Bear On The Chair: Special Needs Toolbox

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own.

Having 2 special needs children in one home sets up a need for a completely different strategy for everything from cleaning, organizing, to discipline. It takes a while to find what works, but once it is found, you would be amazed at how the family and children will benefit.

It didn't take long into the Christmas Season for me to realize that our elf (Christopher Popinkins) really made a difference in the kids' behavior. They didn't argue as much and they were determined to make the elf happy, especially after he sat on their tablets, so they couldn't play them. - The elf is a genius!

I came across Bear On The Chair and reached out, hoping to find a solution to my problem of finding a way to get the kids to do what they need to without constant discipline. They were happy to join my special needs toolbox and sent me a bear.

The kids named him Cutie and he has found the perfect place for his chair. He is now sitting on the top of the lizard aquarium. (They have 2 bearded dragons named Allie and Carnage). He keeps an eye on the kids when mom isn't in there, but we know that moms always know what is happening.

What I have found that the bear really stays on top of is them keeping their room clean. He has even turned that smile upside down because they didn't clean up their books in the morning. When they didn't put toys away, he changed to the frown. The kids do not like seeing the frown, so they try much harder to keep their room clean. It would also help with eating problems, school problems, and manners.

I was also able to give one bear to Snapper's therapist and she was really excited to try it out with the kids she works with!

The Bear On The Chair comes with an adorable bear, a chair, velcro happy/ sad faces, and a story that introduces the bear to your child. They even get to pick the name, hug it, and put it in a special place. There is an adoption certificate on the website that you can fill out. I love that the bear works by reinforcing positive behavior. It points out negative behavior without bringing attention to it so that the good is noticed more than the bad- always a good psychological move!

 Bear On The Chair has been used by teachers, therapists, children's hospitals, pediatricians, parents, counselors, dentists, psychologists, daycares, and babysitters. It is a great year-round motivator (similar to the elf) and has been shown to help by teaching empathy, encouraging creativity, improving communication, assisting with ASD, and it gives instant visual awareness of actions.

Some other ways that the Bear On The Chair creator encourages the bear to be used are:

  • Fun approach to positive reinforcement
  • Helping with potty training
  • helps children express themselves
  • Benefits teachers to motivate good classroom behavior and work toward classroom goals
  • Pediatric surgical recovery rooms can have children use the bear to convey how they are feeling after surgery. 
The Bear On The Chair is such a wonderful tool for children and families. It would be worth it to try it in your home, classroom, or office. Visit their website 

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