How To Get Your Laundry Caught Up & Keep It That Way

 I will admit that I used to be the worst in the world to get behind on laundry. Then, it would take me forever to get caught up. Well, I sort of have it all figured out (except do we ever really have it figured out?).

My number one thing to suggest is to set a day (or 2) aside to work on laundry, along with your daily tasks, but not any other projects. Then, a day for household laundry like towels, tablecloths, bedclothes, etc. Separate into loads. Put them in the order you want to wash. Then, wash, dry, put away each load and keep the cycle going until you are finished. Fold and put away each load as it finishes, or you'll just be behind on folding. 

Make sure everything is washed- double-check bedrooms, bathrooms, and school bags. 

Now, you are ready to get yourself a system going and stay ahead of the game. 

Here are some tips that work for some families. Maybe something here will work for you. 

  • Put dirty laundry in a location that you will see it and have everyone put their clothes together. When the bin is full, do laundry
  • Do one load a day (whites, darks, colors, lights, towels, etc)
  • Each morning was the clothes everyone wore the day before- always a fresh closet.
  • Put laundry day on your calendar
  • Have a pretty laundry basket!
  • Growing up, mom had a laundry basket in the bathroom with a lid. She stayed up on the laundry because she couldn't stand for the lid to not fit!
  • Once your kids are old enough, ease them into the laundry. Once they are ready, give them their own hamper and put them in charge of their own clothes, bedding, and towels. I was 13.
  • Keep an unopened container of each item you use in laundry- if you never run out, that is one less thing to worry about. 
Good luck! Please share your tips!

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