Usually, I love where I work in the house. I usually sit at the kitchen table and can watch wherever the kids are playing, keep an eye on dinner, and see outside. I can watch the kids play outside, see what the dogs are doing, and even see if someone is turning in the driveway. It doesn't hurt that the view is nice as well.
We have a large yard with a lot of plants and trees. I especially love the view of the blackberries- they are a nice mixture of wild blackberries and some that we planted. We also have a pepper garden, strawberry patch, blueberry bushes, and a garden plot for other plants. That isn't including the muscadines, a huge rosemary bush, some honeysuckles, and a fig tree. This is just the edibles. There is also a crab-apple tree that my husband's great aunt planted (she died when he was 2), a rose bush from his great-grandmother, a red-bud bush from his great-uncle, and a cedar tree he planted when he was in kindergarten.
Basically, it is a beautiful view and I am surrounded by generations of love and family. It is truly a beautiful thing.
I write that to explain this. Today is a bit different. I woke up feeling like there wasn't enough coffee in the world for the day. I'm sitting at my computer and looking out the window. It is overcast, nothing is blooming, and it is a bit depressing. I just want to go back to bed. This is not like me, but I have been feeling more and more like that. I want to sleep. I want to lay around. I want to do nothing. The kids don't want to be outside because it is overcast, so they are inside and fighting. This just adds to it.
Sometimes I just feel burnt out. Luckily, it doesn't go any further than that. It isn't full blown depression and it doesn't usually last very long. It adds to my anxiety, but I just have to be aware of it and I'm fine. Luckily, I have a very supportive family that gives me time when I need it, lets me vent, and I have shoulders to cry on.
However, not everyone has this. I think a lot about those people who are stuck in a rut of some sort and they do not have anyone to talk to. At the risk of sounding childish, this isn't fair. Everyone should have people in their corner that are supportive and offer and listening ear. I'm sure that the lack of this just adds to depression, anxiety, and other problems.
My hope for this situation is that anyone who doesn't have someone to talk to reaches out. With social media now, there are multiple ways of reaching out and so many people who are willing to help. If you are unsure of reaching out to your online community, there are other options as well.
Did you know that online therapy and counseling is now available? There are several companies that offer it with a variety of options as to how online therapy is carried out. There is chat, video chat, phone calls, apps, and more. Itsn't it amazing what technology has opened up for us?! There are many companies available for online therapy, including BetterHelp, so the options are just about endless!
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