All relationships have bumps and snags along the way. It is easier now than ever to get your relationship back on track and into the healthy zone once again. Depending on your location, job, family situation, and many other factors, traditional therapy may not be a viable option for you. However, online therapy can work around your situation and work beautifully.
Maybe your busy schedule has kept you from spending quality time with your significant other and one or both of you are feeling resentful because of it. Instead of going down that dark road, you can find an online therapist that can help you figure out how to either find more time to be together or make the time you do have of more quality. Isn't quality or quantity better anyway?
Do you need to make difficult decisions that will affect you both? Are these decisions weighing heavy on you, causing pain, suffering, or resentment? Are you putting off the inevitable decision making? An online therapist can help you work through these decisions in a healthy atmosphere and may even be able to help you find alternate solutions that are better and you have not thought of.
The tougher issues like infidelity, lack of trust, resentment, mental health issues, and loss can be even harder on a relationship. At time therapy is a must for these issues. A therapist can be a neutral third party to help balance the arguments, see the mutual issues, and help you come to some resolutions about your relationship. Online couples therapy will help with these problems as well.
Online therapy, available through a website, phone, or app, is a recent development that is helping people of all situations navigate the world more successfully. Your relationship is no different, you are trying to navigate the world successfully-together. One of the main benefits of online therapy versus traditional therapy is that it can work with your schedule. Instead of trying to get an appointment to work during normal business hours, your appointment can be whenever is best for both of you.
If you live in a rural area, you may need to drive to a city to find a couples therapist in the traditional manner, but online, they are available to you wherever you are, without the drive, risk of running into people you know, or even being stuck with a therapist you may know on a personal level. It can be much more anonymous. The cost is also usually much more affordable and you can usually get a free consultation to see if online relationship counselling will work for your relationship.
The thing about relationship counselling is that not only will your relationship grow and become stronger, but you as a person will as well. You will learn tools to help your relationship in the future, like better communication, learning each other's "languages," and even coping mechanisms. You may even learn to "pick your battles." (Example: Is your husband wearing socks with sandals really worth throwing your marriage away?)
You will receive the same treatment as you would in a traditional therapists office. You will participate in discussions, exercises, and especially learn to communicate with each other more effectively. I think most of us could benefit from that! If you have any questions, BetterHelp has the answers!
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