For years, moms have made a reputation for themselves for not taking care of them. For letting their physical, mental, and even spiritual health slide in favor of taking care of their families. I'm guilty too, but I've been told so many times that if I do not take care of me, I can't take care of my family. Well, this is easier said than done. As moms, we may get our checkups and necessary doctor appointments done, but what about our mental health? I think we let it slide more than anything else.
We have become such a busy society that there is no more room in our schedules. Even watching a show with our families or eating a casual dinner together becomes a rarity. If we cannot even seem to make time for this, naturally something like counseling isn't even given a second thought. Maybe this is where we are going wrong. Maybe we need to consider counseling and adding it to our schedule.
Here are 10 benefits to consider.
1. Counseling offers a distraction-free zone to talk about problems, get things off our chests, and even organize our thoughts.
2. A counselor can give you a reality check, especially when things are so overwhelming that we can't see through the fog.
3. A counselor can help us realize that we do not have to do it all- we just think we do.
4. A counselor can help us set our priorities back on the right track.
5. A counselor is an objective third party that can help us look at our problems with a different perspective.
6. A counselor can help us find solutions to relationship problems (parent/ child/ spouse/ work/ etc)
7. A counselor can help you change bad and self-defeating habits.
8. A counselor can help you achieve greater self-esteem and self-acceptance, as well as help you manage depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
9. With a counselor, you could gain increased confidence and decision making skills, as well as improve communication and interpersonal skills.
10. Remember that better mental health means better overall health. Mental health problems can quickly turn into physical health problems.
Don't think you have time for counseling? Think again! You can find an online counselor that can meet with you when it is convenient for you. BetterHelp can help you get started and find the best counselor for you.
Fire Safety For Kids
This is a post I have been wanting to write for a while.
A couple of years ago, we almost had a major incident while camping. We were camping with our Bigfoot investigation team up in the mountains. Actually in a spot that Matt Moneymaker, from Finding Bigfoot, is fairly fond of himself. This place is way up in the mountains and several miles of rough driving off the main road. It isn't the place to have an emergency- it would be hard to get out of and hard for an ambulance to get into, which is the reason we only camp there with our team- more safety in numbers.
We had a bonfire and one of our team members was cooking some wild hog in the ground under the fire, which makes a wonderful roast. The fire had simmered down a good bit- just a few flames and mostly coals. It was just a fire with a pot hanger teepee over it. Uncle Brian had come out to visit a bit because he loves fishing in this spot. He had some surprises in his pack for the kids, so every time he went to his pack, the kids were right on his heels (but they are anyway). One time, Koda wasn't watching what she was doing, but she was just walking good and was about to walk through the fire.
I saw her and there was no way I could get to her in time, as we were sitting in a circle away from the fire. Uncle Brian turned around, ran through the coals, and grabbed her- handing her to me before crashing into something. That could have been a complete and total nightmare. Unfortunately, my mom radar was down and I didn't catch that danger. I don't know why- I am always on high alert for danger.
1. Talk to your kids about fire and the dangers involved. Have them roast a weenie on the fire and explain that fire will do that to your skin.
2. Remind them that there should be no running around the fire, it is too easy to slip. Our rule is no running at night unless they are in the fence. You never know when a snake could be around, or a limb that no one sees that could be tripped over.
3. When you are away from home camping or with a group of people at night, have your kids wear glow bracelets. Not only can you see them in a split second, but you can also tell how close they are to the fire.
4. Place a barrier around the fire- either by using a fire pit, like we do in the backyard, or a portable when away from home. This could be building one with rocks, bringing along a portable fire pit, or a number of things. We have a small puppy playpen that is actually for Koda- we can put it around a fire if need be, but I can also use it to keep her away from the fire by putting her inside it. (This also helps me keep track of her when I have my hands full because she likes to follow animals and is very easily distracted- I have had to catch her when she's tried to wander off on more than one occasion). If you have a special needs child or a toddler or younger, I suggest investing in a puppy playpen- they are not expensive, store in a very little amount of space, can be used inside or outside, and have a ton of safety uses for your little one.
5. I believe getting kids involved in projects and chores not only teaches them responsibility, but also to respect nature, people, and the world around them. Building a campfire or cooking fire is no different. Our kids always get involved when making the fire. They help gather wood, kindling, and make sure the fire pit is cleaned out. They also get to watch and learn how to start a fire. This makes takes the curiosity away, so they do not try to do it themselves, and teaches them that fire really does burn and that if it can burn that wood, it can burn those woods in our backyard too. The kids also have play campfires because they love to pretend survival, camping, and Naked & Afraid. They are not curious about fire like some kids and we do not fear Tbomb or Koda trying to start one on their own. Plus, if they ask to build a fire, we take the time to have a fire that night.
These are the things that I have learned over the years of being a mom. I hope they help you prepare your family for some safe fun this summer!
A couple of years ago, we almost had a major incident while camping. We were camping with our Bigfoot investigation team up in the mountains. Actually in a spot that Matt Moneymaker, from Finding Bigfoot, is fairly fond of himself. This place is way up in the mountains and several miles of rough driving off the main road. It isn't the place to have an emergency- it would be hard to get out of and hard for an ambulance to get into, which is the reason we only camp there with our team- more safety in numbers.
We had a bonfire and one of our team members was cooking some wild hog in the ground under the fire, which makes a wonderful roast. The fire had simmered down a good bit- just a few flames and mostly coals. It was just a fire with a pot hanger teepee over it. Uncle Brian had come out to visit a bit because he loves fishing in this spot. He had some surprises in his pack for the kids, so every time he went to his pack, the kids were right on his heels (but they are anyway). One time, Koda wasn't watching what she was doing, but she was just walking good and was about to walk through the fire.
I saw her and there was no way I could get to her in time, as we were sitting in a circle away from the fire. Uncle Brian turned around, ran through the coals, and grabbed her- handing her to me before crashing into something. That could have been a complete and total nightmare. Unfortunately, my mom radar was down and I didn't catch that danger. I don't know why- I am always on high alert for danger.
1. Talk to your kids about fire and the dangers involved. Have them roast a weenie on the fire and explain that fire will do that to your skin.
2. Remind them that there should be no running around the fire, it is too easy to slip. Our rule is no running at night unless they are in the fence. You never know when a snake could be around, or a limb that no one sees that could be tripped over.
3. When you are away from home camping or with a group of people at night, have your kids wear glow bracelets. Not only can you see them in a split second, but you can also tell how close they are to the fire.
4. Place a barrier around the fire- either by using a fire pit, like we do in the backyard, or a portable when away from home. This could be building one with rocks, bringing along a portable fire pit, or a number of things. We have a small puppy playpen that is actually for Koda- we can put it around a fire if need be, but I can also use it to keep her away from the fire by putting her inside it. (This also helps me keep track of her when I have my hands full because she likes to follow animals and is very easily distracted- I have had to catch her when she's tried to wander off on more than one occasion). If you have a special needs child or a toddler or younger, I suggest investing in a puppy playpen- they are not expensive, store in a very little amount of space, can be used inside or outside, and have a ton of safety uses for your little one.
5. I believe getting kids involved in projects and chores not only teaches them responsibility, but also to respect nature, people, and the world around them. Building a campfire or cooking fire is no different. Our kids always get involved when making the fire. They help gather wood, kindling, and make sure the fire pit is cleaned out. They also get to watch and learn how to start a fire. This makes takes the curiosity away, so they do not try to do it themselves, and teaches them that fire really does burn and that if it can burn that wood, it can burn those woods in our backyard too. The kids also have play campfires because they love to pretend survival, camping, and Naked & Afraid. They are not curious about fire like some kids and we do not fear Tbomb or Koda trying to start one on their own. Plus, if they ask to build a fire, we take the time to have a fire that night.
These are the things that I have learned over the years of being a mom. I hope they help you prepare your family for some safe fun this summer!
How To Drink More Water: 10 Tips
I got some not so good news a couple months ago. I had a cardiologist appointment and I wasn't too happy with what he had to say. It scared me a bit. Basically, If I don't lose weight (and do it the right way), I will go into diastolic heart failure. Who wants to hear that. With a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old, that really scared me. I want to be around to see them drive, graduate, have a career, get married, have kids, and everything in between.
I'm not in a position at the moment to make drastic changes, but I believe small changes will make a big difference. I'm trying to eat breakfast, drink water, and eat kid-sized portions. I have to still cook what my family will eat. Drinking water is easier said than done when it is not a habit. I wanted to share some things that are helping me.
3. Drink one glass of water for every glass of other drink you have (coffee, tea, juice, etc)
4. Drink a cup of water every time you use the restroom.
5. Keep a cup (an actual 8 oz. cup) by your refrigerator and when you walk by, get a cup. You will be surprised how quickly it adds up.
6. Reward yourself- don't have that soda or latte if you are not on track with your water. Better yet, have a soda when you are finished for the day.
7. Try adding fruit and herbs to your water. Also, try adding juice or a sports drink for more goodness.
8. Drink a glass of water before each meal.
9. Instead of drinking soda, drink sparkling water.
10. The thing that works the best for me is keeping water with me all the time- even beside my coffee cup. Then, I drink it because it is in front of me, it reminds me, and it kind of guilts me into drinking it.
I'm not in a position at the moment to make drastic changes, but I believe small changes will make a big difference. I'm trying to eat breakfast, drink water, and eat kid-sized portions. I have to still cook what my family will eat. Drinking water is easier said than done when it is not a habit. I wanted to share some things that are helping me.
1. Write it down. Either in a planner, on a calendar, or on a sticky note somewhere you look a lot, write down how many cups of water is your goal.
2. Get a pretty water bottle that you want to use. I have 3
- A Tervis I use most days and carry with me every where.
- A metal insulated one for when I'm going to be gone all day- it holds 40 ounces, so that is a good chunk of my daily goal and I can refill it
- I also have an insulated cup with times marked on it. I don't use it a lot, but use it if I have been struggling with the water. It's just not pretty.
3. Drink one glass of water for every glass of other drink you have (coffee, tea, juice, etc)
4. Drink a cup of water every time you use the restroom.
5. Keep a cup (an actual 8 oz. cup) by your refrigerator and when you walk by, get a cup. You will be surprised how quickly it adds up.
6. Reward yourself- don't have that soda or latte if you are not on track with your water. Better yet, have a soda when you are finished for the day.
7. Try adding fruit and herbs to your water. Also, try adding juice or a sports drink for more goodness.
8. Drink a glass of water before each meal.
9. Instead of drinking soda, drink sparkling water.
10. The thing that works the best for me is keeping water with me all the time- even beside my coffee cup. Then, I drink it because it is in front of me, it reminds me, and it kind of guilts me into drinking it.
Special Needs Surf Camp: "If I Can Surf, I Can Do Anything"
I am constantly amazed by the wonderful opportunities that are popping up for special needs children. My Snapper isn't quite ready for surf camp, but I could see it in her future. I had a strong urgency to share this with you and hope that it makes it to a child who needs it and to some donors and volunteers that can make a difference.
How To Make Sweet Tea
I know, I know, making sweet tea is the easiest thing in the world, right? Well, I thought so, but I'm surprised at how many people have asked me how to make it. So, I'm sharing the 3 different ways that I've made sweet tea. You will get a rich, bold tea- the best way to have it!
Method One (Our Normal Method)
In a small pot, put 3 family size tea bags (we use decaf and they taste the same), 3/4 cup to 1 cup of sugar, and a tsp of baking powder. Add water. Boil.
Once it is boiled, pour it into your gallon jug, fill with water, and remove tea bags.
Method Two (My Mom's Method)
Boil water in a kettle with 3 family size tea bags. In your gallon tea jug, add 1 cup of sugar and 1 tsp baking powder. Once your water boils, pour into the jug and fill the rest of the way with water.
Method Three (Restaraunt Quick Method)
In a small pitcher, put 2 tea bags and a little baking soda. Fill half-way with very very hot water. Fill the rest of the way with ice cubes. This is really good if you have a hot water spout on an espresso machine.
Free Printable: Summer Bucket List
Guess WHAT!! It is officially the summer season! Yay!
There may still be some school days left, but that is coming to an end. So, I'm sure you guys are as excited as I am for some summer adventures. Don't let the summer go by without having some adventures. When you are looking for something to do, this list should help- many of these can be done in your own backyard
Just print, put in a frame, and mark off when you are done!
There may still be some school days left, but that is coming to an end. So, I'm sure you guys are as excited as I am for some summer adventures. Don't let the summer go by without having some adventures. When you are looking for something to do, this list should help- many of these can be done in your own backyard
Just print, put in a frame, and mark off when you are done!
Tips For Keeping Your Tent & Campsite Clean
My family loves camping and we love camping with family and friends, but there is a part of it that really stresses me out. When we camp with people who do not keep their campsite clean and organized, it adds anxiety for several reasons. You can't find anything, you look like a bunch of hobos, and its nature- keep it clean. So I'm sharing some tips today.
1. Keeping the inside of your tent dirt free is not the easiest of jobs, but over the years, we have found what works. Do not wear shoes inside the tent, keep a good mat outside the tent for wiping off feet, and keep a small broom and dustpan for sweeping. Nobody wants to sleep surrounded by dirt and nobody wants to hear dirt on the tent floor.
2. Keep a trash bag handy for trash, and make sure everyone throws away when they are done and no one puts trash in the fire- that is a nasty clean up at the end of the trip. A pop-up laundry hamper makes a great trashcan and it can be used to store camping stuff when not being used. Plus, if you zip it closed at night, animals will stay out of it.
3. Keep cooking/ eating supplies handy, but gathered together. Keep condiments/ spices in a container that can be put away when not in use and put on the table when it is time to eat.
4. Inside your tent, make everyone an area they are responsible for and have a designated place for dirty clothes, toiletries, etc.
5. Hang a line when you set up camp- there is somewhere ready for wet clothes and they do not end up thrown around.
6. I love this handwashing station and using the water you catch for washing dishes is genius!
7. You need 3 coolers- one for drinks and ice, one for sandwiches, snacks, and other quick things to grab. The third is for cooking items- keep meats and vegetables you will be cooking in this one and the ice will last longer. Put items in a Ziploc bag so they do not get waterlogged. You can also use large Ziploc bags to put items for meals together.
8. Dealing with grey water is part of keeping camp clean- be sure to know the local laws about disposing of grey water.
9. After you get home, set your tent up again to make sure it is completely dry- or it will mold and ruin. Same with awnings and cabanas.
10. Color-code your kids. Anything to cups, plates, and more. Make them responsible for keeping up with it and washing it. Get a bin that color and they can keep their toys in it as well.
Each family is different, but the main thing to remember is just like at home- a place for everything and everything in its place.
Free Printable: Simple Meal Planning
I see all these beautiful meal planning printables and have tried a few, but none seem to work for me. We take a simpler approach to meal planning. We put a list up, pick a meal for the next night, and mark it off- instead of going day by day. This is what works for us.
I've created this printable that may work for you. It has room for 12 meals, 4 simple meals, desserts, and ideas for the future- like if a family member tells you something they want. You can laminate it or put it in a picture frame. Write the meals available in the boxes and erase when you have cooked it.
When it is time to plan your next group of meals, there should be some left - you can write in more meals and make your list from that, all while knowing what you still have in hand. Meal planning is the one thing that I cannot plan very strenuously with, so maybe this will help you too!
I've created this printable that may work for you. It has room for 12 meals, 4 simple meals, desserts, and ideas for the future- like if a family member tells you something they want. You can laminate it or put it in a picture frame. Write the meals available in the boxes and erase when you have cooked it.
When it is time to plan your next group of meals, there should be some left - you can write in more meals and make your list from that, all while knowing what you still have in hand. Meal planning is the one thing that I cannot plan very strenuously with, so maybe this will help you too!
How To Sanitize A Hotel Room
Its that time of year that hotel stays pop up and we seem to be away from home more. Well, there is a hidden problem with this. Growing up, I would always be sick after staying at a hotel. It never failed- and it was every single time. Mom started sending Lysol with me to clean the hotel room- everyone thought I was strange, but I stopped getting sick. After the Mr and I started dating, I went on vacation with his family and was happily shocked to see his mom sanitizing the hotel room with Lysol! Now, with the kids, we are even more careful.
I know that people think hotel rooms are clean, but they are far from it. I didn't realize how dirty they are until I worked at a "very clean" resort that was not all that clean at all. It would take more than 5 minutes for housekeeping to clean if they were cleaned thoroughly. If needed, they spray down the sinks, toilets, and tubs and wipe them. They change the sheets and pillowcases (I've stayed in some with evidence that they didn't even do that and these were national chains). They vacuum and wipe down the table with a wet cloth. Then, they look for anything that has to be done and call it done. We did more than that at the resort, but I still wasn't happy, so I ended up spending more time cleaning than the "official" housekeeping.
I know that people think hotel rooms are clean, but they are far from it. I didn't realize how dirty they are until I worked at a "very clean" resort that was not all that clean at all. It would take more than 5 minutes for housekeeping to clean if they were cleaned thoroughly. If needed, they spray down the sinks, toilets, and tubs and wipe them. They change the sheets and pillowcases (I've stayed in some with evidence that they didn't even do that and these were national chains). They vacuum and wipe down the table with a wet cloth. Then, they look for anything that has to be done and call it done. We did more than that at the resort, but I still wasn't happy, so I ended up spending more time cleaning than the "official" housekeeping.
1. Create a cleaning kit. You don't have to do this. You can just take Clorox wipes and Lysol. However, I think creating a cleaning kit works best- you can keep it in your car all the time and have it when it is needed. Have- Lysol, Clorox Wipes, single-use laundry detergent, extra hand- sanitizer, and a cleaning cloth. You never know when you might need it.
2. Clean the hotel room before you take everything inside, or you are just putting germs on your things. This is where the cleaning kit really comes in handy- it is already ready for you.
3. Completely spray down the tub, toilet, sink, counter, bathroom floor and let it dry before you use it. Don't forget the bathroom doorknobs, toilet knob, sink and tub knobs, and light switches.
4. Soak the carpet with Lysol- I like where we stay now when we have a dog with us- they shampoo the carpets every day.
5. Spray the bed- don't forget the pillows, under the pillows, both sheets, and blankets- get the whole thing, not just the top.
6. Use a Clorox wipe on the table, chair arms, nightstand, clock, remote, TV buttons, TV screen, and handles of everything. Don't forget the air conditioner knob and light switches.
7. Spray the fronts of any tables or drawers- kids touch everything.
8. Don't forget the phone, doorknob, curtains, back of the door (once again, kids touch everything), and coffee pot/ hairdryer/ iron/ and other amenities.
9. Let the room air out while you carry in your items.
10. I know this is a lot of work, but once you are done, you'll be good to go for the rest of your trip. This may seem like overkill, but you never know what germs could have been spread before you got there, so it is worth not going home sick.
Free Printable: Fruit Of The Spirit Craft
My favorite part of our school day is Bible Study. I love seeing them learn about God, seeing that light on their face when they understand something, hearing their views on God, and listening to what they get out of scripture.
I made the kids this Fruit Of The Spirit printable a while back and they enjoyed it, so I thought I'd share it here. They keep the finished product in their bibles. Download here. (Directions below image)
I made the kids this Fruit Of The Spirit printable a while back and they enjoyed it, so I thought I'd share it here. They keep the finished product in their bibles. Download here. (Directions below image)
This is really simple. Have them color and cut out the pieces. Then, glue the Galations 5 piece to one inside of the orange, the blank orange to the other inside of the orange, and staple together like a book with the leaf on the outside.
Summer Picnic Style: Organized and Beautiful With #ThirtyOneGifts
This is not a sponsored post- I just love Thirty-One Gifts
Its that time of year! Time to go to the park, have picnics, barbeques, and spend time with family and friends out in the clean crisp air. We like to go to the river with the kids, to the lake with their cousins, and all kinds of other things along the way. No matter where we go, food is a part of the fun. Getting it there is not always so much fun, but Thirty-One Gifts can change that. Be sure to check out their Summer Essentials Guide.
For me, staying organized is the only way I can survive anything- family get-togethers are no different. Thirty-One has exactly what you need to get organized, be prepared, and have a fun day!
1. Start with a Large Utility Tote (LUT): You can fit all the items you need in. It never hurts to have two of them- use one for food, one for kid items like life jackets, games, first aid kits, and even a blanket.
2. Use a Double Duty Caddy for picnic supplies- you can fit silverware, paper towels, napkins, wet-wipes, and even plates inside. For items like silverware, use a jar to stand them up in.
3. Use an In The Clear Tote for your items- put your purse, a book, sunscreen, and other items for you in it and easily be able to see what you need.
Its that time of year! Time to go to the park, have picnics, barbeques, and spend time with family and friends out in the clean crisp air. We like to go to the river with the kids, to the lake with their cousins, and all kinds of other things along the way. No matter where we go, food is a part of the fun. Getting it there is not always so much fun, but Thirty-One Gifts can change that. Be sure to check out their Summer Essentials Guide.
For me, staying organized is the only way I can survive anything- family get-togethers are no different. Thirty-One has exactly what you need to get organized, be prepared, and have a fun day!
1. Start with a Large Utility Tote (LUT): You can fit all the items you need in. It never hurts to have two of them- use one for food, one for kid items like life jackets, games, first aid kits, and even a blanket.

2. Use a Double Duty Caddy for picnic supplies- you can fit silverware, paper towels, napkins, wet-wipes, and even plates inside. For items like silverware, use a jar to stand them up in.

3. Use an In The Clear Tote for your items- put your purse, a book, sunscreen, and other items for you in it and easily be able to see what you need.

4. The Littles Carry-All Caddy is perfect for condiments- keep them together on the table and during arrival- fill it up and throw it in the LUT

5. The Picnic Thermal Tote is a must-have for transporting drinks.

6. Going on a picnic with just the hubby and kids? The Zip-Top Organizing Utility Tote is the perfect size- put a thermal tote inside it to keep things hot or cold, supplies in the outside pockets, and then you still have room for everything else you need.

7. The Perfect Party Set is definitely a must-have. It works for cold or hot and fits casserole dishes perfectly!

8. Don't forget the beach towels!

9. The Fresh Market thermal is great for taking larger dishes- like crockpots and large pots- its also great for drinks!

Book Review: Learn To Draw Spider-Man
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
Learn to Draw Marvel Spider-Man is the ultimate guide to drawing everyone's favorite web-slinger! The step-by-step instructions in this 128-page book will have you drawing Spidey and your other favorite characters in no time.
With his spider powers and high-flying acrobatics, Spider-Man is one of the most famous and lasting Super Heroes of all time! In Learn to Draw Marvel Spider-Man, Marvel artist Cory Hamscher provides step-by-step instructions on how to draw not only Spider-Man but the many villains Spider-Man has come up against over the years. You'll get professional-quality lessons on how to draw Spider-Man (in seven different poses), the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Lizard, Venom, the Vulture, and Rhino.
Learn to Draw Marvel Spider-Man helps both beginning and advanced artists develop their skills by taking them through each drawing step-by-step. You will see every part of the artistic process, from beginning sketches to the finished color product. This drawing guide even comes with bonus character descriptions do you can get to know the rich backstory of every character. All you need is some drawing paper, drawing pencils, an eraser, and a copy ofLearn to Draw Marvel Spider-Manto get started!
My Tbomb has been obsessed since with Spider-Man since he was about 2 years old. It all started with a happy meal toy that was a light up Spider-Man car, and yes 6 years later and he still has that car, although his collection has dramatically increased. He has books, movies, posters, kites, backpack, hats, clothes, action figures, cars, basically, if they make it in Spider-Man, he has it. He's been trying for a while now to draw Spider-Man, but it is hard for a child who is as technical as my Tbomb.
That's what is so great about this book- it gives him step-by-step instructions on how to draw Spider-Man and his favorite villains. When I took the book out of the box, he literally danced and squeeled. He keeps it in his backpack so that he has it at home or away. We now have a house full of Spider-Man drawings, that are actually quite good!

With his spider powers and high-flying acrobatics, Spider-Man is one of the most famous and lasting Super Heroes of all time! In Learn to Draw Marvel Spider-Man, Marvel artist Cory Hamscher provides step-by-step instructions on how to draw not only Spider-Man but the many villains Spider-Man has come up against over the years. You'll get professional-quality lessons on how to draw Spider-Man (in seven different poses), the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Lizard, Venom, the Vulture, and Rhino.
Learn to Draw Marvel Spider-Man helps both beginning and advanced artists develop their skills by taking them through each drawing step-by-step. You will see every part of the artistic process, from beginning sketches to the finished color product. This drawing guide even comes with bonus character descriptions do you can get to know the rich backstory of every character. All you need is some drawing paper, drawing pencils, an eraser, and a copy ofLearn to Draw Marvel Spider-Manto get started!
My Tbomb has been obsessed since with Spider-Man since he was about 2 years old. It all started with a happy meal toy that was a light up Spider-Man car, and yes 6 years later and he still has that car, although his collection has dramatically increased. He has books, movies, posters, kites, backpack, hats, clothes, action figures, cars, basically, if they make it in Spider-Man, he has it. He's been trying for a while now to draw Spider-Man, but it is hard for a child who is as technical as my Tbomb.
That's what is so great about this book- it gives him step-by-step instructions on how to draw Spider-Man and his favorite villains. When I took the book out of the box, he literally danced and squeeled. He keeps it in his backpack so that he has it at home or away. We now have a house full of Spider-Man drawings, that are actually quite good!
Book Review: Learn To Draw Marvel's The Avengers
Disclaimer: I received this book to review. All opinions are my own.
NOTE: This book will not be released until June 5, 2018. You can preorder now.
The Avengers assemble in Learn to Draw Marvel's The Avengers, a 128-page guide that shows artists of all skill levels how to render characters from the world’s most prestigious and powerful Super Hero team. Marvel artist Cory Hamscher provides step-by-step instructions for drawing the Super Heroes and villains from the Avengers. Inside you’ll find drawing projects for Iron Man, Captain America, Falcon, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Black Panther, Vision, Nick Fury, Captain Marvel, Hela, and Loki.
Learn to Draw Marvel's The Avengers helps both beginning and advanced artists develop renderings from beginning sketches to finished product. There are also sections teaching some drawing fundamentals, basic human anatomy, and inking and coloring techniques used by professional comic book artists. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction, helpful artist tips, and bonus character biographies and fun facts, this book teaches professional technique and gives some of the rich backstory behind every character. It is the perfect book for Marvel fans and artists alike.
This is one of my son's new obsessions. He loves Ironman, Hulk, and the other Avengers (though not near as much as Spiderman) and he would prefer to draw over color any day. He takes this with him everywhere and is often seen drawing in the car. He's always telling me something new about the Avengers characters. This was definitely a winner for him - Although the drawing seems advanced, the directions are wonderful. He is 7 and does wonderfully.
NOTE: This book will not be released until June 5, 2018. You can preorder now.

Learn to Draw Marvel's The Avengers helps both beginning and advanced artists develop renderings from beginning sketches to finished product. There are also sections teaching some drawing fundamentals, basic human anatomy, and inking and coloring techniques used by professional comic book artists. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction, helpful artist tips, and bonus character biographies and fun facts, this book teaches professional technique and gives some of the rich backstory behind every character. It is the perfect book for Marvel fans and artists alike.
This is one of my son's new obsessions. He loves Ironman, Hulk, and the other Avengers (though not near as much as Spiderman) and he would prefer to draw over color any day. He takes this with him everywhere and is often seen drawing in the car. He's always telling me something new about the Avengers characters. This was definitely a winner for him - Although the drawing seems advanced, the directions are wonderful. He is 7 and does wonderfully.
Book Review: CSB Study Bible For Women
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
Now available in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation with revised and updated content and a fresh, new interior design, the CSB Study Bible for Women will equip you to reach deep into God’s Word. As the most comprehensive study Bible ever prepared for women and by women, the most powerful aspect of this Bible are the threads of specialized study thoughtfully woven throughout pointing you to God’s larger story and allowing the Holy Spirit to write His revealed truths on your heart. In the CSB Study Bible for Women, youll join a host of other women, all academically trained in the original languages of the Bible and passionate about God’s Word, for an intimately deep dive into Scripture that will equip you to unlock the riches and majesty of His Word, and ignite a passion to mentor others in your life to do the same.
I have been shocked at how much I have enjoyed reading this bible. I'm a King James Version Girl and always have been, besides when I was a teenager. Then, I read a New Century Version.This Christian Standard Bible reminds me a lot of it- it is easy to read, but does not take away from the meaning of the original scriptures. It is a beautiful Bible with gorgeous illustrations and so many added features, that there is always something new to take from the scripture. I have really loved learning about the women and culture of the Bible.
I have enjoyed it so much, that I am actually letting my mom borrow it. She is in a physical rehab fascility with an injured leg. With this, she can read the Bible and her pain and stroke effects do not seem to prevent her from understanding. It is a wonderful Bible and would be a great gift for a graduate, bride, bridesmaid, mom, or any other woman.
Book Review: BibleForce
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
My super-hero loving son fell in love with this book as soon as he saw it. Since then, he has carried it with him everywhere. He is currently reading his "big kid" bible and is working his way through starting at Genesis. However, he reads all day long and needs some change, so this was the perfect book for him. He loves the illustrations, the comic book like layout, and reading about the heroes of the bible.
I have been absolutely amazed at the discussions we have had about the bible that have stemmed from a story he read. That child loves God and loves the bible- he wants to know everything. This Bible storybook allows him to read and learn more, without it being too juvenile for a fairly advanced reader. I love walking out in the yard and seeing him reading it under the apple tree.
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BibleForce is a brand-new Bible storybook that is illustrated with exciting, comic-style artwork that kids will love.
Children will love the detail and action of BibleForce, and parents will love having a book that gets their children engaged in reading Bible stories. Vivid art, incredible detail, and easy-to-follow text will get readers of all ages enthusiastic about reading this chronological and fast-paced retelling of the Scriptures. It includes nearly 200 fully illustrated stories that take children through the adventure and action of the Bible and help kids understand the full story of the Bible. The focus on Bible heroes makes the stories even more thrilling.
BibleForce is a great book to be read together and is simple enough for young readers to read on their own. Kids won't be able to put down this book!
I have been absolutely amazed at the discussions we have had about the bible that have stemmed from a story he read. That child loves God and loves the bible- he wants to know everything. This Bible storybook allows him to read and learn more, without it being too juvenile for a fairly advanced reader. I love walking out in the yard and seeing him reading it under the apple tree.
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Book Review: Go To Sleep Sheep
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
Enter The Giveaway:
Tuck your little one in with Go to Sleep, Sheep!, a giggle-inducing story that helps convince even the most stubborn bedtime resisters to close their eyes and count a few sheep before bed. Children will love the cuddly cute artwork and sparkly glitter on the barn-shaped cover of this adorable book.
The silly sheep in Bedtime Barn don’t want to go to bed! Will they ever tire out?
“I’m thirsty!” squeaks a little voice.
“Please leave on a light!”
“I’m still not tired!” one cries out.
“Let’s have a tickle fight!”
Go to sleep, sheep!
If your little ones insist they aren’t sleepy, make bedtime more fun by curling up with this playful story. Once the silly sheep hit the hay, your sleepyheads will realize that bedtime isn’t so bad.
Go to Sleep, Sheep!, the first book in the Bedtime Barn series, features silly, sleepy sheep on the cover and a great, big, colorful barn as the background. Die-cut to the shape of the barn, this book is sure to catch the eye of parents and children alike! With a funny story and engaging artwork, the Bedtime Barn series has the potential to be a unique, popular good night book.
Barnyard themes are popular for showers, nurseries, and entertainment for children, making this book series a timely topic and thoughtful gift option. Go to Sleep, Sheep!, the delightful first story in the Bedtime Barn series, is a giggle-inducing bedtime book that families will enjoy together. Children will love this silly story of sleepy sheep who refuse to go to bed, and the bright, colorful artwork is cuddly cute.
The Bedtime Barn series is a charming addition to any family’s nighttime routine. With fun, charming artwork by Sydney Hanson and silly rhyming text, Go to Sleep, Sheep! appeals to a broad audience.
My kids absolutely love this book. It is adorable and they love listening to all of the different animals telling the sheep to go to sleep. We have even gotten a copy for a gift already- My nephew and his soon to be little brother are going to just love it.
The beautiful illustrations are classic, whimsical, and fun- it is sure to be a favorite in your family too!
Enter The Giveaway:
Aromatherapy Help From Quarto Knows
Disclaimer: I received books to review. All opinions are my own.
I have really been studying aromatherapy and how they can help my children. My daughter has an expressive communication disorder, spd, and an anxiety disorder. She is currently being tested for several other things, hoping we can get to the root of everything going on with her. My son has ADHD and some spd qualities. If I can calm them and help them without medication, that is definitely a win. I wanted to get them started with aromatherapy and essential oils, but didn't want to do it wrong. Quarto Knows stepped in and really helped me out.
Aromatherapy Kit
Start enjoying a healthier and more sustainable life with essential oils, all from the comfort of your own home!
Essential oils are an all-natural way to bring about peace, calm, energy, and many other states of being. An alternative route to stress relief and preventative care, these oils can truly help heal.
The Aromatherapy Kit contains information on all of the most common oils used in home remedies: orange, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, lemon, frankincense, geranium, and cedarwood. They are each profiled so you can use their individual attributes to create a unique blend for exactly what you need, with instructions given on whether oils are to be used topically or diffused around your home.
You'll find ideas on how to use essential oils for cleaning appliances, or freshening up clothes and musky closets. The book also includes advice on how to purchase and store essential oils for all of your aromatherapy uses. Find the aromas that best suit your lifestyles and develop a love for them that will last a lifetime.
The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing
Reduce stress and live better, naturally! Learn time-tested remedies and safe solutions for dealing with stress. In The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing founding member of the American Herbalist Guild Brigitte Mars offers time-tested remedies and advice to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, mood, immunity and mental acuity and live a more balanced and happier life. Natural remedies such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, flower essences, and therapeutic practices including yoga, aromatherapy, and meditation can ease the symptoms of stress-related conditions, and improve overall health and well-being.
Secrets of Aromatherapy

The power of natural fragrances has been recognized for thousands of years for their innate cleansing, healing, relaxing, and invigorating properties. Learn to harness them and let them play a vital role in your physical and emotional health.
Secrets of Aromatherapy is a thorough introduction to the therapeutic uses of essential oils, and provides an in-depth insight into the use of natural fragrances to improve relaxation and general well-being. From what to expect in a session to the history of oils employed as healing agents, discover the many ways aromatherapy can enhance your health and happiness.
I'm amazed at how simple aromatherapy is at its basic uses. These books are being kept handy in our home right now. Between my children's needs, my MIL's chemo and cancer treatment, and my own anxiety (I'm trying to get off all my medication), aromatherapy has become a vital part of our lives. I suggest that you definitely start with the Aromatherapy Kit, as it is the basics, and follow closely behind with the other two. The kit is wonderful and will help you get started in the right way. I have already used several of the recipes and cannot wait to try more.
I have really been studying aromatherapy and how they can help my children. My daughter has an expressive communication disorder, spd, and an anxiety disorder. She is currently being tested for several other things, hoping we can get to the root of everything going on with her. My son has ADHD and some spd qualities. If I can calm them and help them without medication, that is definitely a win. I wanted to get them started with aromatherapy and essential oils, but didn't want to do it wrong. Quarto Knows stepped in and really helped me out.
Aromatherapy Kit
Start enjoying a healthier and more sustainable life with essential oils, all from the comfort of your own home!
Essential oils are an all-natural way to bring about peace, calm, energy, and many other states of being. An alternative route to stress relief and preventative care, these oils can truly help heal.
The Aromatherapy Kit contains information on all of the most common oils used in home remedies: orange, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, lemon, frankincense, geranium, and cedarwood. They are each profiled so you can use their individual attributes to create a unique blend for exactly what you need, with instructions given on whether oils are to be used topically or diffused around your home.
You'll find ideas on how to use essential oils for cleaning appliances, or freshening up clothes and musky closets. The book also includes advice on how to purchase and store essential oils for all of your aromatherapy uses. Find the aromas that best suit your lifestyles and develop a love for them that will last a lifetime.
The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing
Reduce stress and live better, naturally! Learn time-tested remedies and safe solutions for dealing with stress. In The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing founding member of the American Herbalist Guild Brigitte Mars offers time-tested remedies and advice to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, mood, immunity and mental acuity and live a more balanced and happier life. Natural remedies such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, flower essences, and therapeutic practices including yoga, aromatherapy, and meditation can ease the symptoms of stress-related conditions, and improve overall health and well-being.
Secrets of Aromatherapy
The power of natural fragrances has been recognized for thousands of years for their innate cleansing, healing, relaxing, and invigorating properties. Learn to harness them and let them play a vital role in your physical and emotional health.
Secrets of Aromatherapy is a thorough introduction to the therapeutic uses of essential oils, and provides an in-depth insight into the use of natural fragrances to improve relaxation and general well-being. From what to expect in a session to the history of oils employed as healing agents, discover the many ways aromatherapy can enhance your health and happiness.
I'm amazed at how simple aromatherapy is at its basic uses. These books are being kept handy in our home right now. Between my children's needs, my MIL's chemo and cancer treatment, and my own anxiety (I'm trying to get off all my medication), aromatherapy has become a vital part of our lives. I suggest that you definitely start with the Aromatherapy Kit, as it is the basics, and follow closely behind with the other two. The kit is wonderful and will help you get started in the right way. I have already used several of the recipes and cannot wait to try more.
Book Review: God's Words of Life for Mothers
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
Regardless of what you find yourself facing as a mom, you can find peace and comfort in the eternal truths of Scripture. Encourage your heart and soul as you read through God’s Words of Life for Mothers, a beautiful book of curated verses to inspire you in every season. The cover features a beautiful fabric pattern from designer Amy Butler, and pages have unique scalloped edges.
Whether you’re busy amid life with littles or advising your grown children through early adulthood, lean on God’s wisdom to love your family well. God’s Words of Life for Mothers includes hundreds of verses carefully organized by the topics you need most—grace, rest, wisdom, prayer, and many more. No matter what you need on any given day, find the inspiration you need straight from the Word of God.
With a stylish cover and scalloped page edges, God’s Words of Life for Mothers is the perfect gift for any mom in your life!
This beautiful book is just what all mothers need. I'm constantly amazed that I find a scripture for everything I am going through. Even when I just sit down at the end of the day reflecting, there is a scripture for me. I love including this book in my daily bible reading. I keep it handy because if I am struggling with something, looking for answers, in tears, or trying to figure out what to tell my children, this book is there for me. Its like a best friend.
Whether you’re busy amid life with littles or advising your grown children through early adulthood, lean on God’s wisdom to love your family well. God’s Words of Life for Mothers includes hundreds of verses carefully organized by the topics you need most—grace, rest, wisdom, prayer, and many more. No matter what you need on any given day, find the inspiration you need straight from the Word of God.
With a stylish cover and scalloped page edges, God’s Words of Life for Mothers is the perfect gift for any mom in your life!
This beautiful book is just what all mothers need. I'm constantly amazed that I find a scripture for everything I am going through. Even when I just sit down at the end of the day reflecting, there is a scripture for me. I love including this book in my daily bible reading. I keep it handy because if I am struggling with something, looking for answers, in tears, or trying to figure out what to tell my children, this book is there for me. Its like a best friend.
Book Review: The Better Mom
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
The Better Mom: Growing in Grace Between Perfection and the Mess
Mothering is messy. Our joy and hope in raising children doesn’t change the reality that being a mom can be frustrating, stressful, and tiring. But just as God is using us to shape our children, God is using our children and motherhood to shape us.
In The Better Mom, author Ruth Schwenk, herself a mother of four children, encourages us with the good news that there is more to being a mom than the extremes of striving for perfection or simply embracing the mess. We don’t need to settle for surviving our kids’ childhood. We can grow through it.
With refreshing and heartfelt honesty Ruth emboldens moms to:
At the heart of The Better Mom is the message that Jesus calls us to live not a weary life, but a worthy life. We don’t have to settle for either being apathetic or struggling to be perfect. Both visions of motherhood go too far. Ruth offers a better option. She says, “It’s okay to come as we are, but what we’re called to do and be is far too important to stay there! The way to becoming a better mom starts not with what we are doing, but with who God is inviting us to become."
I have said to my children on more than one occasion: "My job is not to be nice and not to make you happy all the time. My job is to raise you to become responsible, caring, God-loving, contributing members of society." They never like this answer and I'm sure that I could probably say it in a nicer way, but it gets my point across. That is why I love this so much. Motherhood is messy and there is so much stress and pressure put on moms to be perfect and to have perfect kids, then the other moms say we're trying too hard when our kids do behave and we do actually hit the mark on something one out of one million times. Mom culture is like high school and it should not be like that.
Ruth Schwenk becomes a mom mentor helping you find the right balance and reminding you that every day while you are teaching your children lessons, they are teaching you lessons as well. Believe me- when you are with your children 24/7 like me (homeschool, work at home, take kids everywhere) having someone on your side through it all is a relief.
The Better Mom: Growing in Grace Between Perfection and the Mess
In The Better Mom, author Ruth Schwenk, herself a mother of four children, encourages us with the good news that there is more to being a mom than the extremes of striving for perfection or simply embracing the mess. We don’t need to settle for surviving our kids’ childhood. We can grow through it.
With refreshing and heartfelt honesty Ruth emboldens moms to:
- Find freedom and walk confidently in purpose
- Create a God-honoring home environment
- Overcome unhealthy and destructive emotions such as anger, anxiety, and more
- Avoid glorifying the mess of mom-ing or idolizing perfection
- Cultivate life-giving friendships
At the heart of The Better Mom is the message that Jesus calls us to live not a weary life, but a worthy life. We don’t have to settle for either being apathetic or struggling to be perfect. Both visions of motherhood go too far. Ruth offers a better option. She says, “It’s okay to come as we are, but what we’re called to do and be is far too important to stay there! The way to becoming a better mom starts not with what we are doing, but with who God is inviting us to become."
I have said to my children on more than one occasion: "My job is not to be nice and not to make you happy all the time. My job is to raise you to become responsible, caring, God-loving, contributing members of society." They never like this answer and I'm sure that I could probably say it in a nicer way, but it gets my point across. That is why I love this so much. Motherhood is messy and there is so much stress and pressure put on moms to be perfect and to have perfect kids, then the other moms say we're trying too hard when our kids do behave and we do actually hit the mark on something one out of one million times. Mom culture is like high school and it should not be like that.
Ruth Schwenk becomes a mom mentor helping you find the right balance and reminding you that every day while you are teaching your children lessons, they are teaching you lessons as well. Believe me- when you are with your children 24/7 like me (homeschool, work at home, take kids everywhere) having someone on your side through it all is a relief.
Book Review: Complete Guide To Bible Journaling
Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.

Discover a powerful and popular new way to engage with Scripture through art, as the world's leading Bible Journaling artists share their personal faith journeys. Includes hundreds of bonus stickers, index tabs, vellum overlays, and traceable illustrations. Available From Fox Chapel Publishing.
I love to make my bible pretty and do some journaling while doing my daily bible reading and bible study. However, I am not an artist and drawing is something I usually run from very fast. When I came across this book, I knew it was the book for me. Not only does it include some amazing ideas, techniques, and tips, but it also includes 400+ stickers, tabs, and overlays (that can also be used to trace). I've been having a blast decorating my bible. What I love the most is while I'm decorating, t gives me that moment that all I'm thinking about is God's word and the love he has for us and that is powerful. This book is perfect for beginners, as well as those that are looking to add a little something more to their journaling. I know some use a specific bible for journaling, but I use my every day reading bible. I just wish my women's study bible had room for it!

Discover a powerful and popular new way to engage with Scripture through art, as the world's leading Bible Journaling artists share their personal faith journeys. Includes hundreds of bonus stickers, index tabs, vellum overlays, and traceable illustrations. Available From Fox Chapel Publishing.
I love to make my bible pretty and do some journaling while doing my daily bible reading and bible study. However, I am not an artist and drawing is something I usually run from very fast. When I came across this book, I knew it was the book for me. Not only does it include some amazing ideas, techniques, and tips, but it also includes 400+ stickers, tabs, and overlays (that can also be used to trace). I've been having a blast decorating my bible. What I love the most is while I'm decorating, t gives me that moment that all I'm thinking about is God's word and the love he has for us and that is powerful. This book is perfect for beginners, as well as those that are looking to add a little something more to their journaling. I know some use a specific bible for journaling, but I use my every day reading bible. I just wish my women's study bible had room for it!
A post shared by Cari | Chief This Handler💠(@cari_on) on
Fundraiser Idea: The Mermaid Pillow Company
Are you part of a church, school, homeschool co-op, recreational department, or other organization that could benefit from a great fundraiser? Here's an awesome one to consider.
The Mermaid Pillow Company makes beautiful sequin pillows that have been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Parade, Parents Magazine, and even Womans Day. These beautiful pillows are of quality construction and materials. There are even gift sets available that include a pillow, blanket, and a sequin bracelet.
The Mermaid Pillow Company has partnered with Alex's Lemonade Stand, The Ronald McDonald House, and Lucky Fin to raise money for their amazing charities. Now, The Mermaid Pillow Company is looking to partner with other organizations to help them reach their fundraising goals.
Here Are The Facts:
The Mermaid Pillow Company makes beautiful sequin pillows that have been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Parade, Parents Magazine, and even Womans Day. These beautiful pillows are of quality construction and materials. There are even gift sets available that include a pillow, blanket, and a sequin bracelet.
The Mermaid Pillow Company has partnered with Alex's Lemonade Stand, The Ronald McDonald House, and Lucky Fin to raise money for their amazing charities. Now, The Mermaid Pillow Company is looking to partner with other organizations to help them reach their fundraising goals.

Here Are The Facts:
- There is a minimum of 100 pillows, but you can always talk with the company to see if there are exceptions
- A pillow can be created with the logo on the front and a matching sequin design on the back for a beautiful/ eye-catching design.
- There are no setup fees
- There are no out of pocket fees for the school or organization
- The Mermaid Pillow Company handles shipping & handling
- $5 of every pillow sold goes to the school or organization
- The application process is super simple and can be done online. See the application.
- Optional: You also have the option to purchase minimum quantities of the product at a reduced cost if you would like to sell the pillow on your own website, at events, etc
10 Things To Do Now To Prepare For Summer Camp
I know that it is only May and camps are still a ways away, but you can never start preparing too early. Here are some things to do while the kids are still in school to help get ready for camp.
1. Make sure all the "administrative" tasks are done: physicals, med checks, permission slips, emergency contact information, etc. You should have 3 copies of this- one for your records, one on hand for check-in day, and one to send to the camp with other paperwork.
2. Along The same lines, you should make a list of important phone numbers- camp counselor, camp director, general camp line, nurse line, local hospital, etc in case of emergency.
3. Make your child a list of important phone numbers to give your child, along with important camp numbers, and a map of the camp to keep in their backpack. My mom always sent a map of camp with me with important places- cabins, nurse, office, pool, classrooms, etc highlighted. On the back of this map was always people to contact if I needed them. Luckily, I knew the camp director and nurse, but these are handy for kids to know.
4. Know the mailing address and have a letter ready to mail so they will receive it after being at camp a couple days. Mom always did this and it was always nice to have mail in the first few days.
5. Make a shopping list and start picking up items now, so you don't have to do it all at once later. See if the camp has a reccommended packing list - this will help making your shop list.
6. Access your child's summer clothing and swimwear. You may need to buy things. If you know now what they need, you can catch things on sale.
7. Buy the items your child will need to pack with- once you have that, you can store the other items you pick up in them as you buy them. See this post for ideas.
8. Talk with parents who's children have been to that camp or a similar for tips.
9. Talk with your child about safety- wilderness, personal, and general.
10. Get your child excited- this is a wonderful experience. Get them excited about it.
10 Things To Pack That May Not Be Obvious
- Flashlight/ Bugspray/ Anti-Itch Cream/ Sunscreen: They may be obvious, but so easily forgotten
- Batteries and lots of them
- Charging Cables and cases
- shower shoes
- Lysol- I always sprayed the shower before I got in and I sprayed my bed when I got there
- Calling Card: They may need to call home. Even if they have a cell phone that back up is nice to have and gives mom and dad an extra sense of security.
- Extra towels- a towel only stays fresh so long and they will need an extra for the pool as well.
- Snacks- I always loved having snacks and candy for late nights hanging out in the cabin. Include a water bottle too. Throw in some change for vending machines.
- Does the camp include a talent show? Make sure your child has what they need to perform. If you child does yoga, pilates, or other excercises, make sure they have those items too- yoga socks might be a good option.
- Entertainment- sometimes life in a cabin can be boring- especially on rainy days, down days, and after several days at camp, even the evenings can get boring while hanging out with the other campers. Taking along puzzles, board games, cards, and coloring items can really help. This can help on the long drive to and from camp as well.
Packing For Summer Camp: What You Need To Pack and Stay Organized
All those years spent at summer camp, I learned a lot and I'm going let some of the geek shine through. I think packing was one of my favorite parts was making my list and actually packing. I spent about 7 years going every summer, so I think I have some handy advice. Although my kids are not venturing to camp, your kids may be, so I'm sharing.
Here are the things I think kids can benefit from and also help them learn responsibility and keep up with their own things.
1. A Trunk The only time I took a trunk was when I would be there for more than a week at a time. Otherwise, a large duffel worked just fine. Plus, our camp had lockers, so that helped too. However, when they will be gone longer, they need more things and their own space. A trunk can make them feel like they have their own space. It is a great investment too because your child can use it each year, can use it at home for out of season storage, and can even take it to college down the road.
I like these with wheels- they may need to move it by themselves sometime.
Here are the things I think kids can benefit from and also help them learn responsibility and keep up with their own things.
1. A Trunk The only time I took a trunk was when I would be there for more than a week at a time. Otherwise, a large duffel worked just fine. Plus, our camp had lockers, so that helped too. However, when they will be gone longer, they need more things and their own space. A trunk can make them feel like they have their own space. It is a great investment too because your child can use it each year, can use it at home for out of season storage, and can even take it to college down the road.
I like these with wheels- they may need to move it by themselves sometime.

2. A Backpack, Believe me, my backpack was never forgotten at home. Not only did it keep my items for my long ride to Camp Walter Johnson, but while I was there, I used it for my CD player, items for class, bible study, day hikes, and so much more. Plus, I was able to keep my water bottle, flashlight, bug spray, sunscreen, and camera with me wherever in camp I was. You could always use one from school, but like my kids, we always had an extra backpack for travel, camp, and sports.
This one from Thirty-One is my favorite and perfect. The smaller version is great for younger kids as well. (This is not a sponsored post, I just love Thirty-One)
3. Bedding can be tricky. I never was a fan of using my sleeping bag at camp. It was my home away from home and I wanted to be comfortable, so I took my sheets, pillows, thin blanket, and a thicker throw (sometimes it can get cold overnight). Lets not forget the special pretty pillow or stuffed animal to make it feel more like home. Also, the OCD child I was, I had to change my sheets half way through the week, so I always took an extra set.
I wish they had them then, but the Large Utility Tote from Thirty-One is perfect for this. It will hold it all. In fact, I use one when we stay with my parents or go camping to hold all of our bedding. You're in luck too because they are on special through the month of May. Check out the upgraded version as well.

TIP: Put a large garbage back in the bottom that your child can use as a laundry bag. Once the bed is made, they can open the garbage bag up and slide it under their bag for easy access. When it is time to pack and come home, they throw that garbage bag in their trunk and stuff the bedding back in.
4. If the camp has a formal or church service, investing in a hanging bag is a good idea. I always had one for church clothes, camp talent show, and camp dances. these are fairly inexpensive - one that just covers the clothes and the hangers stick through the top is perfect. It will keep them protected and wrinkle-free.
5. Toiletries. Unless you are packing with a trunk, I suggest staying away from putting toiletries in with clothes. I actually had a shampoo burst in my duffel. If you do, put them in a ziploc bag and then inside another bag. Lunch bags work great for transporting toiletries because they are insulated and sturdy- making it less likely to have leaks.
With a lunch bag, they could even use it for carrying their supplies to the showers instead of a basket- it can easily be wiped out and they are water resistant. Grab a zipper pouch to put a few makeup items in and they are set. You can buy a wide range of lunch bags and thermal totes so that all the bathroom supplies they need will fit. Many have outside pockets as well, which are handy.
Remember: this is non an all-inclusive list, but very general. If your child will be taking dance, music, and other classes or playing sports there may be additional items to include. As always, contact me if you have any questions.
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