Summer planning is in full swing at the George house. Not only are we scheduling day trips and vacations, we are also planning out which community activities we are interested in participating in- like the Summer Reading at the Library (superhero theme, yay!) and Lowe's Build and Grow workshops (also superhero). We are looking into the activities going on at the local parks and festivals that will be taking place. We are going to have so much fun with the kids this summer, but also know that we need to have some down time at home. We have created our survival kit for days at home with the kids. They want to be outside and sometimes it is just too hot, so we have a bucket of activities from movies, to activities that are educational. One savior we will have this summer is Space Scouts.
Space Scouts is an amazing subscription service. We received the starter kit and the first month's box. One thing that I really like about this company is that instead of getting the box that everyone gets that month, your child receives them in order, making the educational element flow beautifully.
When your child is introduced to the Space Scouts program, they will recieve the introduction to the Space Scouts program, Space Scouts Lunchbox, Space Scouts Solar System Poster, Space Scouts Activity Sheet, Space Scouts Sticker Scramble, Space Scouts Souvenir Toy, Space Scouts Constellation Card Startup Kit (cover & ring) and the Introduction to Space Scouts Constellation Cards.
Each month, your child will receive Space Scouts Exploration Plan, Space Scouts Magnet, Space Scouts Sticker, Space Scouts Activity Sheet, Space Scouts Sticker Scramble, Space Scouts Souvenir Toy, Space Scouts Constellation Card and the Space Scouts Constellation Activity Sheet.
This subscription box is put together beautifully with education at the center of the program. It is the perfect program to get your little one started on this summer, and throughout the year.
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