Benefits Of Camping As A Family

I grew up camping with my family. The Mr grew up camping with his family. We camped together when we were dating and it continued. We've camped together for years and even took Tbomb when he was about 9 months old. We've only been able to take Snapper once and that trip was over the next day as we were in a very secluded park- it stormed the whole night and more storms were coming in. So, this summer we are very excited to take the kids for about a week to a regular campsite. We are staying away from the really secluded parks for now, in case of emergency.

The benefits of camping as a family are exponential. Here are 10 that really stand out to me and my family.

1. Breathing fresh air

2. Meeting new people- we always like connecting with the families near us and have made some great friendships.

3. Learning new skills- not only fishing, hiking, and things like that, but you could take a new skill to learn by the campfire like crochet.

4. Learn survival skills like fire building, foraging, and water purification together.

5. I like that we can continue to do school while we camp.

6. Having more one on one time with the kids can make a huge improvement in your relationship.

7. Family Bible study by the fire is a wonderful way to connect and what better place to study the Bible than in nature.

8. Starting a family hobby like a rock collection, nature mural, or bug collection can be something to look forward to on each trip.

9. Cooking as a family is good for the soul, so make it around the campfire.

10. Take the time to talk and have real quality conversation with your family.

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