We are going into our 4th week of school and I'm tired. Well, tired and refreshed at the same time. Tired because getting back into the groove. Refreshed because I have discovered ways to make our homeschool day go more smoothly.
We do school in different locations, so laying out everything on the table does not work. Maybe things that are helping us this year will help you as well.
1. Pack lunches the night before. I use sandwich bowls and make bento lunches the night before. Then, the kids can get their lunches when they are ready for them and I don't have to stop teaching to fix something. I often use dinner leftovers.
2. On Friday afternoon, I make sure my records from that week are up to date and gather for the next week. I have a folder for each day of the week and I gather all the supplies I can. I make sure to do this Friday evening because I can then devote my entire weekend to family time.
3. Prepare like you would for a "public school" kid. Double-check that all materials are gathered, videos found, clothes laid out, room clean, and all that good stuff. Even though we don't have to rush out of the house in the morning, this will make the morning smoother.
4. Get excited about learning. I've always tried to show the kids that I love to learn and strive to learn something new each day. I realized something though. I was looking at homeschool like a job and not showing them excitement DURING school. When I get excited about what they are learning, they get excited. Act like a kid, enjoy the moment, have fun with your kids.
5. Remember that we are all the ringmasters of our own circus. Everyone struggles with something, even those Instagram-perfect homeschool moms. No day is perfect and not every day will go as planned. Go with the flow. This type-A personality has had to let go and laugh at myself, my mess, and my circus. Because of that, this school year is going much more smoothly. But, I'm still a work in progress.