Time To Sign: Sign Language For Kids #CapstonePub

Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.

I homeschool my kids, and we have been working the sign language alphabet in with our morning lesson. Tbomb loves doing it and Kodabug has been trying to mimic us for some time now. However, we had a bit of a shift in our family lately. Kodabug will be 2 1/2 in March, yet is still not talking. She will try to say some things that are just a single sound, but that is about it. I'm praying she will just start talking one day and blow us away. However, I can't sit back and do nothing. Trying to get her to talk isn't working, so we've decided to do something different. She is so incredibly smart and can communicate, just not with spoken words.

We have started teaching her sign language, and learning with her. So far, she knows thank you, please, more, milk, potty, and eat. She is doing really well and the Mr and I want to keep it up, even after she does start talking. After all, knowing sign language never hurt anyone. I'm hoping that when she realizes telling me is easier than pointing and me guessing that she will sign then talk. When I saw that Capstone has a sign language for kids book, I had to have it.

Time to Sign: Sign Language for Kids by Kathryn Clay Illustrated by Mick Reid

Time to Sign: Sign Language for KidsTime to Sign: Sign Language for Kids is a beautifully illustrated book to teach the signs that kids should know. This book illustrates the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) and is great for kids of all ages and their families. There are hundreds of words that will allow your child to communicate in many different situations. It even includes instructions on how to fingerspell the alphabet.

I have really enjoyed having this book on hand. Tbomb is constantly asking me how to sign something that he wants to tell Kodabug (although she understands perfectly well) and with this book, I can simply look it up. It is also helping me to know which signs should be next. When I come across something that Kodabug is paying a lot of attention to or has discovered something, I go look up the sign and show it to her, then reinforce it when her attention goes there again. It was nice to be able to look up potty!

I think this is a must have book for all families. Sign language is something that is good for kids to know and you never know when it might be needed.

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