How do you pack your family for vacation? Some families pack a suitcase for each person. Some pack one, some families do a combination of these. I think it would be adorable for each of the kids to have their own super- cute suitcases, but that just isn't feasible for us. It is much simpler, especially while the kids are little, to have one bag for all of us.
Growing up, my mom did a combination. Mom and dad in one bag; both boys in one bag; and me in my own bag because I could handle my own clothing. When the kids get older, I might separate theirs, but for now, we are all together. Even with us all together, I have to do things the right way to keep us organized.
Here are 10 tips for Packing Your Family For Vacation:
1. MAKE A LIST. I cannot stress this enough. It may seem like common sense, but I'm constantly surprised and the number of people who do not do this. When you write your list, literally, write everything you need, including socks, shoes, underpants, and jewelry. When it comes to clothes, I make a list for each person because each kid needs different things and that way I can concentrate on the one child at a time. Beside each item, I put a check box for each number of things I need. This really helps me keep track of everything!
2. SEPARATE OUTFITS. Whether you put them in zip bags, or just roll them up. Getting ready to go in the morning will be so much simpler with each outfit separated for wear.
3. PACK SWIMWEAR IN ZIPLOCK BAGS. Not only will this keep you organized, but it will also allow you to keep wet things separated when traveling home or while waiting to.
4. PUT PAJAMAS ON TOP. Make sure to put your pajamas for the first night, diapers, or anything else that will be needed on arrival day on top. After traveling, you will be so glad that you did.
5. SHOES. Pack shoes in either zip bags, or put a shower cap over the soles. This will keep clothes clean and germ-free.
6. PACK EXTRAS. You never know when a heavy rain will hit and soak you, flying food will hit, when you will spill barbecue on yourself, or chocolatey hands will attack (yes, they have all happened to me). Be sure to pack at least one extra outfit for everyone. For kids, especially littles, a couple would be good.
7. SOCKS. I always pack an extra pair of socks for each day. My brother got stuck in a quicksand pond when we were kids so that always sticks in my mind so I've always packed extra socks and shoes. then, once I had kids, I realized that we needed a pair for each day in the hotel. My kids hate shoes, but I won't let them walk barefoot in the room- those carpets are NASTY and we spray them with Lysol.
8. EMERGENCY CLOTHING. I cannot stress enough to pack a sweater and pants, even when traveling during the summer. We got caught in a strange weather pattern one year and we were camping. In July, we visited Maggie Valley, North Carolina and it was 48 degrees. We had to buy clothes. Now, I'm always sure to pack at least one warm outfit for everyone. (TIP: I pack this in a separate bag and leave it in the car).
9. SAFETY TIP. As an extra safety measure, we always take a picture of the kids each morning before we leave the hotel (we do this for day trips, trips to crowded locations, and when hiking as well). You may not remember the exact clothing your child has on, and this photo will be a great tool if the unimaginable ever happens. Better to be safe than sorry.
10. UTILIZE YOUR FAVORITE BRAND. By ow, you have all surely guessed that Thirty-One is by far one of my favorite brands EVER. I love their branding, beliefs, story, and especially products. They have such ingeous and useful items to keep everyone organized, even the man in your life! With Thirty-One gifts, I know that my organizational needs will be met in the most sylish way possible!

A no-sweat solution for the gym or practice, this durable bag comes with a special compartment to store your shoes. Pack it up for a weekend trip or as a carry-on while traveling. Comes with a detachable shoulder strap!
Size: Approx. 11”H x 22”L x 12”D