Here is the plan:
1. Wall Calendar on the fridge. I have never been a big fan of wall calendars. The only way I've used them in the past was to put mail/ bills/ and birthday cards in by the front door to grab and mail on the way out the door (like this). This month, I will be changing it up a bit. I will continue with my birthdays marked and my cards ready, but I will be adding to that. I will be tracking rewards/ punishments for the kids, appointments, business appointments, and visits. I will be using different colored ink for that, but still putting these things in my planner.
Doing this will allow the rest of the family to start keeping track of things as well. Also, if my husband takes a message, he can write it on my fridge sticky notes, and if it is an appointment, he can write it on the calendar. I guess you could call this my first step in delegating.
The rest of the calendars are for my own personal use.
2. School Calendar. Instead of trying to plan school around my own planner, I'm taking a new approach for the rest of the year. From here on out, I will be planning in my school book and then schedule in "my brain" from there. Instead of marking in school days in "my brain," I will be marking out of school days. School comes first, so I'll plan school and everything else around it.
3. Google Calendar. I schedule blog posts, CariOnMedia, paranormal tasks, marketing, and special holidays in my GCal. Then, on Sundays, I sync my calendars. My new plan is to continue planning the same ways, but only sync appointments and due dates in my planner. I'll simply make my weekly to-do list from my GCal.
4. Pocket Calendar. In my early 20s, I used a pocket calendar in my checkbook slot of my wallet. This was perfect for making appointments and tracking work days. This worked perfectly at the time, but once I started my own business on the side and then became a manager at my job, I had to have something more and "my brain" was born.
I'm going back to using a pocket calendar, but a little different. I actually tuck it into the pocket of my Deluxe Happy Planner Cover pocket (which I am still using). I use it for a marketing calendar. I track what I need to be sharing and special days in it. It is easier for me to see how it all goes together on this than in my Google Calendar, and then when I schedule, I pull it out and have the plan in front of me, instead of switching screens back and forth.
5. My BRAIN. I will be writing a post devoted to my planer, but I will introduce it here. My amazing mother in law bought me a Blue Sky monthly planner for Christmas and gave it to me before I had a chance to buy one myself. She wanted me to stop pushing myself so much. So, she gave me a much bigger gift than "just a planner." She revived my brain and added sparkle. This is where I track my to-dos, daily tasks, appointments, and everything else. It is gorgeous and I cannot wait to share it all with you.
Would you consider using multiple calendars?
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