Homeschool Organization: Backpacks

Ever since we started homeschooling, I've kept all of our homeschool stuff in a bag that I carry. The kids have clipboards that hold their work and supplies. 

This year, I have a 7th grader and 4th grader. We have more materials and more books. It would no longer fit in my one bag and getting a bigger bag isn't something I really want to do. I have enough to keep up with. 

I decided the kids would keep up with their own stuff this year. It is working very well, although they balked at first.


The kids each have a supply pouch, clipboard, science journal, atlas, and a few other things we use a good bit in our lessons. 

We already had backpacks the kids use for travel and I'd been wanting to upgrade those for a while (they outgrew their Pottery Barn MacKenzie backpacks and that was a sad day). So, we decided to use those for school and go ahead and upgrade their travel bags (They will get the new ones for Christmas).

The Zipit pouch is making a huge difference too. It doesn't take up a log of room but opens so they can see what is in it. 


Pink Backpack

Black Backpack

Zipit Case

Green Clipboard

Pink Glitter Clipboard

National Geographic Kids World Atlas

Composition Books (Great for color-coding)


Ultra fine dry erase markers for handwriting


Pencil Sharpener

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