Save Memories with YesVideo

Disclaimer: I received a service in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own. 

The older I get, the more and more I miss the family that have left before me. Pictured here is my great-granny and my great-granddaddy. He passed over 20 years ago, so I didn't have much time to get to know him. She died about 10 years ago. I was very close to her and every time I think of her, my heart aches. She was a magnificent woman that encouraged me to look deep within and gave me advice that she knew I would one day need. Some of those pieces of advice pop into my head now and I'm amazed that she knew me so well that she knew what I would face in my future. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her and it seems that the ache just gets stronger and stronger.

I mentioned before that my grandfather (not pictured) died in October from cancer. He was an amazing man. Veteran, pillar of the church and community, son, brother, uncle, father of 8, grandfather of 16, and great-grandfather of 18. I still haven't completely come to terms of this amazing man being gone.

There are so many memories of them that I wish I had documented. The stories she would tell me, the afternoons of cutting grass with him. These are memories that I hope I never lose. There are even videos that were taken of great-granny talking to me and granddaddy laughing. There are even videos of them and my granny teaching me how to Waltz and do the Charleston. I thought they were gone forever because they were on vhs.

When I was asked to review the services offered by YesVideo. I knew this was the opportunity to make these videos last forever, and even allow my children to see them. I am amazed by the service and will definitely use them in the future to save even more memories.

YesVideo Process 

When you decide it is time to preserve those memories for future generations, YesVideo makes it as simple as possible. Head on over to their website and order a kit to ship your non-digital items directly to YesVideo. You also have the option of dropping them off at a retailer, like CVS, if you prefer. While you are there, you can even go ahead and pay for the process, or part of it. 

There are options for VHS video tapes, films, slides and pictures to DVDs or Blu-ray discs. 

Then, they send you this handy dandy package that contains everything you need for shipping, including tape. 

Pack up your videos and drop them off at your local UPS store! (You can arrange pick up as well). 

You will receive an email letting you know they received your package. About a week later, you will get an email letting you know that your precious memories on on their way back to you. From South Carolina, shipping takes about a week each way. Your items will even be available for viewing online. 

Isn't what you get amazing?!

My Thoughts on YesVideo

First of all, I have to say that I could not be happier with the service I received. My videos took longer than normal because they were damaged, and I did not realize it. I received an email letting me know that they were damaged and asked if I wanted them back as is, or if I wanted the YesVideo team to try and repair. Well, I couldn't watch them anyway and YesVideo is experienced, so I let them go ahead and repair. I'm so glad I made that choice. 

They were able to make repairs to all 3 VHS tapes. I received an email letting me know they were available for viewing online before I'd had a chance to watch them on DVD. I went immediately and could not have been happier. I sat and cried for a while watching through clips of my grandparents. I even got to let other family members watch online. 

I highly recommend YesVideo to anyone. I will send the rest of my family videos off for transferring as I run across them. This would even be a great gift for a beloved family member with the holidays coming. 

What memory do you wish you had to watch again? 

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