Review: Neighborliness by David Docusen

 Disclaimer: I recieved a book to review. All opinions are my own. 

Love your neighbor. It is something we hear all the time, but when we really sit down and think about it, it can be a difficult thing to do. Loving our neighbors isn't just loving those we know, associate with, or buying a burger for a homeless person. It goes so much deeper than that. 

David Docusen gives us a guide to truly loving our neighbors so we can walk a closer walk with God and Jesus. Neighborliness: Love Like Jesus, Cross Dividing Lines, Transform Your Community.

David challenges us through scripture to really love our neighbors. There are three main points he teaches on. 1. Actively seek friendship with people who come from different backgrounds. 2. Learn ways to have honest conversations that help us love like Jesus. 3. Overcome fears that keep us from crossing dividing lines to participate in kingdom work. 

David uses scriptures, examples, and his own missteps to give us hope and guidence in this journey of loving the others in our world. David gives us hope beyond the cultural, poitical, and personal tensions of our communities

If you are interested in purchasing Neighborlines, just click here

You can follow David Docusen on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

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