The Secrets of Sand: A Journey into the Amazing Microscopic World of Sand ($27), by Gary Greenburg, Carol Kiely, and Kate Clover, is a beautiful book full of facts and fun.
Every grain of sand is a snapshot in time: Each grain originated somewhere and is headed somewhere else. Biogenic sands often contain fragments of the hard tissues from marine organisms such as shells, corals, sponges, sea urchins, forams, and bryozoans. When these organisms die, the hard tissues that are left behind erode into some of the most spectacular grains of sand imaginable. In this book, deep-focus microscope photography, x-ray images, and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy reveal their secrets.Personally, I was amazed at the beauty that is in sand as we took this tour of sand across the world and beyond. My kids were completely intriged. I even overheard my oldest saying "I wonder what this dirt would look like under a microscope." I even look at sand differently now.
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