Courage For Life: Get This App Today

Disclaimer: I was sent a book to facilitate a review. All opinions are my own. 

Courage For Life is a wonderful organization started by Ann White. She shares her story of redemption and provides resources to help give people the courage they need to believe in God and thrive in life through God.
My calling is simple. Point people to the hope and freedom that can only be found in Jesus as revealed in His Word. That Word—the Bible—is foundational! You have to be in it to be equipped, and you have to be in it to understand the change that is required in your life.
It’s complete belief that God is who He says He is, and that His character is as it has been revealed. Appropriating those truths for yourself is the beginning of finding your courage for life. – Ann White

They offer Bible studies, devotions, books, and even do Missions. Courage For Life has recently released an additional resource to their offerings. The Courage For Life Bible App is my latest must-have app. Believe me, it is going to be yours as well!

The Courage For Life Bible App is the first female-voiced Bible App. It is the entire Bible in one app with an easy to use interface. You can either read or listen to the scriptures. I love having those options. When you are listening, it is a voice that you can easily listen to, not one that you will tune out after the first couple of sentences.

I love reading my bible and being able to make notes, journal, or whatever else my heart desires. However, bringing my Bible along isn't always feasible, especially if I'm worried about it going missing. I can take the Courage For Life Bible App wherever I go. I can read in waiting rooms and listen in the car. Also, on nights when I'm up with the kids, I can listen without a light keeping them awake and be in any position I need to be in. I love having this app at my fingertips and you will too!

Ann White, the creator of the Courage For Life Bible App, has released a book as well. She is Strong and Courageous is a wonderful devotion book that will lead you on a 90-day transformational journey to know God more personally, understand His Word clearly, and apply His truth powerfully. You can win your very own copy by clicking on the link below. (or here)