The Night Before The Night Before Christmas: A Christian Santa Story

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own.

My children received the most adorable book from a very talented author.

Being that so much of Christmas is centered around Santa Clause, I try to mix in religious themes (Christopher Popinkins even left a nativity scene for them this year). I also try to keep Santa focused items to a minimum and teach about the Greatest Gift whenever I can. That is one reason one of my favorite cartoons is "Santa Clause is Coming To Town."

I had my reservations about this book, so I read it before I read it to the kids, in case we needed to work in something focusing on Jesus.

Jay Dee is a genius though. The story stands on it's own. This story about a little elf who is a perfectionist is one of the most wholesome, yet simple Christmas books I've read. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas is truly amazing.

Elfie is working hard on a train,yet feels bad because it isn't done on time. Santa comes for inspection and Elfie is afraid he is in trouble. Never fear though, Santa has a very important reason for assigning this job to Elfie.

The surprise at the end blew me away and it will you too. Thanks Jay Dee for writing this book. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas will be a staple in our home for many years to come. I will be purchasing more copies to pass out to little family members!


  1. I enjoy reading your blogs! And getting honest feedback on products you test for your own family!

    1. Thank you so much. Stay tuned as the year progresses! I will be posting more organizing tips, free printables, homeschool adventures, tips for busy families, and etiquette posts!
