5 Minute DIY: Pretty To Do & Goals Chart #Freebie #FreePrintable

It's that time of year- when school is starting back and us moms can get back to a normal routine. Although we homeschool, it is still that way for me. We have a more normal routine, so working is back to normal.

With this fresh start, this is my favorite time to really get organized and work on my goals. I'll actually be doing a series on this soon. I want to share a free printable with you guys today that can help you out with that. I'm sure you remember this desktop background from a couple of weeks ago. Well, I've turned it into a printable.

There are a couple of ways you can do this. You can laminate it and use a dry erase marker on it, or you can trim the edges and put it in a photo frame (a cheap black one from the dollar store would be perfect). When I do mine, I am going to write headings in the black with a white paint pen. You could also use a white window marker and change them as you need to. 

If you download this freebie, please let me know what you think and how you use it. 

Note: If you share, please send to this blog post, not the file itself. Thanks!

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