Coming Soon: Changes for The Palmetto Queen

I started The Palmetto Queen just over a year ago as a way to share my chaotic life. It has grown- I love having fans that relate to my life. I have decided on some changes- don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm working on some design changes that will better express what The Palmetto Queen is all about.

Southern Charm Sunday is also starting back with a "Dear Abby" like aspect with it. So, if you have any etiquette questions, ask away (comment here, leave me a Facebook comment, or talk to me on twitter)

I will also be sharing more from my paranormal life, more beauty posts, more organizing posts, and restructuring my fitness posts.

One more change you might be interested in: my little prince is getting older, so he will now be referred to as Mac (irish for son).

These changes will begin on Monday, June 3rd. Some will take longer than others to implement, but it will all be worth it.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions- I'm always listening!

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