Find Out Why I'm Excited for Spring 2014

I have been talking with a designer and I'm very excited that this bag is coming in Spring of 2014

Not only is this bag beautiful, but it was born because of a beautiful story.

Ebenezer had a very sick Grandmother, who he loved very much. He could not afford to get her to America so that she would get better healthcare. He vowed that never again would someone or their loved ones suffer because of the financial inability to get medical attention that could save their life.

The purpose of the O'Bazzie Satchel is to support the international education of children and to help fund medical care for the elderly in Africa.

Ebenezer designed this beautiful satchel purely out of love for his Grandmother. I'm sure she is very proud of what her sickness inspired and even more so in the determination of her grandson.

I asked Ebenezer where he gets his inspiration. His response: "I'm mostly inspired by the simple things around my every day environment and interactions with people."

The O'Bazzie Satchel will be available in a variety of colors and sizes, plus you'll have the opportunity to help out a great cause.

It has been a pleasure speaking with Ebenezer, and I look forward to see what his future holds.

I will be sure to let you guys know how much I love the satchel when I get my hands on one!

Be sure to check out the Facebook page for O'Bazzie Satchels.

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