Preparing for Fall on The Palmetto Queen

I'm in full swing prepping for fall, homeschool, and starting on the holidays. I am getting my goals worked out and a plan in place. What does this mean for you? Well, you reap the benefits. 

While I am not planning a series dedicated to fall preparations, there are other things going on. In case you haven't noticed, The Palmetto Queen is slowly going through some changes. The southern charm look will stay the same, but I'm adding some more features, and taking some away. I'm reorganizing the way I post, and I think you guys are enjoying it. There will be lots of new things on the sidebar coming up and lots of fun freebies and giveaways. 

I am going to try and start posting reviews/ giveaways on the same day each week. Some weeks, there may be multiple posts on that day, but I am going to be able to fit more organization, homeschool, fitness, and tips in. The only time the reviews will not fit with this schedule is if it is a giveaway series or if it goes along with organization, fitness, and homeschool. 

I'm bringing back Southern Charm Sunday, Yay! I'm very excited about this, and there is some big news coming this way concerning SCS. 

Besides the general changes coming to The Palmetto Queen, some of the fall prepping I am doing is being transferred into blog posts. I have started a back to school series with tons of tips on getting the kids and you adjusted to school again, and having fun. I have several organization posts lined up, including goal planning. There is even a planner in the works, thanks to a good friend for encouraging me to create the ultimate mom planner. 

I'm also very motivated with the fitness journey I'm on. I'll be sharing more of that with you guys too. Follow me on Instagram for more of this 

A lot of the things I have been posting lately that do not involve family life will now be on another blog, I'll make that announcement soon too! 

So that's the basic update on the changes that are coming. 

Pretty soon, we'll be saying "Happy Fall Y'all!" 

What would you like to see come to The Palmetto Queen. 

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