5 Ways To Show You Care During A Pandemic

During these uncertain times, so much has changed. There's no more popping by to say hey. It isn't as easy to do small things for people to remind them that we are thinking of them. We aren't in stores as often, so picking up things that remind us of them and dropping them off isn't really happening. There are still ways to show we are thinking of our loved ones without risking exposing them to a virus. Here are a few ideas. 

1. Porch drop-off: Think grown-up version of ding dong ditch! You can drop a gift basket, cake, or even dinner on the porch. Just make sure you call to inform them that they have a surprise. 

2. Flower delivery: Seriously, who doesn't love getting a flower delivery and there are so many options now, including live plants. If you happen to be looking for a New York City florist, you are really in luck: PlantShed - best nyc florist  

3. Snail Mail: I don't know about you, but I love getting cards and I always keep some on hand to send when I think of someone. Pop a card in the mail for that friend you don't get to see as much. 

4. Send a door dash delivery

5. Pick up the phone. We live in a world of texting, but sometimes we need to hear the voices of those we love. Wouldn't your grandma love a call from you, just to chat? 

There are so many ways we can show our love, even without spending money. Just say it, and don't stop telling your loved ones that you love them. 

What are some ways you have found to connect with those you love during these difficult times? Simple or extravagant, it doesn't matter, as long as we are showing that we care and are thinking of those we love. 

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