The benefits of camping as a family are exponential. Here are 10 that really stand out to me and my family.
1. Breathing fresh air
2. Meeting new people- we always like connecting with the families near us and have made some great friendships.
3. Learning new skills- not only fishing, hiking, and things like that, but you could take a new skill to learn by the campfire like crochet.
4. Learn survival skills like fire building, foraging, and water purification together.
5. I like that we can continue to do school while we camp.
6. Having more one on one time with the kids can make a huge improvement in your relationship.
7. Family Bible study by the fire is a wonderful way to connect and what better place to study the Bible than in nature.
8. Starting a family hobby like a rock collection, nature mural, or bug collection can be something to look forward to on each trip.
9. Cooking as a family is good for the soul, so make it around the campfire.
10. Take the time to talk and have real quality conversation with your family.
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