My Summer Deadline is Almost Here!

At the beginning of the summer, I shared my summer bucket list. I have 12 days until the deadline; so, I thought I would revisit them and then share my fall bucket list with you!
  1. Lose 50 pounds. 
  2. Have the prince completely potty trained. He's on his way- but there are still improvements to be made. (except for night time)  
  3. Have the WHIRL Network up and running. This has been postponed until the first of 2013
  4. To not cut my hair (except for my bangs). I'm trying to grow it out, but I keep getting tempted to cut it. 
  5. To have more defined business hours so that I can spend more time with my family. 
  6. GET ORGANIZED (and record this journey) - still working on it
  7. Have my course planned so that I can teach it. 
  8. Have the first chapter of my book written. 
  9. Define and plan out my long term goals. 
  10. Find the time to go camping. - skipped camping this year and relaxed in the mountains a few days. 
  11. Find an exercize plan that I will actually stick to. 
  12. Get better at drinking water (I drink entirely too much coffee)- still not where I want to be, but closer
  13. Finish my portfolio.
  14. Spend more time with my family. 
  15. Enjoy a few sunsets with the Mr!- there are never enough!
 Fall 2012

I absolutely adore Autumn, so This list will be fun!

  1. Play in the leaves with the prince
  2. Have family photos made
  3. Throw the prince an amazing birthday party
  4. Carve a pumpkin (last year was the first year I did this)
  5. Have fun with my mom!
  6. Take the prince trick-or-treating
  7. Have a bonfire
  8. Discover new pumpkin recipes
  9. Camp in the back yard
  10. Watch tons of football
  11. Host a play date
  12. Teach the prince hop-scotch
  13. Start Christmas gifts
  14. Cook Thanksgiving dinner by myself 
  15. Make hand print turkeys with the little guy
  16. Do something special for the Mr's birthday
  17. Watch tons of horror movies 
  18. Do something special for those in need
  19. Find the perfect pumpkin pie latte recipe for home
  20. Make something pretty from this list

I'm sure you can really tell how much I love fall. I'll be back with what I accomplished and a winter list! 

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