Alice, a young and talented sous chef at NY's top restaurant, receives an invitation to judge a food competition for a prestigious annual fundraiser. Despite the dismay of Bret, her boss who is also her boyfriend, she accepts the invitation. Once she arrives in Kansas City, Alice is surprised to find her former boyfriend in college, Christian is among the judges. The cooking show and her reconnection with Christian will make Alice reconsider her dream.
You can watch the trailer here and even watch the movie on several different platforms: Netflix, Prime, Pureflix, and Tubi. Find all the options here.
I love the storyline and that it is a wholesome movie without all the unnecessary language, sexual content, and other things that we may not want in our lives. I don't have to worry if the kids come in to cuddle up. I can keep watching without worrying about what they may see or hear.
I refuse to ruin it for you because I am a movie fan and I love the surprise and twists they bring. You must watch this fantastic movie.
If you watch it, please tag the actors @bossmeggan and @africanscot. You can also use the hashtags #farmtoforktolove #romcom and #moviereview
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