With everything else going on this time of year, it is also testing time. I was sent an artical from Educator.com to share with my readers. This time of the year, this will be really handy. I hope you get some tips that will help.
Time management is one of the top concerns facing high school and college students, especially as year-end activities also get factored in. Here are eight helpful time management techniques you can use in both your academic and personal life to make sure everything gets down as efficiently, effectively and stress-free as possible.
The Pomodoro Technique
Francesco Cirillo developed the Pomodoro Technique using a tomato-shaped timer (hence the name Pomodoro, which means tomato in Italian) to break work into 25 minute intervals separated by short breaks. Each work interval is known as a “Pomodoro” and their length can vary from 15 to 30 minutes followed by a five or 10 minute break. Every four pomodoros warrant a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes or whatever it takes for you to feel recharged. The idea is that frequent breaks promote improved mental agility and the breaks prevent burnout.Timeboxing
In the timeboxing method, each planned activity gets a time box (a fixed period of time) allocated to it. The goal is to complete that task within the allotted time box. By using time in specific intervals and deliverables, it can help prevent you from spending too much time on a task in pursuit of perfection. It also helps to overcome procrastination.Here are the steps of timeboxing:
- Choose the work or personal projects you want to complete.
- Identify what you need to accomplish for each task.
- Determine the amount of time you need to dedicate to each project and its objectives
- Achieve your objectives for each project within the set amount of time and stop working at the end of the timebox
- Did you accomplish your objective in more/less time than you needed? Use your results to fine tune your timeboxing method.
8:00 – 8:30 Exercise
8:30 – 9:00 Shower & breakfast
9:00 – 10:00 Reading newspapers, writing goals
10:00 – 10:30 Checking emails and replying
10:30 – 11:30 Completing chapters 3 and 4 of Philosophy text
11:30 – 12:00 Planning Theology report
The Eisenhower Method
The Eisenhower method, developed by US President Eisenhower, separates tasks according to the answers to two questions: “Is it urgent?” and “Is it important?” The task is placed into one of four quadrants according to these answers: “Important,” “Not important,” “Urgent” and “Not Urgent.”Here’s an example chart:
Not Urgent
Meeting deadlines; Troubleshooting a project |
Achieving objectives for a project; Networking, building relationships; Exercise |
Not Important
Replying to emails; Answering incoming phone calls; Interruptions from colleagues |
Checking Facebook; Reading emails frequently; Posting photos to Instagram |
Each quadrant has its own set of actions:
Not Urgent and Not Important
Checking Facebook, reading emails frequently, posting to Instagram
You should spend no time on these activities because they do not help you progress toward your goals.
Urgent and Not Important
Replying to emails, incoming phone calls, chatting with colleagues
Deal with people who interrupt you frequently by first politely stating that you’re busy, listening to their request and noting it for later. Otherwise, don’t spend time in the tasks in this quadrant because they also do not achieve real progress.
Urgent and Important
Deadlines, troubleshooting
You must tend to these items, but cannot plan for them because they pop up without warning. They will progress you toward your goals, but may temporarily interrupt your other tasks due to their urgency.
Not Urgent and Important
Achieving work toward a goal, exercise, networking
Spend most of your time on the tasks here. Although most people don’t, this area will make you the most productive.
Action-Planning Worksheet
Action-planning worksheets integrate action steps, target dates, estimated time and assigned responsibility to give a quick glance at the steps and timeline needed to achieve an objective. They can vary in complexity, with some worksheets including the steps involved within each step.A sample worksheet:
Objective: Prepare for geometry mid-term by November 30
step |
date |
time |
responsibility |
18 |
days |
Self |
21 |
days |
Self |
24 |
1 day |
Self |
25 |
days |
27 |
1 day |
& 3 friends |
days |
Self |
Milestone Chart
A milestone chart is a time-management technique that graphically displays project steps. To create one:- List the steps to finish the project
- Estimate the time required for each step
- Record the steps on the left of the chart with dates at the bottom
- Draw a line across the chart for each step, beginning at the planned start date and ending at the completion date of that step
Here’s a sample:
Objective: Prepare for geometry mid-term by November 30
Action steps with time estimates:
- Review lessons 1-2 3 days
- Review lessons 3-4 3 days
- Sample test and review homework 1 day
- Review lessons 5-6 3 days
- Group study 1 day
- Final review 2 days
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Date |
11/18 |
11/22 |
11/26 |
11/30 |
PERT Diagram
PERT is a more sophisticated time management technique. PERT stands for:Program
A PERT diagram is drawn by first listing the project steps and estimating the time required to complete each step. Then, draw a network of relationships among the steps. Each step is numbered and that number is shown in a circle with the time it takes to complete the step shown on a line leading to the next circle.
Steps that must be completed in order are shown on one path to clarify the sequencing. Steps that can be underway simultaneously are shown on different paths.
A PERT diagram shows the relationship among various steps and is an easy way to calculate the critical path. The critical path identifies steps that must be completed to avoid delaying the project’s completion. The critical path is shown as a broken line. It’s helpful to color each step as it’s completed and marking the actual duration over its estimate.
Objective: Produce a book report by May 31
Action steps with time estimates:
- Write draft 2 day
- Proofread 1 day
- Design cover 1 day
- Revise draft 3 days
- Proofread 1 day
- Make corrections, finalize 2nd draft 1 day
- Find images/create illustrations 2 days
- Complete, print, e-mail 1 day
Weekly Plans
Spending Friday or part of the weekend developing a plan for the following week helps to set the tone for a productive week ahead. It should include what you want to accomplish by the end of the week and what you need to do to get you there.A weekly worksheet can vary in complexity according to your needs. It can be referred to frequently and prioritized accordingly.
Here’s a sample:
Weekly planning worksheet
For the week of: November 2 - 6
Activities |
Priority |
time |
day |
chapters 8 and 9 of American Government textbook |
B |
minutes |
3 |
outline for book report |
A |
hour |
2 |
chapter 3 of Algebra text |
B |
minutes |
3 |
CSS assignment |
A |
hour 30 minutes |
6 |
at animal shelter |
C |
hour |
4 |
practice |
A |
hours |
5 |
Daily Plans
Creating a daily plan at the beginning of the day is a good habit to create. You can record your activities in a simple list of “things to do today” or make a worksheet.This helps to focus your attention on achieving your objectives in order of importance. You can work from high- to low-priority items and keep distractions away. If something unexpected arises, deal with it promptly and continue with your list.
After the day is over, review what has been accomplished and bring any other tasks to the next day if they have yet to be completed. The form is not important; a daily to-do list can be written or typed anywhere. It only matters that you follow it throughout the day.
Here’s a sample of the basic list:
Things to do today
- Book flight
- Review final chapter of English textbook
- Do multiple choice prep-test
- Review vocabulary for Chinese exam
- Lunch with Sam
- Make doctor’s appointment
- Here’s a sample of a daily planning sheet:
Date: October 15, 2015
to complete |
Appointments |
final chapter of English textbook
multiple choice prep-test
vocabulary for Chinese exam
7:00 |
8:00 |
calls to make |
meeting with Andrea |
doctor’s appointment
10:00 |
11:00 |
to see |
with Sam |
with Sam |
1:00 |
progress meeting with team |
Just as different people have different preferred learning methods, a time management technique that works for your friend might not be the right fit for you. These eight time management techniques give you plenty of options and room to try out different methods until you find the one that you’re most comfortable and effective with.
Mastering time management, especially a routine technique you can fall back on during particular times of stress, will have benefits far beyond finals week. Time management is a great skill to have and will serve you well at work and home throughout life.
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