Keep Those Bugs Away

 Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own. 

South Carolina summers bring up 3 words- heat, humidity, and mosquitos. We seem to get the worst of it all. We don't catch a break in the mountains either. Everywhere you go, the mosquitos will follow, I'm pretty sure they are our state bird.

The thing about mosquitos is that too many bites can really wreck havoc on a family. A couple of years ago, Tbomb got completely attacked by mosquitos. I was going to take him to the doctor because we were having to keep him covered in gel Benedryl. Since then, I have been determined to keep those pests away from my babies.

Finally, we got these mosquito bands ($10.50 for 4 bands) that can be used as bracelets or anklets. I do not like putting chemicals on them, so this is perfect. These work with the surrounding area. If the kids are together, I can actually put one on Tbomb and Kodabug is covered too. We have actually even hung them on the stroller. Once the package is opened, they last 200 hours. They are swim and sweat proof. It doesn't get any better than that!

They are non-toxic, DEET free with no chemicals. They are reusable and they expand so it is a perfect fit for adults, teens and kids. Stop the bite.

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