On The Go: Kids' Backpacks

Over the past 5 years, I have struggled with keeping the kids organized while we are out and about and on vacation. I've tried several different approaches and finally found what works for my kids. They take their backpacks (stocked with everything they need) everywhere they go. If it is going to be an especially long day, a road trip, or doctor visit (then they need extra things), I carry a simple tote to put the extra stuff in. The main thing about this approach is making sure their backpacks are stocked, organized, and ready to go. This is what our set up looks like.

Yes, they are color coded and that is extremely important in our house. Without color-coding, everything goes crazy. Each kid has their backpack (the LeapFrog toy and Vtech) toys are always put in the backpacks before we leave. Their tablet cases (Kodabug has a LeapPad and Tbomb has an Android Tablet) with everything they need for them are taken on longer days or when we need them to be quiet. Each tablet case has a charger, extra batteries, battery pack, neoprene sleve, and extra headphones all ready to go. When we leave, we just put their tablets inside and go.

Besides the tablet cases, this is what is in their backpacks. Each kid has basically the same thing, but color coded or age-appropriate.

Each backpack contains: 

Change of clothes in a ziploc bag

Mini first aid in a ziploc (Boogie wipes, Benadryl, hand wipes, bandaids, and moquito bracelet). I wish Tylenol made a single serve for this purpose.


Water bottle (Not pictured)- this is a collapsable water bottle in case I forget their drink- I have done it before. Now, I can just buy a water bottle and put it in a kid-friendly bottle.

Flashlight (my kids are obsessed with flashlights)


Activity Pack (pencil pouch full of goodies)

Toy Bag- this is one of those pouches that flat sheets come in (we put them over the couches for the dogs) and I snagged the pouch. The kids get to choose enough toys to fill it and that is it.

Magna Doodle


Drink/ Toy leash

Electronic toy

Each kid usually also has a doll or action figure as well.

Tip: Use the front pocket of the backpack for the change of clothes and first aid. That keeps it separate so the kids don't get into it. I also put the sunglasses and flashlight in it. 

Getting a backpack ready to go will save time and sanity. How do you keep your kids organized and entertained on the go?

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