I Crave: Perfect Eyebrows

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own. 

My eyebrows are a touchy subject. I don't have this gorgeous arch like some of you lovelies do. They are thin, and wide in the wrong places. I used to go have them waxed. I twas such a relaxing process. (Remember in Legally Blonde "Why pay someone to do what you can do yourself, except eyebrow maintenance)

Since I became mom, that's one of the things I've started doing myself. Luckily, after a painful and ugly process, I have found the best way to manage my 'brows. To have presentable eyebrows, I use a spoolie, stencil, tweezers, and manicure scissors to manage them. Then, my makeup routine has it's own process to allow them to be seen in public.

When doing my makeup, I must use a brow pencil, softened by a spoolie, or eyebrow brush (depending on the pencil). Then, I use a eyebrow powder precision applied with an angled brow brush. While I have found the powder and pencil that work for me, I was struggling to find the tools that made this simpler. Finally, I discovered the Crave Naturals Brow & Lash Kit.

These two tools (with 4 functions) are essential to any makeup kit. Achieving the right eye look will set off your look and mood for the day. While we all have our go to makeup items, having professional quality tools is what gets the job done. I don't know about you, but I have spent $15 on a brow brush and have been disappointed. These are the best tools I have ever used!

As you all know, I am passionate about branding and Crave Naturals has branding perfected. Every product I have received from them has had an amazing quality that no other company can compete with. The packaging they arrive in really set them apart and make you feel glamorous, just by opening the package.

Crave Naturals is offering a 25% off coupon when you follow a few steps.

  1. Go to Amazon.com
  2. Search "eyelash comb"
  3. When you find the Brow & Lash kit, add it to your cart.
  4. Use coupon code QQMSRCOC at checkout to receive 25% off
  5. It would be great if you added it to your wishlist as well (this really helps businesses). 
  6. Please leave them a review. This is a new product and it would really help them out. 

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