5 Easy Tips For Handling Mail

One of the hardest things for me to stay organized with and on top of is mail. I am not referring to incoming mail. That is easy for me; I handle it when it comes in the house. It is my outgoing mail that I have such a hard time with.  I know this does not make a whole lot of sense, but it is just the way I am. Responding to mail, writing letters, sending forms; all of which usually gets pushed to the last possible day for me to complete it. Over the years, I have found a few things to help with this perpetual procrastination of sending mail.

1. If I get mail and I need to respond, I clip it in my current week of my calendar. That way I’m staring at it, have to move it, and it gets on my nerves. This usually pushes me to take care of it sooner.

2. Use a stamp for return addresses. You can find cheap custom stamps that will make addressing so much easier. Another benefit to this is that I am obsessed with office supplies, so I enjoy using the stamp.

3. Use a wall calendar with pockets (I get mine free from the power company every year). At the beginning of the year, or every few months) find all the birthdays, anniversaries, and other mail that is known about ahead of time together. Fill all of them out, address, and even stamp everything. Put them in the pocket for the month they belong to. The first of every month, grab that group and mail. This works wonders for me. As the months go by, you can also stick things that you receive/ receipts/ etc. in the pockets.

4. Make it as fun as possible. Create a mail station or cute little “mail box” for keeping all mail supplies in. If it is pretty, we want to use it! I keep all my things that I need to get ready to be mailed in my planner along with stamps (when I remember) and address labels. This is my “secondary” mail station. I can handle my mail while waiting at appointments, waiting in the car for whatever reason, or even waiting on hold.

5. The easiest tip I can give you is to keep stamps on hand. I am horrible at making sure I have stamps, which only adds to my procrastination problem. I also keep the orange envelopes from the mail carrier so that if I need to purchase stamps, mail a larger package, or buy a money order, I can do it from home without going to the post office (who enjoys that anyway?)!

I hope my five tips for handling mail help. I am not completely rehabilitated with the sending mail process, but I am headed there. I would love to hear your tips for keeping mail under control (I’m always looking for new tips)

This sponsored post was made possible by SheHeard. I have been compensated for my time and work on this campaign, however all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

Reflections & Resolutions

One of the most important aspects of getting organized is seeing what you have accomplished and what you still want to accomplish. Even though some say that it is not healthy to have resolutions, it is essential to my well-being. I have to have things to work towards and to help me see what I have accomplished. This is why year after year, no matter the results of previous years, I continue to have resolutions. The only difference between mine and others is that I do not set resolutions on January first. I give myself the month of January to reflect on what I have done and what I want to accomplish. I will share these with you.

2012 Professional Resolutions
  1. Create a landing page for all of my projects -Still working on this one
  2. Get at least one sponsor -Decided against this, but maybe on this blog
  3. Be self hosted -Done, and it is the best think I could have done. 
  4. Increase my Facebook Fanpage to 100 likes - Done
  5. Schedule posts at least a week in advance -I don't see this ever happening
  6. Have a significant increase in blog traffic -I would say that I've done this
  7. Create a members only section for those who want customized tags and blog kits - Decided against this, I did create a group for blogger support though. 
  8. Start my own happiness project -That is kind of what this blog is. 
  9. Participate in 31 days to a better blog with the SITS Girls -Check Check Check
  10. Join the Clever Girls Network - Applied and Approved
  11. Start posting reviews of gadgets/ websites for my readers -Done
  12. Have an empty inbox at least once a week -I do this every week!
  13. Write at least one featured friday post a month -Did this for a while, but I have moved away from this idea. I have started something different. I will write about that another time. 
  14. Take on 3 new clients -Done
  15. Take more photos and learn new editing techniques -Done
  16. Change NighLon’s newsletter format -Done
  17. Write a re-branding strategy and execute with NighLon -Done
  18. Learn to create apps: mobile, web, and facebook. -Done, and still learning
  19. Create a portfolio -Done, it will all be live soon!
  20. Update my readers once a month on my progress. -I obviously did not do this *frowny face*
I did pretty good on these!

2012 Personal Resolutions:
  1. Have the prince potty trained -Done
  2. Find a job -Made my own
  3. Take a picture every day -Almost every day- it averages out to more than one a day. 
  4. Start my very own happiness project -Done
  5. Craft more and open an etsy store -I have crafted a little more, but I'm not opening a store. I just don't have time for that. 
  6. Post more recipes on Cupcakes & Sweet Tea We are changing up a bit, more on that soon!
  7. Join in on Project Marriage -Going a different direction on this
  8. Create a landing page for all of my projects -Still working on this. 
  9. MOVE into our own home -We decided to build (ourselves! luckily the hubby does construction!)
  10. Start reviewing web services for my readers. -Done
  11. Lose 100 pounds -Not even close, but I've lost a few. I'm going to let that count! 
  12. Exercise 3 days a week, and eventually elevate this to 5 days a week -Does chasing a toddler count?
  13. Post on at least 1 blog every day -For the most part, considering I have 4
  14. Spend more time outside -Done
  15. Start writing my book -Done- the outline and letter to readers is done
  16. Create an organizing system I am satisfied with -Its a work in progress, but it is a step completed. 
  17. Learn to bake a cake -Does boxed cake count? No, but I can make some mean sugar cookies (and peanut butter cookies)
  18. Learn to decorate cookies -With powdered sugar and stencils. 
  19. Grow my hair out -Done, it is pretty long now!
  20. Post more about me as mommy! I love this life! -Done, welcome to The Palmetto Queen
I did really good in 2012, so hopefully 2013 will go as smoothly. 

For 2013, I decided on 13 personal and 13 professional resolutions. 

  1. Read a book every month. I love to read- just haven't made time for it lately
  2. Do yoga again
  3. Run 1 mile
  4. Lose 90 lbs. I will have a whole post about this soon
  5. Go visit Mom in Florida
  6. Craft once a month with the little guy
  7. Return to school (major in communications; minor in religious studies/ sociology)
  8. Continue to help CSPRI Inc grow and have Paralina Radio be one of the most recognized paranormal radio shows in the industry. 
  9. Learn to be my own life coach
  10. Downsize obligations. Stop doing the things that I am not passionate about.
  11. Publish my book
  12. Complete 30 before 30 
  13. Be sparkly!
  1. Finish re-branding and renaming of NighLon
  2. Redesign and reorganize The Palmetto Queen
  3. Create posting schedule for ALL blogs, and stick to it
  4. Significant traffic increase to blogs
  5. Make significant progress in 5 year plan
  6. Return to music industry in some manner
  7. Expand client base
  8. Expand services offered
  9. Create work schedule so I can spend more time with my family
  10. Continue to help Econfina Press grow and reach out to new authors
  11. Create home page to link all of my projects
  12. Get the ball rolling on NighLon's new direction
  13. make sure image/ information correlates across internet. 
I have faith that I can accomplish these goals and there will be posts more specific to many of them!

I'm a Horrible Blogger

I know I promised to be back a couple of weeks ago, but it just didn't happen.

Between getting over the flu, catching up on family time, and working hard on some projects, The Palmetto Queen has been severely neglected.

I wanted to apologize for this. Even though this blog is a hobby, I still love writing it and love hearing from my readers.

I will be catching up on some posts over the next several days.- I have some amazing things to share with you along with some organizational posts.

After that, I will be doing some redesign and restructuring of The Palmetto Queen- I promise it will all be for the best!

In the meantime, you can follow me on twitter and instagram (yes, I finally got on the instagram wagon!)
I'm no longer blonde!

The Prince says hi!!!