Review: Caselast Mosquito Repellant Bracelet

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own.

We live in South Carolina, where mosquitos are the state bird. That may seem like an exaggeration, but I promise it is not. If I do not put some sort of protection on the kids, they will be eaten alive after just a couple of hours of play in the evenings, but I really don't like putting all those chemicals on them.

Caselast came to the rescue this summer with their awesome bracelet, which comes with 2 inserts. It is DEET-free, made from natural ingredients and is 100% guaranteed to repel mosquitos.

I put it on the kids like an anklet and they are protected instantly. Each insert lasts for 30 days. If Koda is in her stroller, and we're walking around, I'll put it on the stroller and it protects that way- and I can be sure she isn't playing with it. They even offer a lifetime no questions asked guarantee. This is the best band I have come across!

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