Keeping Kids Healthy With #Glovies + Test Results

My kids have been spending more time in doctor's offices than usual lately and this will not be slowing down anytime soon. Not only am I having dental work done, but my poor Snapper is still not talking. She was tested for Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is not on the spectrum and is a very social child. Besides talking, she was right where she is supposed to be as far as developmentally speaking. The doctors did say that she has some anxiety, though, that they want to watch- most likely because she cannot talk. They did say that she obviously wants to, so that is more testing for us. I just want answers so that I can help my precious little girl reach her full potential and be happy. So, there is more testing for us.

Disclaimer: I did receive samples to facilitate my review. However, all opinions are my own.

With all these doctor visits, my kids have been battling colds like crazy, one time taking the whole family out of commission. I give them a zinc, echinecia, vitamin c blend, but this just isn't enough. I've been searching for a way to keep them from picking up germs in waiting rooms. When it is a three hour visit, it is hard for little ones to sit still. Glovies came to my rescue!
Glovies are disposible, mulitpurpose gloves for kids. They are perfect for art projects, cleaning, staying germ-free, sensory issues, and so much more. We have used them for craft projects, but mostly for visiting doctors, where they are needed the most.

I keep several pair, along with a few antibacterial wipes, in each kids' backpack. This way, they are always with them. If they have sat too long, tablets have died, schoolwork is finished, and they get bored, they can play with the toys. However, they have to leave the gloves on and clean their hands after they are done (we've had too many colds!)

I think these would be perfect for all families to keep on hand. They fit up to age 9, and have a ton of puposes. You can even use them for baking, crafts, public restrooms, potty training, chores, dog cleanup, and so much more. They are a great price too! Just $12.99 for a box of 100. Definitely worth it to me!

For more tips on keeping your family germ free, visit the My Mom Knows Best Blog!

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