Absolutely Free Summer Activities (And Some Extremely Cheap!)

I like to make sure I have things around the house to make summer more fun without feeling that I need to go buy toys or take the kids to a park. Sometimes it is just nice to stay home, but keeping kids (especially special needs kids) entertained can be a job. I wanted to share some of the things that I do with you guys!

1. Keep plastic containers (spice bottles, butter dishes, etc) and wash them out. On hot days, put water in a large bin and they can play in the water. You already get the stuff, so use it for fun.

2. Make it rain, yes kids do still enjoy it- you should see the smiles on Tbomb and Snapper's faces when we make it rain on them.

3. Yard Scavenger Hunt- you can just job down some things or sketch out them- you don't have to make it fancy. Give them a paper bag and the list and set them lose.

4. Use pieces of cardboard to let the kids slide down a grassy hill. This was one of my favorite things to do as a kid.

5. Do you have a big old tree with roots that stick up? Fill those roots up with water and let the kids use action figures and barbies like it is a town or water park.

6. Do you live near the woods? Family nature hikes are fun! If you have woods near you that do not belong to you? Ask permission- many people are happy to see kids walking through the woods.

7. Play kickball, baseball, basketball, tennis, etc- anything you have the equipment for- break it out and use it with the kids.

8. Make up a game- as kids, we used to do this all the time and we made up some crazy ones.

9. Build a fire and sit around roasting marshmallows, wienies, popcorn- anything you have available. You could even cook dinner over the fire. Tell jokes, campfire stores, and family stories. Sing songs together. This is something your kids will cherish when they are grown. I do my own childhood memories like that.

10. Set the kids loose to let their imaginations run wild. This is fun for parents and kids.

Things to keep on hand for even more fun!

1. Dollar Store water balloons- you don't have to have fancy ones.
2. Sidewalk Chalk
3. Large sheet of plastic or tarp- it can be a slip and slide, water trampoline, tent, and so much more.
4. Huge balls that only cost about $2.50 are good for hours of fun!
5. Paper bags- you would be amazed at the fun, including homemade popcorn.

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