kids for 8+ hours a day. 

We really thought about that in the form of television as well. We want to know what is influencing our kids. They do watch movies and because they both have a hard time falling asleep, we do turn a movie on at bedtime, but they are asleep before it is finished. 

First, let me say, I am in no way saying this is what you should do. It is just what is best for our family. Every family is different. 

1. Commercials. The kids still watch TV and their great-grandmother's house. She is a very wonderful Church of God Lady that will switch the channel in a heartbeat if something is not good. She watches with them, so she knows what they are seeing. The problem with this is that when they come home, for 2 days, I hear about the toys they want that they saw on a commercial. My kids are not "I want I want" kids, but after seeing commercials, they sure are. 

2. Episodes. It is near impossible to watch every single episode of a TV series and know that it is okay for them to watch. Some shows seem fine, then there is that one episode that is just way off the mark. 

3. Bad programming. We are just not fans of the agendas being pushed in schools, television, and with the government. We do not yet want our kids exposed when they are still so impressionable. It is allover television. I know this is controversial, but an 8 year old should not even be thinking about sexual orientation. 

4. Lack of educational shows. When the kids were little, they did watch PBS Kids and Sprout, with a little Disney Jr mixed in. I loved the educational shows and the shows helping kids learn to solve problems. Now that they are 8 and 11, there aren't many educational shows available for them. I'd much rather them watch an educational youtube video (that I've already selected), play a game, or even better- read a book or go outside and play. 

5. We aren't big TV watchers. We watch 1 episode of the old Survivor season a night after the kids go to bed and that's it. So, if it is something we aren't really into, why are we going to create that habit in our kids. 

Like I said, we are far from screen free in our house. The kids have tablets, old smart phones (with no service) and other electronics. They also have a TV/ DVD player in their room, but actual television is a big no in our house. We even turned our sattelite off and switched to streaming services. 

What are your thoughts on kids watching television? 

10 Tips For Packing Light (With Kids)

We don't take long trips unless we are camping. We prefer one or two nights away at a time. We can take more trips and we aren't away from the animals very long. With kids, even one night away can mean a lot of packing. I used to be a big over packer, but over the years, I've really toned this down. I'm going to share some things I have learned over the years. 

By the way, I know that with an infant, and even toddler, the packing is hard, but maybe these tips can help a little. 

1. Decide on an amount of luggage and stick with it. For example, we have one bag per person. If we stay one night, the kids have to put their clothes in their backpacks. More than that, we will have a bag just for clothing and toiletries. 

This one bag will include clothing, personal items (makeup/ toiletries) and entertainment. One night doesn't require a lot, but two nights with kids might require a little more entertainment. 

2. Be careful with "just in case items." These items make it easy to over pack. Depending on your child, an extra outfit might be a must, but just one, not one per day. 

The last time we traveled, I didn't take an extra outfit. My daughter has stomach issues and did need one. What did I do? she wore her pajamas home. Was it the end of the world? No. From now on, their pajamas will be loungewear when traveling. Solves that problem!

Keep in mind- if you don't use it at home, you probably won't need it away from home. 

3. What do you keep in your car? Emergency items, first aid kit, extra blanket? Do you really need to add those to your packing list? You have those items already, so you don't need more. 

4. Think about the ammenities the hotel offers. Do you need to take soap, shampoo (we do because our hair requires it), hair dryer, iron, etc? Leave those items at home. 

5. Consider simpler and easier styles while traveling. Wear your hair in a ponytail the next day. Wear the same jewelry, shoes, hoodie, etc multiple times. Take only your daily makeup. 

There is a lot of things we include in our packing list that we don't actually use, which brings me to number 6.  

6. Keep a general packing list that can be edited for the length of the trip. Mine is in a pocket so I can use a dry erase marker, but still edit it as needed. 

The key to this list is to continually edit it. Also, by keeping it small, I have limited space tolist things, which keeps the items we pack in check. This is my list for the whole family. I just write in the number of each clothing item we need based on how many days we will be gone.

Behind that, I have things to by that go in the family bag like lysol, coffee, snacks, etc. 

After each trip, as part of my unpacking routine, I go over this list and mark things off that we did not need because the kids are growing and do not need as much. I also add things that I wish we had. 

This list is my biggest tool for keeping us packing light. 

7. We never take full size toiletries unless we are going for a week or longer. I always keep travel size everything on hand in the kids pouches (also great for sleepovers, emergency trips, and even when Tbomb was in the hospital.)

These pouches have travel brushes, toothbrushes, shampoo/body wash, deoderant, toothpaste, a container for a night's medicine, floss, hair ties, Snapper's leave in conditioner, and other things that each kid needs at night (muscle cream for Snapper and essential oil for Tbomb). It's time to add some body spray for each. 

I have actually bought sample/ travel size items just because the container was the perfect size and I could refill them- like the spray bottle the leave in is in. 

However, most of the time, we share basic toiletries, so there is no need for the kids to have anything but their personal items. 

8. Be careful of the toys, they sure do take up a lot of time. Each of my kids get one lovey, the art stuff that stays in the backpacks, small toy like legos, and electronics. That's it. They usually get something to play with while we are exploring anyway. 

9. If there are things you just cannot be without, check into travel size and apps to solve that problem. Curling iron? Amazon has great travel options. Do your kids sleep with a noise machine? There are a ton of apps available, even free.

I purchased a travel power strip that has usb ports because there are never plugins where I need one and it has been so very handy. 

When we travel, I even use a Kindle Bible instead of taking mine and do not let the kids take books. They are heavy and they have kindles, so I update them before we travel. 

10. Don't stress about forgetting something. Almost everything can be bought. Just enjoy your family.