List 5 Friday: The Summer Olympics

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My 5 Favorite things about the Summer Olympics

1. Tradition. I love that this is an easy way to start traditions in your family. It can be as simple as watching one of the events to as elaborate as planning a nightly dinner and activities around the events. You could even throw a party every year. 

2. Gymnastics. I just love watching the gymnastics events!

3. Pride. There is something special when the USA takes the gold in an event. 

4. Opening Ceremony. This year promises to be extra special as it marks the 30th Summer Olympics. London has an especially grand ceremony promised for tonight. 

5. Twitter. I love twitter and it will now be abuzz with Summer Olympics greatness!

Be sure to link up, you have until next Friday! 

Next week: Burning House! I want to know what the 5 things you would grab are. 

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