5 Minute DIY: Organize Your Desktop #freebie

My computer always seemed to be a mess. I couldn't find my files, transferring files to a thumbdrive was chaotic, and I would stare at my screen forever to find the program I needed. Not anymore. I have the ultimate solution. (There is a freebie involved too)

Here's what I did:
  • Made this awesome background (that I'm giving you for free!)
  • Made archive folders- when I'm done with a file, I move it to one of these folders, depending on which thumb drive it goes to. (Or in my Kindle folder- for use with Send To Kindle). Then, once a week, I move these files, sort my downloads folder, and empty my recycle bin- and follow that up with a run of my optimizer. 
  • Decided which files/ folders I needed quick access to and placed those on my desktop. 
  • Set up Post-Its. The yellow is for things to remember and the blue is for things to do/ research ASAP
  • Decide which programs I used the most. Those are the only ones I have shortcuts on my desktop to. 
  • Created a folder for each type of program I use often. I chose PDF, Admin, Design, Audio, Paranormal, and School. I then devided the programs I use into those. That is a lot quicker than looking through my start menu. 
  • Set up ToDo Desklist for quick reference of blurbs and urls
  • Arranged to my liking. 
Now, I spend much less of my time looking for what I need. To celebrate, I'm giving this graphic away so that you can have an organized desktop in 5 minutes. It even has my favorite inspirational quote- "A girl knows her limits, A wise girl knows she has none"- Marily Monroe

I have it with labels and without labels (so you can customize your labels in any graphics program). Just click on the graphic to go to the download page. 

These are 100% free, but if you choose to download, do not share the graphic, send them to my blog please. Also, I would love a comment letting me know you loved it!

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