College Days: Text Books Without Tears

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all opinions are my own and this really is a great company.

Something about this time of year always makes me think about college days. I think it is the combination of anticipating Christmas (break!), football, seeing Clemson students all around, and seeing people on Facebook missing their kids that have gone away to college. I loved my college days, but I remember all too vividly the stress of buying textbooks. For me, that huge purchase at the start of each semester would make me question my decision of going to the university I attended. One semester, I actually paid over $700 for textbooks I would only use a few months. To make matters worse, the school changed books very often, so I did not get much when I sold them back. That hurt!

I saved all summer for this purchase and counted on a little savings and the money from selling them to buy my next round. Well, I had to have another plan. I sure do wish that Campus Book Rentals was around when I was in college.

Campus Book Rentals is by far the best option I've seen for college students. I mean, are you seriously going to use most of those books again. Maybe that freshman grammar guide, but not that Political Science 101 book. You can even treat them like your own and highlight in them! Have odd semester dates? That's okay too- they offer flexible rental periods. You also get free shipping both ways. With 40-90% off retail price, how can you go wrong with that? 

In addition to all that amazing stuff, Campus Book Rentals makes a donation to Operation Smile for every book rented. Operation Smile is an international charity that provides cleft surgeries and long term medical care and therapies for children suffering. Did you know that a baby born with a cleft is 1/2 as likely to survive until their 1st birthday. This is heartbreaking, but I'm so glad that Campus Book Rentals is there to support a charity like this, that saves babies lives. 

RentBack might just be the most exciting part about Campus Book Rentals. RentBack allows students to rent the books they have previously purchased to other students. This allows them to make up to 4x the amount that they would receive if selling them back. Ideally, if a student purchased his/ her books their first semester, they could rent those out and use that to rent the books they needed each semester without dishing out the dough. Even better, all you have to do is arrange to ship your books to RentBack and you start making money!

So, with the change in semester coming and all those college students stressing out about buying more books, remember the awesome opportunities offered by Campus Book Rental. Who knows, by telling one student about this, you might help them stay in school- text books are that expensive!

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