Morning, Evening, and Sunday Night Routines: The Why, How, and Some Ideas

We are creatures of habit. Isn't that what they say?  I would agree. Without routines, I would be lost and my kids are the same. When anything is different, they go haywire. When Snapper started school in the spring, I quickly realized that new routines were in order if we were going to be successful. It took a couple days of adding things to my initial layout of routines, but eventually, we got it right.

I made a chart and posted it so she and I could both see it. Although she can't read, she will ask me what things say and that is putting the habit in place. Monkey see monkey do, or something like that.

The why is pretty simple. It makes life easier on everyone to be in a routine. If you have a special needs child, it is especially important to enact routines not only for school but for daily home life as well.

The how isn't all that difficult either.

Decide what needs to be done for a successful morning, evening, and school day. 

Be sure to include hygiene and simple things that you always do, like prayers.

Decide when each item needs to be done.

Create a chart of some kind and display it. There are many free printables online, or you can do what I did and write it on pretty paper. Sticking it in a sheet protector for use with a dry erase marker is a good idea as well.

Start the routines a couple of weeks before school starts (we will start on August 1 because school starts August 19th).

Stick to it and adjust it as needed.

Here are some ideas for what could go on your routine chart:

Make Bed
Get Dressed
Brush Teeth/ Wash Face/ Wash Hands
Shoes On
Do I need a raincoat, umbrella, anything special for the day?
Say Goodbyes

Change into play clothes
Clothing in hamper
Clean Room
Read 20 minutes
Check Backpack
Homework/ Signatures
Is anything special needed for tomorrow?
Check weather
Clothes Together
Brush Teeth/ Wash Face/ Wash Hands
Goodnights/ Prayers

Sunday: The Sunday list is for me to do, but it makes my life easier. 
Check the weather
Is anything special going on at school that I need to prepare for (pictures, field trip, etc)
Check my calendar- does anyone need to put her on the bus or get her off the bus besides me?
Check lunch calendar- will she eat it or do I need to pack a lunch?
Do I need to wash anything special?

Each family will have a different list of items for each category. The key is finding what works for you. What would you add to the list? 

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