Mom Approved: Ferdinand Uses the Potty

I have exciting news for you today. The little Prince is officially potty trained! 
The hardest part after initially getting him to use the potty has been night time. 
The Prince isn't fond of bedtime, so anything that leads up to it is a battle. 
But now, its not; Thanks to this book!

Ferdinand Uses The Potty is about a little yellow frog who wets the bed. Sadly, he is also afraid of the potty because it makes a horrible noise. Ferdinand has a really good friend, a little boy who tells him that the potty is nothing to be afraid of. Ferdinand thinks he can just not go potty, but soon learns that it is something we all have to do. Ferdinand faces his fear so that he doesn't make wet spots in the bed or on the floor. 

My little guy is only 22 months, so he doesn't really understand all that Ferdinand Uses The Potty is about, but he does know what the potty is and what it does. What I do is read him the story while he sits on his potty before bed. The really great part about this is that he loves being read to, so it excites him and he forgets it is almost bedtime. The Prince also loves animals, so seeing the happy yellow frog makes him so giddy, he just laughs all the way through it. 

The author, Jay Tucker, is a husband, father, and youth minister. He lives in Ft. Myers, Florida, with his family. He is the author of several books for adults and children; he is currently working on another book for adults, about youth ministry. 

Whether you are still working on potty training, have hit a snag in the process, or will be potty training in the future, I urge you to get a copy of this book. It will be a great addition to your children's library. 
You can buy Ferdinand Uses The Potty here

That's not all either- I have super amazing news for you guys as well! The publisher has provided me with an additional 2 copies of Ferdinand Uses The Potty by Jay Tucker for lucky Readers!

I am going to do this giveaway a bit differently though! What I want from you is why you would like to win this book. Just comment below and let me know. Do you want it for your students, for your kids who you are potty training, for a child who wets the bed, to donate to a library or school, just let me know. I will announce the winner Wednesday, July 25, 2012.  

Disclaimer: I have been supplied with a copy of this book for review, the opinions are my own.  


  1. I would like to win a copy of this book to give to my friend who has a 3 year old who is in the process of potty training her son. Thanks for the giveaway and the awesome resource!

  2. Hey Cari, I am trying to potty train the twins, who r 21 months, and bed time is the hardest. I would love a copy of this for them and Henry loves frogs!

  3. Thanks for visiting! I honestly didn't think it would be as hard as it was- good luck to your friend and in the giveaway!

  4. I would like to win this for my neice. She is 2 and having a hard time getting used to going to the potty. My sister would be so thankful!

  5. Its a big step getting used to the potty. Good luck and thank you for visiting! I do have a tip that may help you out: I moved my son's potty into his bedroom because he was used to going in there. It worked like a charm. That was a major step for us! (Maybe this will help your niece)

  6. Hi readers, this is something I don't generally do, but I want everyone to have a fair chance! I found this comment in my queue, but it did not post here for some reason. I am copying it so that she also has a chance to win the book!

    Hey Cari, I am trying to potty train the twins, who r 21 months, and bed time is the hardest. I would love a copy of this for them and Henry loves frogs!By momoftwins on Mom Approved: Ferdinand Uses the Potty on 7/22/12

  7. Good luck MomofTwins! My little guy loves frogs too!
