Southern Charm Sunday: Back in Gear

It has been quite a while since I have shared an etiquette post (which is really bad manners- sorry y'all!) I have just been really swamped, but I'm gearing up for some new posts starting next Sunday. Be sure to bring your sweet tea along and we'll sip and rock together!

I promise there will be lots and lots of stories, some humor, tips, and even some pictures. I have a lot of post ideas in mind, but I want to ask y'all a couple of questions first.

Do you want me to revisit the Tech Etiquette 101 posts?

What would y'all like to see on Southern Charm Sundays? I will answer any etiquette question (I've had lots of practice- Emily Post is one of my heroes!)

Just let me know on twitter @Cari_On, Facebook, or even leave me a comment!

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