Book Review: The Complete Book of US Presidents

Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.

I love history. Truth be told, it was probably my favorite subject. I also love learning little tidbits that you really don't think you will ever need- then one day it is brought up and you know the answer (yes, even at trivia night). I want my children to have that same love of history, especially for the great country we live in. Part of that is knowing about the leaders our country has had. I remember in high school I had to memorize the presidents in order, including their vice president, years in office, party, interesting fact, and one thing they did in office. I actually enjoyed this. I was nervous about it being an all or nothing exam, but I got it and I'm still proud of that. The things I learned while memorizing the presidents was cool too- like that tthe Baby Ruth candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's duaghter, not Babe Ruth!

The Complete Book of US Presidents ($18.11), by Bill Yenne, has me very excited. I know that I will use it as a reference book for the kids, and probably even do a president unit study, but I love to read it as well. If I'm bored, I grab it a read for a bit. The book has beautiful photographs, interesting facts, and must know facts as well. It is the perfect book to have on your reference shelf. From George Washington, to Barack Obama, your child and you will learn about some of the most influential men in history.

From the first president, George Washington, to the most recent, Barack Obama, the United States has seen a host of extraordinary men take office. Their stories are all included in The Complete Book of US Presidents by journalist and historian Bill Yenne. This book features short, biographical essays about the lives of each of the 44 presidents, jam-packed with unusual details and expounding on the significant roles each commander-in-chief played in the shaping of the United States and its relations with the world. Vastly illustrated with sidebars about each and every vice president, First Lady, and interesting anecdotes on each president, this book is accessible to a broad audience and will captivate any history lover during election season.
This extremely informative and beautiful book will stay on our bookshelf through the kids' school career. I hope that I can, with the help of this book, instill a true love of history in my children- making this a book to be passed down through the generations.

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