A few weeks ago, I shared a Reel on Instagram of my planning process. After I posted it, I realized that I completely left one planner out. I didn't include my school planner and how I use it with my other planners. Then, I realized that I was making it much more difficult than necessary. I knew there had to be a way to make planning simpler. It used to be something I enjoyed, but it became a chore.
Here's that reel.
Here is the stack of things I had to have to accomplish anything. Ri-dic-u-lous, I know (does yours look similar?)
Now, I have found a simpler, more productive system. The setup takes time, but it does save time in the long run- and yes, you can still check of completed items. There is something so satisfying about that. Now, all I need is my phone in a pinch. My entire system consists of my laptop, Kindle Fire (just as a larger screen if I don't have my laptop), phone, and a notebook and pen. I do still need a notebook because I do still have to do a physical brainstorming session occasionally and I like to take notes on paper if doing research. However, you could even get rid of the notebook.
With this stack (plus my phone), I can accomplish anything. I can work, plan, school, and accomplish family tasks. I can even share anything with anyone.
You might be wondering what wonderful program I used to do this with and how much it costs a month. Well, I used free Google tools. The only thing I pay for is $1.99 a month for extra storage since I store work documents and school documents in the cloud. However, I was paying that anyway.
I'm actually saving more. I don't have to buy an expensive school planner each year, a lot of money on a personal planner that actually works. I also no longer have to buy extra paper, fancy pens (yes, that is a need with a planner), and other planner supplies. I also no longer have to stress trying to figure out which system will work. I can make my Google tools do what I want them to.
I am going to walk you through how I did this. However, to make it easier to process, because the setup does take time, I will break it into a few shorter posts. They will all be published at the same time so you can read them at once if you want.
Here are some other benefits to going with a digital planning system.
- Once the setup is complete, most things can be made automatic (no more copying recurring tasks)
- Google products are available everywhere and on any device
- If you have a Gmail account, you already have the tools available to you- no account set up
- It is easy to edit digital items without having to start fresh or scratch through when something is written on the wrong day (I had all my birthdays a month ahead this year in my paper planner and it was a mess!)
- It is easy to share with family and co-workers.
- Scheduling is easier because you can easily see availability.
- No more paper clutter and trash from planning
Some people have suggested one change at a time, but that doesn't work for me. I have to jump in with both feet first, and it is working.
Since getting this system in place, I have less stress trying to figure out what I have to do and keep up with everything. I am also much more productive. I'm getting my work done with plenty of time before deadlines and I even have finished planning the school year for 2024-2025.
I'm rocking it!
What I'm using and how I'm using them. (just click on the link below to see the post)
Whether you jump right in or take it slow, I do hope you give my ideas a try. The best part if you can make it work for you.
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