5 Reasons Our Kids Don't Watch TV

The Mr and I have gone through a journey with our kids and figuring out what works as far as what we allow in our home to influence our children. We are not screen free by any means, which will be another post in itself. We do have televisions, but we have very strict rules about what the kids watch. 

We homeschool our kids because we want our influence to be what they have in their younger years, instead of someone we do not even know having our kids for 8+ hours a day. 

We really thought about that in the form of television as well. We want to know what is influencing our kids. They do watch movies and because they both have a hard time falling asleep, we do turn a movie on at bedtime, but they are asleep before it is finished. 

First, let me say, I am in no way saying this is what you should do. It is just what is best for our family. Every family is different. 

1. Commercials. The kids still watch TV and their great-grandmother's house. She is a very wonderful Church of God Lady that will switch the channel in a heartbeat if something is not good. She watches with them, so she knows what they are seeing. The problem with this is that when they come home, for 2 days, I hear about the toys they want that they saw on a commercial. My kids are not "I want I want" kids, but after seeing commercials, they sure are. 

2. Episodes. It is near impossible to watch every single episode of a TV series and know that it is okay for them to watch. Some shows seem fine, then there is that one episode that is just way off the mark. 

3. Bad programming. We are just not fans of the agendas being pushed in schools, television, and with the government. We do not yet want our kids exposed when they are still so impressionable. It is allover television. I know this is controversial, but an 8 year old should not even be thinking about sexual orientation. 

4. Lack of educational shows. When the kids were little, they did watch PBS Kids and Sprout, with a little Disney Jr mixed in. I loved the educational shows and the shows helping kids learn to solve problems. Now that they are 8 and 11, there aren't many educational shows available for them. I'd much rather them watch an educational youtube video (that I've already selected), play a game, or even better- read a book or go outside and play. 

5. We aren't big TV watchers. We watch 1 episode of the old Survivor season a night after the kids go to bed and that's it. So, if it is something we aren't really into, why are we going to create that habit in our kids. 

Like I said, we are far from screen free in our house. The kids have tablets, old smart phones (with no service) and other electronics. They also have a TV/ DVD player in their room, but actual television is a big no in our house. We even turned our sattelite off and switched to streaming services. 

What are your thoughts on kids watching television? 

10 Tips For Packing Light (With Kids)

We don't take long trips unless we are camping. We prefer one or two nights away at a time. We can take more trips and we aren't away from the animals very long. With kids, even one night away can mean a lot of packing. I used to be a big over packer, but over the years, I've really toned this down. I'm going to share some things I have learned over the years. 

By the way, I know that with an infant, and even toddler, the packing is hard, but maybe these tips can help a little. 

1. Decide on an amount of luggage and stick with it. For example, we have one bag per person. If we stay one night, the kids have to put their clothes in their backpacks. More than that, we will have a bag just for clothing and toiletries. 

This one bag will include clothing, personal items (makeup/ toiletries) and entertainment. One night doesn't require a lot, but two nights with kids might require a little more entertainment. 

2. Be careful with "just in case items." These items make it easy to over pack. Depending on your child, an extra outfit might be a must, but just one, not one per day. 

The last time we traveled, I didn't take an extra outfit. My daughter has stomach issues and did need one. What did I do? she wore her pajamas home. Was it the end of the world? No. From now on, their pajamas will be loungewear when traveling. Solves that problem!

Keep in mind- if you don't use it at home, you probably won't need it away from home. 

3. What do you keep in your car? Emergency items, first aid kit, extra blanket? Do you really need to add those to your packing list? You have those items already, so you don't need more. 

4. Think about the ammenities the hotel offers. Do you need to take soap, shampoo (we do because our hair requires it), hair dryer, iron, etc? Leave those items at home. 

5. Consider simpler and easier styles while traveling. Wear your hair in a ponytail the next day. Wear the same jewelry, shoes, hoodie, etc multiple times. Take only your daily makeup. 

There is a lot of things we include in our packing list that we don't actually use, which brings me to number 6.  

6. Keep a general packing list that can be edited for the length of the trip. Mine is in a pocket so I can use a dry erase marker, but still edit it as needed. 

The key to this list is to continually edit it. Also, by keeping it small, I have limited space tolist things, which keeps the items we pack in check. This is my list for the whole family. I just write in the number of each clothing item we need based on how many days we will be gone.

Behind that, I have things to by that go in the family bag like lysol, coffee, snacks, etc. 

After each trip, as part of my unpacking routine, I go over this list and mark things off that we did not need because the kids are growing and do not need as much. I also add things that I wish we had. 

This list is my biggest tool for keeping us packing light. 

7. We never take full size toiletries unless we are going for a week or longer. I always keep travel size everything on hand in the kids pouches (also great for sleepovers, emergency trips, and even when Tbomb was in the hospital.)

These pouches have travel brushes, toothbrushes, shampoo/body wash, deoderant, toothpaste, a container for a night's medicine, floss, hair ties, Snapper's leave in conditioner, and other things that each kid needs at night (muscle cream for Snapper and essential oil for Tbomb). It's time to add some body spray for each. 

I have actually bought sample/ travel size items just because the container was the perfect size and I could refill them- like the spray bottle the leave in is in. 

However, most of the time, we share basic toiletries, so there is no need for the kids to have anything but their personal items. 

8. Be careful of the toys, they sure do take up a lot of time. Each of my kids get one lovey, the art stuff that stays in the backpacks, small toy like legos, and electronics. That's it. They usually get something to play with while we are exploring anyway. 

9. If there are things you just cannot be without, check into travel size and apps to solve that problem. Curling iron? Amazon has great travel options. Do your kids sleep with a noise machine? There are a ton of apps available, even free.

I purchased a travel power strip that has usb ports because there are never plugins where I need one and it has been so very handy. 

When we travel, I even use a Kindle Bible instead of taking mine and do not let the kids take books. They are heavy and they have kindles, so I update them before we travel. 

10. Don't stress about forgetting something. Almost everything can be bought. Just enjoy your family. 

Review: Neighborliness by David Docusen

 Disclaimer: I recieved a book to review. All opinions are my own. 

Love your neighbor. It is something we hear all the time, but when we really sit down and think about it, it can be a difficult thing to do. Loving our neighbors isn't just loving those we know, associate with, or buying a burger for a homeless person. It goes so much deeper than that. 

David Docusen gives us a guide to truly loving our neighbors so we can walk a closer walk with God and Jesus. Neighborliness: Love Like Jesus, Cross Dividing Lines, Transform Your Community.

David challenges us through scripture to really love our neighbors. There are three main points he teaches on. 1. Actively seek friendship with people who come from different backgrounds. 2. Learn ways to have honest conversations that help us love like Jesus. 3. Overcome fears that keep us from crossing dividing lines to participate in kingdom work. 

David uses scriptures, examples, and his own missteps to give us hope and guidence in this journey of loving the others in our world. David gives us hope beyond the cultural, poitical, and personal tensions of our communities

If you are interested in purchasing Neighborlines, just click here

You can follow David Docusen on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

You can also follow the conversation and join in with these hashtags: #neighborliness #loveyourneighbor #lovegodloveothers #bekind #lovelikejesus

Review: Louie Giglio God & Science Books

Disclaimer: I received these books to review. All opinions are my own. 

For years, my kids and I have really enjoyed the book How Great Is Our God, by Louie Giglio. I had his book Indescribable on my list to buy them and when I found out that The Wonder of Creation was joining the group, I knew I'd have to have it as well. 

My kids really like science and often question about why the Bible contradicts what the scientists say and we have had some really great conversations about this. We pull out our Bibles and dive in. What I love about these books is that each day's devotional starts with a mini science lesson or fact and then it tells us what we can learn about God and the Bible with it and ends with a prayer. We start our homeschool day with How Great is Our God each day. 

I cannot wait to dive into the other two with my curious kids. 

You can purchase all three books here. 

Be sure to follow @LouieGiglio on Instagram and join the conversation with these hashtags: #IndescribableKidsBooks #GodandScienceBooks #HomeSchoolScience

Review: Revolution In World Missions

Disclaimer: I recieved a book to review. All opinions are my own.

One of my favorite books of the Bible and one that I am really craving a deep dive into is Acts. Paul's journey amazes me and I can only imagine the impact he had on the people of his time. Another man is making quite an impact across the nations. K.P. Yohannan has made such a huge difference in so many lives carrying out the mission to serve God and to spread the word of his love. 

If you would like to receive a free copy of Revolution in World Missions, they are free to anyone who would like one. Just visit this link


"Lord, I'll give myself to speak for You." 

Young Yohannan had no idea what those words of surrender would mean for his life and for millions of others in his generation. Once an insecure 16-year-old, he became a missionary statesman who has impacted the world of missions and whose unbending message has touched hungry hearts on every continent. 

Step into his story and experience the world through his eyes. You'll walk right into the book of Acts. And through his telling, you'll hear the very heart of God beating for His creation. K.P. Yohannan's passion is contagious and spurs you on to be all for Jesus. 

He chose to take the road less traveled many years ago, and today Gospel for Asia, www.gfa.org the mission he founded, is one of the most respected organizations in our time with thousands of national workers and vibrant congregations throughout the heart of the 10/40 Window. 

Get ready, your life is about to change!

Do you long to let go of self-centeredness and be more eternally minded?

Do you desire to make a difference in the lost world but aren't sure how to go about it?

Change Your Life

Many people have said this book changed their life—and it just might change yours too!


You can follow along with the movement on social media @gospelforasia

You can also follow along and participate in the conversation with these hashtags: #freebook #gfa #gospelforasia #missions #greatcommission 

Review: Who Are You Following? Book & Guided Journal

 Disclaimer: I received this book and journal to review. All opinions are my own. 

God has a unique purchase for each and everyone of us. He gives us a clear direction if we are following and listening. That can be hard to do in this crazy world and all the noise that we have surrounding us. 

In Who Are You Following, Sadie challenges us to not just strive to be seen in a world that seems to only care about that, but to strive to be known by followers, friends, family, and most of all- God.

Sadie is not suggesting that we give up social media or turn against it. Instead, she encourages us to take care of ourselves while scrolling social media and to really pay attention to the accounts we are following. 

When we scroll social media, it is so easy to judge people, but we really need to turn that around and seek to understand people instead. Remember that those are "cancelled" are usually those that give hope. 

Most of all, Sadie wants us to understand that our past does not hold us back. No matter what happened in our past, no matter how good or how bad, we can be a new creation in Jesus Christ today at this minute.

You can learn more about Sadie's  book and journal here. 

You can follow along on social media using @legitsadierob and @liveoriginal or #WhoAreYouFollowingBook. 

How the Arts Can Help Your Child Shine, No Matter Their Background

No matter your child's language, background, or challenges, learning the arts is something that can transcend all types of difficulties. Furthermore, for children living with disabilities, partaking in one or more of these artistic activities has the potential to open up a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities that may not have been accessible to them before. Cari On Living weighs in on why and how you should consider letting your child join the arts.

The therapeutic melodies of music

From learning the piano to playing guitar to belting on drums, learning how to read and play music can be highly beneficial to children who struggle to read and write ordinarily. In addition to teaching them practical skills, music also has been shown to strengthen concentration and reduce anxiety. For children with cognitive disabilities like autism, for example, music can help them to self-regulate their emotions better.

Expressive dance and movement

Dance is another one of those powerful activities that is universal. Not only do dance and movement give children, in general, the confidence to express themselves better, but dance coupled with music can help improve concentration and lessen anxiety for children living with ADHD. Besides this, dance is highly beneficial for children with physical impairments as it can help build muscle strength, boost their ability to balance better and as well as improve their self-esteem and confidence levels.

Taking center stage

Here, we're referring to the benefits of taking theatrical or drama classes. Furthermore, learning theater has numerous benefits that go beyond just giving your child the ability to express themselves better. Of them, a few of the major benefits include becoming more socially aware and involved, enhancing communication skills, as well as helping them to embrace their individuality.

Artwork and painting

Most children love to paint. The joy of expressing their creativity on paper or canvas is plain to see. For kids that struggle to communicate, art allows kids to express themselves in ways they are comfortable with. In addition to this, there needs to be no comparison between others because beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

Discovering abilities you never knew you had

If you're the parent of a child with disabilities, then you'll know how much patience is required on your part to help your child overcome their unique challenges. Furthermore, you've probably had to learn to teach your child in ways only they understand. Perhaps, along the way, you've also found that you're quite good at it and really enjoy teaching more than you thought you would have. And you have, therefore, decided to open up your own teaching school to further help those in need.

As far as business types go, there are some that are more popular than others. For example, one of the more popular business structures for a new business just starting out is an LLC. What makes it a favorable choice is the fact that it has many advantages including increased flexibility, there is less paperwork to have to go through, tax benefits as well as its limited liability. Of course, you should be aware of the different filing requirements that may differ from state to state. If you'd rather pass this task along to someone else, a formation service like Zenbusiness.com can help you in meeting these filing regulations, often much more cost-effectively than going the lawyer route would.

In summary, if you are thinking about enrolling your child in the arts in some form or another (and you have the go-ahead from their therapist or doctor), then you probably should and do it soon. As seen from above, the advantages of doing the arts are too numerous to mention and will benefit your child overall not just for today but for years to come.

Image via Pexels