O!Snap- A Convenience for Headphone Wearers Everywhere!

Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

Do you follow me on Instagram? Did you see these?

If you did, I'm sure you are wanting to know how the O!Snap Headphone Clip worked. Let me start by saying this is an amazingly genius product- my husband and I are having a custody battle over it! We do very different activities, but the clip worked fantastically for both of us.

Since I work at home and tend to need my hands free, the O!Snap clip has saved me a few times. I can use my headset (see this video), type, write in my planner, shuffle through notes, and even juggle toys without getting tangled in my cords. It has really come in handy when speaking with clients and recording my podcast. I was also able to quietly do yoga without breaking my neck with cords. I'm in love!

My husband loves it as well. (I might just have to be nice and get him one too!- or buy me a pink one!) He does construction and loves to listen to music while he is at work. He says it makes the day go by faster. He can use all the tools he wants and climb ladders without having to worry about the headphones- which is nice since he is as clumsy as I am!

My husband and I have even been shopping around for headphones for our little one (he loves music) and have already decided that he will have one because he gets his lack of balance from us and he's a very active soon to be 3 year old.

All in all, if you use headphones, you will benefit from the O!Snap clip!

For some fun, check out this video- O!Snap at its best!


This product not only keeps the headphones from tangled around you while you are busy, but it looks cool too. Here is another genius feature (see this video) that is better shown than told!

The O!Snap Clip has also been featured in CNet and Trail Runner Magazine.

10 Must Have Organizing Tools for Busy Ladies

As you all know, I love being organized. Sometimes I have to re-evaluate how I organize, but I'm always organized. I've shared many tips and tools to help, but today I want to share my favorite tools- those things that I cannot live without. Some are not specific, but some are specific tools that I urge you to use. I will share a more in depth post with each of these in the future.

1. Planner: I admit- this is the most important item in my possession. I could not function without a planner- but I am still looking for the one that works perfectly- maybe I should just make my own :/

2. Google Calendar- I will go into more detail about how I use multiple Google Calendars to keep me organized, but know that it is one of the most amazing tools IN THE WORLD!

3. eM Client - My newest obsession. This email client has changed my life. It works seamlessly with multiple gmail accounts, calendar, tasks, chat, and contacts. It even syncs. I am amazed and will share more about this next week!

4. A Great Bag- It doesn't really matter what kind of bag you use, but finding the right purse/ bag is essential to living the organized life. I have to have a huge purse with smaller bags inside. I also have a cross body purse that I use for trips so that I'm not lugging a huge thing around.

5. A Great Wallet- same as with the great bag- there is nothing more annoying that checking out at the store and not being able to find what you need, or everything falling out when you open it. Find one that works for you!

6. A "Briefcase": Even if you work at home always, you never work at home, or if you are somewhere in the middle, you need a briefcase of some sort. You should have one even if you do not work. I have a great one that looks a lot like a purse. It is black croc and even has a removable laptop sleeve. It is perfect for meetings because my computer, charger, planner, a few files, and a small bag with supplies fits perfectly. It goes on my shoulder. I like doing this and keeping meeting items separate from my purse.  Here's one to drool over:

7. A Launch Station- this doesn't have to be anything fancy, just some place where things that need to leave the house are kept, notes are kept, and even keys are kept. It can simply be a corner of the kitchen, but it should have a large calendar with important dates, and a message center.

8. A place to "work": Until my corner "office" is set up, I am working out of a mobile office. It works. I know that when I sit down to work, everything I need is right there with me. If you have an office/ desk to work at, great. If not, you can create a mobile office out of anything from a bag to a rolling file cart. Just know what you need before you get started. (I cannot wait to share a post on this!)


9.  Knowing yourself is very important- know what works with you, know what you need help with, know what you are good at, and what you should delegate. You would be amazed at how knowing yourself and listening to those things will keep you more organized.

10. A Plan- Know what you have to do, when you have to do it by, and what you need to do to have it done. This goes for every thing going on in your life from a day trip, to a office presentation, to a vacation in Cancun. I could not function without a plan- and lists.

Better Dental Health with OraMD (For Free!)

Disclosure: I received this product for free in exchange for my review and hosting a giveaway. However, I was not asked to post a positive review- all opinions are my own. 

Today I have a very special offer to share with you. The makers of OraMD are offering readers of The Palmetto Queen a free bottle to try (just pay shipping and handling). They are also giving away a bottle of OraMD to three separate winners (no shipping charge).

Before I get to the details of this lovely deal and giveaway, I'll share with you what I thought of OraMD.

I will admit that using this product took a little getting used to, but only because I am used to brushing with toothpaste. The taste was a little strong the first couple times I used it, but it really didn't bother me. I am a Listerine girl, and grew up using the un-flavored kind, so I like the burn. I like knowing that my mouth is being cleaned.

My mouth felt amazing after the first use- and there was no gritty texture like some toothpastes have. I still use a whitening toothpaste once a day to keep my teeth white (because I have those bad habits). OraMD does have a polisher, but not a sufficient whitener. I follow the whitening toothpaste with OraMD.

Since my son was born, I have slowly started having problems with my teeth (although I have never had a cavity). They have become sensitive and some have even broken (I'm a teeth grinder). However, I have had no problem using OraMD, and I have had problems with some toothpastes.

This is the first product I have found that not only has these amazing benefits, but makes my mouth feel great, tastes great, and is gentle enough for my sensitive mouth.

OraMD can be used for brushing (2-5 drops on a toothbrush), a rinse (adding 2-5 drops to an ounce of water), and as a breath freshener (put 1-3 drops on the tip of your tongue). The ingredients have been proven to kill the harmful bacteria that lead to gum disease.

OraMD can even be used for children 3 and older (just be sure to start with one drop). Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Now... For Your Special Opportunity! 
3 lucky readers of The Palmetto Queen will get a free bottle of OraMD. 

There is also a special offer below- just pay shipping and handling!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try out OraMD and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge. They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports called 1) “The 6 Hidden Dangers In Toothpaste” and 2) “Why The FDA Requires A Warning Label On Your Toothpaste.” That’s a total value of over $40.00. Click here to get your FREE bottle and FREE reports now.

10 End of Day Habits to Make Mornings go More Smoothly: Back to School With The Palmetto Queen

One of the most important routines we can set is our evening routine. I know a lot of people say the morning is more important. However, I have found that if I have a good evening routine in place, my mornings go more smoothly because I am more prepared. Then my whole day goes much smoother.

I will share some tips on evening routines that will make the school year, work change, and even travel easier. (Thanks mom for setting the tone for me and routines- some of these are yours!)

Here are some things to do in the evening to make mornings a little easier.

1. Make sure all backpacks/ purses/ briefcases have been emptied and repacked. (Helps cut down on clutter and ensures a fresh start in the morning)

2. While cleaning out the bags, mark any important dates in your calendar.

3. Make sure any permission slips, notes, library books, and anything else that needs to be turned in is gathered.

4. Even if you don't have much time, spend 15 minutes picking up around the house. You will be amazed at how much can get done when everyone pitches in. This will help make sure things are put away so they are easy to find and that the house doesn't get out of control.

5. What are you having for breakfast? Set out non-refrigerated items, bowls, spoons, fruit. Handy for morning.

6. Consider lunches for the next day and prepare what you can ahead of time.

7. Is there anything special that needs to go with someone the next day? Stick a note on the door!

8.Look at your planner to see what is going on the next day- this will tell you if you need to prepare anything for the next day.

9. Confirm schedules with whole family and double check family calendar to make sure every thing is correct.

10. Relax and go to bed. Make sure you find something to do every night that will relax you- this will make you sleep better and slow your mind down. It doesn't matter if it is reading a book, playing a game, or watching tv- we all must have something.

I hope you have enjoyed my tips and this whole series. Remember that the key is finding what works for you. I am a planner, very organized, and cannot live without my planner, to do lists, and entirely too much coffee. Not everyone works this way. I urge you to set a goal of finding what works for you and your family!

Have a great school year! My journey starts August 26th!

Keeping Home Sane While Adjusting: Back to School With The Palmetto Queen

Besides the hassle of getting out the door and staying organized, there are other adjustments that must be made with a change in routine such as starting a new school year. One of those is how to handle the house. Our homes continue to grow clutter, get dirty, and get all out of sorts when we are running. Unfortunately, they have no sympathy.

This is something in particular that I have noticed with trying to get into the habit of starting school. Because I am homeschooling, I'm trying to use "school time" to plan- so that I will be in the habit of using that time. I have noticed that I get behind on my chores and struggle to catch up.

Mine is a little young to help with regular chores, but I have found ways he can help keep the house sane. Since my husband injured his foot about a month and a half ago, Mac has started helping me help daddy. He will go ask daddy if he needs anything and carry things over to him. He also is really good about taking things to his room, even if he doesn't quite get the hang of putting things away yet. We're working on that though.

My advice on keeping home sane is to make a list of things that have to be done every day, every week, every month, seasonally, and just every once in a while. Then schedule those things along with everything else. You don't have to schedule a time, just a day. Actually put it in your planner. I hate it when I do not finish something in my planner, so that keeps me more accountable.

If you have older kids, consider chores and a simple chore chart. Like I said, we are working on teaching Mac to put his own toys away- he loves to "help clean," so maybe it won't be too hard.

You can also consider a program like the Fly Lady. I'll be trying her out soon!

FlyLady cartoon

5 Ways to Celebrate Back to School: Back to School With The Palmetto Queen

Even though my little guy is only 2 (3 next month!) we are starting homeschool in a couple of weeks. As I'm sharing these posts about how to make the school year start more smoothly, I wanted to share some ideas for making it a special transition as well. We have decided to start a few traditions that we will stick to for the rest of his school years. Although we are homeschooling, we do not want him to miss out on the special milestones that being in a formal school brings.

Here goes- 5 Ways to Celebrate Back to School:

1. Start with a breakfast tradition. This can be anything from icecream, a breakfast casserole, a waffle bar, or even breakfast at a special restaurant (be sure to take extra time for breakfast).

2. Don't forget that first day picture! There are tons of printables for free online. There are even Etsy shops that make custom signs. My favorite idea is decorating a large empty picture frame for use over and over. A simple chalkboard with the grade written on it works as well.

3. Take your child's measurements the first day every year. This is one I'm particularly excited about. You can do it old school and mark on a door, get a special sign just for measuring your child, or simply measure and record in a journal.

4. Trace your child's hand print and cut out. Do this every year for an awesome memory- what better way to think about your child growing up than in the form of hand prints.

5. Start a school scrapbook. Include a first day interview, photo, measurements, handprint, and any other items from the first day of school. You can even ask at the end of the day what they had for breakfast/ lunch/ snack and what their favorite part of the day is. You can also throw in things from throughout the year that are special. On graduation day, this will be a very special gift.

Here is some great clip art for creating your perfect back to school memories:

5 Tips for Getting Out of The Door On Time: Back to School With The Palmetto Queen

Today I have some tips for you on how to make mornings run more smoothly. These are actually things I use in my own family. I don't know what it is about getting a 2 year old out the door, but it can get quite stressful. I have had to find processes to make it run more smoothly. Today, I'm tacking on some PINSPIRATION as well- enjoy!

1. Prepare the night before- I know this isn't always possible, but when it is- it really does help. I also create a list of things that I need to grab in the morning. Some things I do the night before if I know I will venture out into the wild wild world include laying out clothes, checking the monster's backpack to make sure he has a snack and toys, pouring the monster's drink, getting my travel mug out, and making a list of things to do. I also go ahead and gather any returns, books, or anything else that is in my "out box."

2. Keep a list of things you need for a long day of errands (or specific trips like to the beach) For instance, if I have a long day out and my little guy is going to be in the car for a while, we have an activity bag that is used only then. I have that, snacks, drinks, naptime lovey, and book on my list for things I need on long errand days. My list of things for the beach just simplifies and I don't have to think about every little thing. I just grab that list and make sure I have everything.

3. Create a picture chart of all the things that need to be done before you leave so the kids can help out. My 2 year old isn't ready for this, but he soon will be and I am jumping on the band wagon.

4. Create a command central. This can be as simple or fancy as you like, but having everything that needs to go in one place helps. I also keep a reusable (foldable) shopping bag as my "out box" specifically for running errands- this stays out at command central, so I can pop things in as I realize they need to go out. This way after mail is dropped, returns are made, and books are returned, I can throw the bag in my purse and its out of the way- it also gives me a place to put anything I may pick up when out and about- that keeps it out of my purse..

5. Simplify mornings- have easy breakfasts for crazy mornings. We keep pop-tarts for these days and I even let him eat them in the car if it is going to be one of those breakfasts (he gets excited about eating in the car). I also keep a few ready to go juices in the fridge that I can just grab. My best tip to destress getting out the door is to once a week take inventory of what has to be done (so it doesn't sneak up on me) and clean out my purse, the monster's bookbag, our activity bag, errand bag, and even my laptop bag. I usually do this on Sunday nights because that's when I'm already in the organizing mode from planning our week.

Bonus tip: Slow down and take it easy. Its not the end of the world if you forget something. However, it may seem like the end of the world if you let stress set the mood for the day.

10 Tips For Preparing for a New School Year: Back to School With The Palmetto Queen

While I do not have a child in the public school system and he is only 2, I have some great tips for preparing for the return for school. I think these tips will help with returning to a formal school setting, home school, changing jobs, and even other major life changes.

1. Set Goals Together- sit down with each other and discuss everyone's goals and expectations. Set goals and stick to them. Also, be sure to let your children know your expectations for them this year.

2. Create a plan for success- whether this is finding a tutor, spending certain times studying, utilizing new/ proven tools for study, or just knowing that this year you will help your child find what works. Having a plan will help insure that your child has a successful year.

3. Get organized- this includes a calendar system, routine (bed time, rise time, dinner time, times set aside for school work, etc), supplies being organized, and coordinating with all family members.

4. Get into a routine before the school year actually begins. About a week before school starts, be sure to get into the habit of going to be/ getting up on time. Try to work in some "school" things too, such as using that homework time to get organized and read.

5. Create a family command center- this will help everyone stay organized and help keep schedules coordinated.

6. Make lists- this includes what to accomplish before the school year starts, what to remember the first day, any official tasks (school district paperwork, permission slips, requests from teachers), and even shopping lists. Lists always make life smoother.

7. Have a home plan in place- figure out what needs to be done to keep home in order and create a routine/ schedule for doing these things- your home will be happier.

8. Create a morning routine, as well as a night routine (later in the week)

9. Talk about it- remember that your child is just as anxious (if not more anxious) than you are. They have fears and expectations too. Remind them of the fun school brings, of how bright they are, and of all the other great things school involves. While you are talking, be sure to address fears and anxieties. They could be fearing something that you can wipe away with a few simple words.

10. Make it fun and celebrate the milestone of another school year. This doesn't have to be anything big like a party (like my mom always did), just something that is fun that your children will remember. It can be as simple as a first day photo, icecream for breakfast, or something like a party, or special dinner. (More ideas later)

Produce: Local Matters!

Disclaimer: I was not asked to write this post nor have I been compensated in anyway. I found this site and feel in love- so I want to share it. I'm so nice! (giggle)

I will admit that sometimes I am suckered into grocery store produce. There are a few reasons for this. Sometimes what I want is not grown locally. Sometimes I simply don't have the time to go to the market, and sometimes I'm just too lazy. 

However, if I plan things right, I can make it to the market (our good ones are only open certain days). I have always loved going to the fruit stands and markets. I love talking to the farmers and knowing what I am eating. I love knowing that I am feeding my family safe produce- because the growers feed the same to their families. 

Local Harvest is a one stop resource for all things farmers markets. Find them, find events, and learn about the importance of buying local! What an amazing site- I just love it! 

I'm Getting an Office!

As many of you know, I live in a small house. I do not have an office, so work is scattered. I use a mobile office, command center, and bookcase. I work at the kitchen table or wherever Mac has decided to play at that moment. It tends to get a little hectic without a central place to work. The hubby and I are doing some rearranging, so he promised me a desk (which really means office in my eyes!) I am so excited and although I will be working allover the house chasing the kid, I get a central place to keep everything.

What did I do when he told me the good news? I went to Pinterest of course and started pinning ideas. Here are some of my favorites! 

I will keep updating as I decide more of what I want and we make progress! I cannot wait to start this project!