Mail Order Mystery: A Fun And Educational Surprise

Disclaimer: I received membership in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.

I have been dying to share Mail Order Mystery with you guys. Its such a fun subscription that has a ton of benefits for you and your child. An added benefit for us is that with my husband and I being bigfoot researchers, the kids are interested as well and they get excited to solve the mystery. With this subscription, kids explore coding, problem-solving, read, and immerse themselves in the story.

We received The Case Of The Missing Bigfoot. They enjoyed every installment and especially loved the end and the surprise for solving the case (Sorry, no spoilers). This is a 6-week subscription, but there is also an option to get them all at once! Don't worry- the story is not scary, but actually very fun.

With each installment, we sat on the living room floor together and spread everything from that one and the previous ones out in front of us. Tbomb made notes and even put sticky notes on some things. He really enjoyed solving the riddles and cryptic messages. I was really impressed with his critical thinking skills. Snapper would get in on it as well.

Tbomb has since pulled it all out again and gone through it "to make sure he didn't miss anything the first time."

 An old mansion. A dinner party about to begin. The lights go out, there’s an upset in the dining room, an upset in the upstairs hall. The lights come on, the safe is open and the contents are gone. Who did it?  
The detectives on the scene need the help of a keen and curious young sleuth to help them solve the case. Kids receive a series of personalized letters containing all sorts of evidence and clues: “crime scene” photos, fingerprint reports, interview transcripts, ciphers and a suspect board to help keep track of the case. 
 And by the way, the mansion is not far from where you live. A big hairy creature that may or may not be Bigfoot was recently spotted in the area. You haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary, have you?
Learn more and get the details here 

Let Me Tell You 'Bout Warmies

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own.

Our family discovered Warmies and they have been a life-saver. Warmies are weighted stuffed animals that are infused with lavender and even microwaveable for warmth. They have helped both children immensely.

Tbomb has ADHD and really benefits from the weight of his little dragon and the lavender. Both of them help soothe him when he gets worked up and cannot calm himself. I really wish he had this when he was treated for ITP and stayed in the hospital for a week- it really would have helped him out.

Snapper has had a lot of medical problems lately. Her stomach, her knee pain, headaches, and fighting off every illness she comes across. We are getting answers, but waiting on specialists seems to be taking forever. She also has OCD, SPD, and has been diagnosed with anxiety. There are other issues that come along with anxiety as well.

Not only does it help calm her when she is upset or anxious, but if I heat it, I can put it on her knee and it helps relieve the pain. It has also been wonderful to help fight off the many colds she had in the fall. (She has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and her body cannot fight things off and it takes her quite a while to get over illnesses).

I also use lavender a lot with the kids because of the calming qualities and I spritz their beds with lavender spray. When we are traveling, the Warmies give that wonderful sense of home that helps them rest soundly.

Warmies was so kind to send Tbomb a Warmies Junior Dragon, Snapper a Warmies Unicorn, and even a Llama for her teacher so that she and other students in the class could benefit from the calming qualities of the wonderful cuddly toys. It was wonderful because if she felt overwhelmed in the classroom, she could get the llama and it would calm her. We've had to pull her from public school, but the llama did make her experience better while she was there.

If you would like to learn more about Warmies and why they work so well, their website has a ton of information.