10 Must Have Organizing Tools for Busy Ladies

As you all know, I love being organized. Sometimes I have to re-evaluate how I organize, but I'm always organized. I've shared many tips and tools to help, but today I want to share my favorite tools- those things that I cannot live without. Some are not specific, but some are specific tools that I urge you to use. I will share a more in depth post with each of these in the future.

1. Planner: I admit- this is the most important item in my possession. I could not function without a planner- but I am still looking for the one that works perfectly- maybe I should just make my own :/

2. Google Calendar- I will go into more detail about how I use multiple Google Calendars to keep me organized, but know that it is one of the most amazing tools IN THE WORLD!

3. eM Client - My newest obsession. This email client has changed my life. It works seamlessly with multiple gmail accounts, calendar, tasks, chat, and contacts. It even syncs. I am amazed and will share more about this next week!

4. A Great Bag- It doesn't really matter what kind of bag you use, but finding the right purse/ bag is essential to living the organized life. I have to have a huge purse with smaller bags inside. I also have a cross body purse that I use for trips so that I'm not lugging a huge thing around.

5. A Great Wallet- same as with the great bag- there is nothing more annoying that checking out at the store and not being able to find what you need, or everything falling out when you open it. Find one that works for you!

6. A "Briefcase": Even if you work at home always, you never work at home, or if you are somewhere in the middle, you need a briefcase of some sort. You should have one even if you do not work. I have a great one that looks a lot like a purse. It is black croc and even has a removable laptop sleeve. It is perfect for meetings because my computer, charger, planner, a few files, and a small bag with supplies fits perfectly. It goes on my shoulder. I like doing this and keeping meeting items separate from my purse.  Here's one to drool over:

7. A Launch Station- this doesn't have to be anything fancy, just some place where things that need to leave the house are kept, notes are kept, and even keys are kept. It can simply be a corner of the kitchen, but it should have a large calendar with important dates, and a message center.

8. A place to "work": Until my corner "office" is set up, I am working out of a mobile office. It works. I know that when I sit down to work, everything I need is right there with me. If you have an office/ desk to work at, great. If not, you can create a mobile office out of anything from a bag to a rolling file cart. Just know what you need before you get started. (I cannot wait to share a post on this!)


9.  Knowing yourself is very important- know what works with you, know what you need help with, know what you are good at, and what you should delegate. You would be amazed at how knowing yourself and listening to those things will keep you more organized.

10. A Plan- Know what you have to do, when you have to do it by, and what you need to do to have it done. This goes for every thing going on in your life from a day trip, to a office presentation, to a vacation in Cancun. I could not function without a plan- and lists.

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