Organize Backpacks for Travel

It is no secret that I am kind of obessed with my kids' backpacks. A couple years back, I invested in a Pottery Barn Kids backpack for each kid. I had fallen in love with the doll carrier one for Koda and then found the Spider-Man one for Tbomb (it even glows in the dark). The doll carrier one is no longer available, but the MacKenzie backpack will carry a doll as well!

While I spent a little more than I had on their backpacks in the past, I have not regretted this decision. You get what you pay for and there is no wear on these backpacks. They will be using them for years because they are such good quality. Also, because I bought more "classic" designs, they will grow with them. About 6 months after, I upgraded their water bottles to the MacKenzie bottle and could not be happier. I love the entire Mackenzie line! Mackenzie toiletry bags, allergy tags, and hooded ponchos are next on my list for the kids.

One of the things I love so much about the backpacks from Pottery Barn Kids (note: this is not a sponsored post. I bought them and love them. We've used them a while and I wanted to share) is the organizing possibilities and that because of the way they are set up, the kids can keep them maintained themselves. I only redo them and resupply every few months.

Seriously, I love these bags and they have been worth the investment, as have the water bottles- the kids use them every single day to make sure they get enough water.

Now, enough fan-girling. On to the organizing!

Start with cleaning the bags out, washing them, and hanging them in the sun for a day. (This post)

1. Divide items into pouches. This might not work for all kids, but mine have to have "containers." The pouch the coloring items are in was from a Hatchimals Easter gift and it works perfectly.

The tablet cases are from the Innotab days and still work for the Kindle Fires, even with the updated standing cases. The little pockets are perfect for cables and other accessories as well. Their battery packs even fit in the bottom. I like that they have a little more protection inside the backpacks as well.

2. If your child has medical needs, take care of those. Koda has to have pull-ups, wipes, and a change of clothes, so I have those in a clear bag. The clear bag makes sure that grandparents or whoever she is with can find them. I would much rather just use a pretty wet/ dry bag, but that is what I'm using now.

She also has an inhaler. For now, it stays in my purse, but eventually, it will go into her backpack and have to have a case of its own with the mask. Make sure the pocket things like this are in have a label letting people know where it is.

Tbomb has to have a medical card, which I put in the bag label pocket on the inside. Also, both kids have masks to prevent illness, (even before COVID-19) so those are handy for them.

3. If the bag is for adventures, be sure that there is a toy and an activity book. If it is for school, be sure those items are removed.

4. That is basically it. Make sure to designate a place for snacks and drinks, so the kids can always find them. Pretty simple!!!

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