Family Time Hours

I'm kind of a workaholic. This is something that I've known about for years, but never really thought it was that big of a deal. Yes, I was that manager that took work home. I was that college student that worked on my term papers while "relaxing" and watching a movie. I'm one of those people that always needs to be doing something productive.

In my 30s though, I've noticed that that way of life doesn't work as well for me anymore. I no longer thrive on stress. I also have an almost 2 year old and almost 5 year old that need their mom to be present. I never saw myself as not present until recently during an episode while the kids were playing outside and I was answering emails. I missed a really sweet exchange between my kids, to be told about it later. I made a decision then. I was going to make some changes.
A photo posted by cari (@cari_on) on

No more answering emails and working during our family time in the evenings. I already work from "son up until sun down" as a stay at home mom. There is already not enough down time during the day. All that is changing. My baby is getting older and I do not want to miss it. So, from now on, I will not be answering emails or working during the hours of 5 and 9. These are the hours that it is cool enough to be outside and the kids play, get baths, eat dinner, and get ready for bed. Any thing needed during these hours will be handled before bed. Phone calls on the business line will not be answered - basically I will not be available to anyone outside my family. If you see me online, it will be posting adorable pictures of the kids on Instagram.

This will last through the summer, and may even be a permanent thing. These hours will now be spent playing with the kids, flirting with my husband, making plans for the family, swimming in the pool, eating watermelon, and whatever other adventures we come up with.

I have also made a change at bedtime to save my sanity. I no longer take work in the bedroom (I told you I'm a workaholic), but read at night beside my husband- and not business books, good novels and wattpad!

Don't worry though, I will handle all requests from clients before I go to bed (This announcement incluces The Palmetto Queen, Cari On Media, and Paranormal/ Bigfoot clients). 


  1. I really need to make this change my babybos growing so quick and she will never be this little again i must make the most ofnit before its gone. Thanks for the post i needed to read it! (As its 5:40 and im on the internet rather than enjoying my little one) so here i go off to enjoy the company of my love!

    1. Have fun with that baby. Before you know it she'll be about to turn 5 and you'll wonder where the time went (That's the realization I had this morning with my little boy!)
