Paperless Planning: Part 1

A few weeks ago, I shared a Reel on Instagram of my planning process. After I posted it, I realized that I completely left one planner out. I didn't include my school planner and how I use it with my other planners. Then, I realized that I was making it much more difficult than necessary. I knew there had to be a way to make planning simpler. It used to be something I enjoyed, but it became a chore. 

Here's that reel. 

Here is the stack of things I had to have to accomplish anything. Ri-dic-u-lous, I know (does yours look similar?)

Now, I have found a simpler, more productive system. The setup takes time, but it does save time in the long run- and yes, you can still check of completed items. There is something so satisfying about that. Now, all I need is my phone in a pinch. My entire system consists of my laptop, Kindle Fire (just as a larger screen if I don't have my laptop), phone, and a notebook and pen. I do still need a notebook because I do still have to do a physical brainstorming session occasionally and I like to take notes on paper if doing research. However, you could even get rid of the notebook.

With this stack (plus my phone), I can accomplish anything. I can work, plan, school, and accomplish family tasks. I can even share anything with anyone. 

You might be wondering what wonderful program I used to do this with and how much it costs a month. Well, I used free Google tools. The only thing I pay for is $1.99 a month for extra storage since I store work documents and school documents in the cloud. However, I was paying that anyway. 

I'm actually saving more. I don't have to buy an expensive school planner each year, a lot of money on a personal planner that actually works. I also no longer have to buy extra paper, fancy pens (yes, that is a need with a planner), and other planner supplies. I also no longer have to stress trying to figure out which system will work. I can make my Google tools do what I want them to. 

I am going to walk you through how I did this. However, to make it easier to process, because the setup does take time, I will break it into a few shorter posts. They will all be published at the same time so you can read them at once if you want. 

Here are some other benefits to going with a digital planning system. 
  1. Once the setup is complete, most things can be made automatic (no more copying recurring tasks)
  2. Google products are available everywhere and on any device
  3. If you have a Gmail account, you already have the tools available to you- no account set up
  4. It is easy to edit digital items without having to start fresh or scratch through when something is written on the wrong day (I had all my birthdays a month ahead this year in my paper planner and it was a mess!)
  5. It is easy to share with family and co-workers. 
  6. Scheduling is easier because you can easily see availability. 
  7. No more paper clutter and trash from planning
Some people have suggested one change at a time, but that doesn't work for me. I have to jump in with both feet first, and it is working. 

Since getting this system in place, I have less stress trying to figure out what I have to do and keep up with everything. I am also much more productive. I'm getting my work done with plenty of time before deadlines and I even have finished planning the school year for 2024-2025. 

I'm rocking it! 

What I'm using and how I'm using them. (just click on the link below to see the post)
Whether you jump right in or take it slow, I do hope you give my ideas a try. The best part if you can make it work for you. 

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