Learning Time: EQtainment

Disclaimer: I received products to review. All opinions are my own. 

While I do not subscribe to the idea that my children will not be able to socialize because they are homeschooled, I do have worries about the subject. I worry because my son does not like strangers AT ALL. The other thing I worry about is him being bullied by other kids his age, especially since he is very polite and shy. He also tends to not think about others around him when he wants to do something, but he is only 4. I want to start building these skills with him, but without completely freaking him out. Luckily for us, EQtainment came to the rescue.

The folks at EQtainment sent me the book "Q's Wild Ride" (with Narration CD), the game Q's Race To The Top, and the weighted Q-time buddy. Both of the kids get in on the fun and have benefited from these amazing products.

The founder of EQtainment, Sofia Dickens, wanted to find a way to teach her 3 children emotional intelligence. This can help children with school readiness and even make them more likely to achieve life success in school, relationships, and careers.

I have fallen in love with this line of products and have been amazed at the improvement my little guy has made in this skill set. I'm a mom that has been convinced and I see improvements all the time in the way Tbomb interacts with those around him.

The Q-time buddy helps Koda calm herself. She really does not like being in the car. This weighted monkey makes her smile and feel comforted. When mom can't hold her, this is the next best thing.

Tbomb and I have so much fun playing Q's Race To The Top. He loves the book that comes with it and loves doing the activities in the game. Basically, you roll the dice and move that many spaces. Then, whichever color you land on, you choose one of those cards. The game is designed for ages 3 and up, and is truly matched for that age group. Tbomb always asks me to play it with him. Soon, Kodabug will be old enough to play and will have a blast playing with her big brother.

Tbomb also loves the book Q's Wild Ride, all about the little guy's journey to a baseball game and what it took for him to get there. In the end, he realized that he forgot to think about those around him and learn's a very valuable lesson. I love that it comes with a narration disc, teaching him to follow along. When he's having a rough day, I can put it in with some headphones and it calms him right down.

Any family with little ones could really benefit from these products.

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