Today, I just want to write a letter. I don't really feel the need to explain the reasoning behind the decisions I make. What I feel the need to do is to open some people's eyes so they can realize that everything is not black and white.
First, a little bit of a back story.
I caught measles from the vaccination. I have not had the chickenpox vaccine, yet I've never had them. My brothers have had the chickenpox vaccine- one brother had chickenpox, the other has Shingles AT THE AGE OF 6.
My son has ITP, which basically means that if his immune system is activated (even by allergies), there is a chance that his antibodies will act up and start killing his platelets, which could make a simple injury severe. When we caught it, his levels were at 1, and should have been between 150 and 300. He cannot have the typical meds because he's allergic, so he has to have steroids for treatment, which is an immunosuppressant. He's considered chronic because of how low his levels were and because it took 6 months to get him to 200.
My daughter has many health problems. She has asthma, stomach issues, an immune deficiency, and is very prone to ear infections. She also catches everything and takes forever to get over it. Because of this, we had to pull her from public school, although she was getting vital therapies. She was missing 1/3 of the school days from being sick. Another thing with her is that she has had vaccine-related injuries and because we've opted to not vaccinate, I was actually bullied at the Dr's office by a nurse. Excuse me, but I saw what one vaccine did to her with lasting effects, I'm not interested in playing roulette with her future.
This leads us to the pandemic. We have stayed at home for their and my family members' health. We have worn masks. We have put our lives on hold while we watch everyone going on vacation, having parties, and going out to eat. Now, those same people are telling me to get a TRIAL vaccine for their safety and their kids' safety, yet they were not willing to stay at home for my kids' safety.
These people are pushing vaccine mandates even though it is not a fully proven safe vaccination.
Guess what?!?! No! Vaccines are not safe for everyone. If you want it, fine, but leave me and mine alone. If you are worried, keep your butt at home like you were supposed to in the beginning.
Another thing, you were not willing to keep your kid at home when they were sick for my kids' health and the health of her cancer-patient grandmother. Newsflash, you sending your sick kid to school could have killed my MIL and could have put my daughter in the hospital, if not worse.
Now, you want to say get a vaccine for the greater good? NO!
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